502 research outputs found

    Relación entre la composición química corporal, la fertilidad y la prolificidad en conejas nulíparas.

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    En los sistemas actuales de manejo de conejas reproductoras, la primera inseminación artificial (IA) se realiza a una edad fija sin tener en cuenta la composición corporal ni el peso. Por lo cual, en el momento de la IA se observan generalmente diferencias de peso entre las conejas de un mismo sistema de recría (Rommers et al., 2002) y de la composición corporal (Rebollar et al., 2011). Este trabajo pretende evaluar el efecto de la composición química corporal y el peso en conejas nulíparas sobre su fertilidad y su prolificidad en el primer part

    Thymidilate synthase and p53 primary tumour expression as predictive factors for advanced colorectal cancer patients

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    The purpose of this work was to analyse the ability of p53 and thymidilate synthase (TS) primary tumour expression to retrospectively predict clinical response to chemotherapy and long-term prognosis in patients with advanced colorectal cancers homogeneously treated by methotrexate (MTX)-modulated–5-fluorouracil (5-FU-FA). A total of 108 advanced colorectal cancer patients entered the present retrospective study. Immunohistochemical p53 (pAb 1801 mAb) and TS (TS106 mAb) expression on formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded primary tumour specimens was related to probability of clinical response to chemotherapy, time to progression and overall survival. p53 was expressed in 53/108 (49%) tumours, while 54/108 (50%) showed TS immunostaining. No relationship was demonstrated between p53 positivity and clinical response to chemotherapy (objective response (OR): 20% vs 23%, in p53+ and p53– cases respectively) or overall survival. Percent of OR was significantly higher in TS-negative with respect to TS-positive tumours (30% vs 15% respectively;P< 0.04); simultaneous analysis of TS and p53 indicated 7% OR for p53-positive/TS-positive tumours vs 46% for p53-positive/TS-negative tumours (P< 0.03). Logistic regression analysis confirmed a significant association between TS tumour status and clinical response to chemotherapy (hazard ratio (HR): 2.91; 95% confidence interval (CI) 8.34–1.01; two-sided P< 0.05). A multivariate analysis of overall survival showed that only a small number of metastatic sites was statistically relevant (HR 1.89; 95% CI 2.85–1.26; two-sided P< 0.03). Our study suggests that immunohistochemical expression of p53 and TS could assist the clinician in predicting response of colorectal cancer patients to modulated MTX-5-FU therapy. © 2000 Cancer Research Campaig

    O complexo Atuba: um cinturão paleoproterozóico intensamente retrabalhado no Neoproterozóico

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    Studies of terranes between the northern Ribeira and southern Dom Feliciano Belts allow the characterization of three geotectonic domains with different evolutions: the Luís Alves, Curitiba and Paranaguá terranes. The Atuba Complex occurs in the Curitiba Domain, which has a northwestern limit with metassediments of the Açungui and Setuva Groups and a southwestern limit with the granulitic gneisses of the Luis Alves domains. The contacts are expressive shear zones. The predominant rocks of the Curitiba Domain are banded, migmatitic gneisses in amphibolite grade with biotite-amphibole gneissic mesosomes and tonalitic/granodioritic to granitic leucosomes, here called the Atuba Complex. The migmatites are Paleoproterozoic (2.000 ± 200 Ma) and remigmatized in Neoproterozoic (600 ± 20 Ma). During the latter period temperatures reached more than 500º C. The structural pattem indicated shear-controlled tectonics with an important lateral component, and low-angle, south-southeastwards transport direction. The terranes of the Atuba Complex appear to represent deep-level rocks which were migmatized, granitized and then added to the border of the Luis Alves Microplate during the Neoproterozoic. This late Neoproterozoic tectonic scheme which continued to the Cambro-Ordoviciano seems to be the result of larger-scale processes of continental agglutination which ended with the formation of western Gondwanaland.Os estudos realizados nos terrenos localizados entre os Cinturões Ribeira (N) e Dom Feliciano (S) permitiram caracterizar a existência de três domínios geotectônicos com evoluções próprias e distintas: Domínios Luis Alves, Curitiba e Paranaguá. O Complexo Atuba se insere no âmbito do Domínio Curitiba, que se limita a noroeste com as seqüências metassedimentares dos Grupos Açungui e Setuva, e a sudeste com os gnaisses granulíticos do Domínio Luis Alves, contatos esses que se fazem por importantes zonas de cisalhamento. Predominam no Domínio Curitiba rochas gnáissicas bandadas, migmatíticas, do fácies anfibolito, representadas principalmente por biotita-anfibólio-gnaisses contendo leucossomas de composições tonalitogranodioríticas além de graníticas, que compõem o aqui denominado Complexo Atuba. Caracteriza-se por migmatitos formados no Paleoproterozóico (2.000 ± 200 Ma), remigmatizados no Neoproterozóico (600± 20 Ma), período esse em que as isotermas atingiram temperaturas superiores a 500 ºC. O padrão estrutural observado é indicativo de uma tectônica controlada em grande parte por cisalhamento, com importante componente lateral, e transporte relativo em direção a sul-sudeste. As rochas pertencentes ao Complexo Atuba representam terrenos relativamente profundos, do fácies anfibolito, migmatizados, granitizados acrescidos à borda do Domínio Luis Alves (Microplaca Luis Alves) durante o Neoproterozóico. Este quadro tectônico definido no final do Neoproterozóico com continuidade até o Cambro-Ordoviciano, parece ser o resultado de processos maiores, envolvendo aglutinações de massas continentais, que culminaram com a formação do Gondwana Ocidental

    Power in Transition: An Interdisciplinary Framework to Study Power in Relation to Structural Change

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    This article conceptualizes power in the context of long-term process of structural change. First, it discusses the field of transition studies, which deals with processes of structural change in societal systems on the basis of certain presumptions about power relations, but still lacks an explicit conceptualization of power. Then the article discusses some prevailing points of contestation in debates on power. It is argued that for the context of transition studies, it is necessary to develop an interdisciplinary framework in which power is explicitly conceptualized in relation to change. Subsequently, such a framework is presented, with reference to existing literature on power. Starting with a philosophical and operational definition of power, a typology is developed of the different ways in which power can be exercised, explicitly including innovative power and transformative power. Finally, the presented power framework is applied to transition studies, redefining pivotal transition concepts in terms of power and formulating hypotheses on the role of power in transitions. By doing so, the article not only offers an interdisciplinary framework to study power in the context of transition studies, but also contributes to power debates more generally by including innovation and transformation as acts of power, and thereby proposes a re-conceptualization of the relation between power and structural change

    Decay of the High-K Isomeric State to a Rotational Band in 257Rf

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    The 257Rf isotope has been populated via the 208Pb(50Ti, n) fusion-evaporation reaction and delayed gamma-ray and electron decay spectroscopy has been performed. The existence of a high-K isomeric state in 257Rf has been confirmed. The isomeric state decays into a rotational band based on the 11/2(-)[725] excitation, which was observed up to spin of (23/2(-)). Three multipolarity-E1 gamma transitions depopulating the isomeric state have been observed, which fixes the spin for that state to (21/2(+)). This assignment agrees with theoretical predictions calculated with the microscopic-macroscopic approach, which suggest the isomeric state to be formed by coupling an unpaired 11/2(-)[725] quasineutron to the (1/2(-)[521] circle times 9/2(+)[624])(5)- two-quasiproton state. The same two-quasiproton excitation is possible for the lowest isomer in 256Rf

    Towards a Critique of Educative Violence: Walter Benjamin and ‘Second Education’

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    Although modern systems of mass education are typically defined in their opposition to violence, it has been argued that it is only through an insistent and critical focus upon violence that radical thought can be sustained. This article seeks to take up this challenge in relation to Walter Benjamin’s lesser-known writings on education. Benjamin retained throughout his life a deep suspicion about academic institutions and about the pedagogic, social and economic violence implicated in the idea of cultural transmission. He nonetheless remained committed to the possibility of another kind of revolutionary potential inherent to true education and, when he comes to speak of this in his Critique of Violence, it is remarkable that he describes it as manifesting an educative violence. This article argues that Benjamin’s philosophy works toward a critique of educative violence that results in a distinction between a ‘first’ and ‘second’ kind of education and asks whether destruction might have a positive role to play within pedagogical theories in contrast to current valorisations of creativity and productivity

    The private military industry and neoliberal imperialism: Mapping the terrain

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    Despite the international reach, and increasing global importance, of the free market provision of military and security services—which we label the Private Security Industry (PSI)—management and organization studies has yet to pay significant attention to this industry. Taking up Grey’s (2009) call for scholarship at the boundaries between security studies and organization studies and building on Banerjee’s (2008) treatment of the PSI as a key element in necrocapitalism, in this article we aim to trace the long history of the PSI and argue that it has re-emerged over the last two decades against, and as a result of, a very specific politico-economic backdrop. We then suggest that the PSI operates as a mechanism for neoliberal imperialism; demonstrate its substitution for and supplementing of the state; and count some of the costs of this privatization of war. Finally, we take seriously Hughes’s (2007) thesis of the growth of a new security-industrial complex, and of the intersecting elites who benefit from this phenomenon

    The influence on survival of delay in the presentation and treatment of symptomatic breast cancer

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    The aim of this study was to examine the possible influence on survival of delays prior to presentation and/or treatment among women with breast cancer. Duration of symptoms prior to hospital referral was recorded for 2964 women who presented with any stage of breast cancer to Guy's Hospital between 1975 and 1990. Median follow-up is 12.5 years. The impact of delay (defined as having symptoms for 12 or more weeks) on survival was measured from the date of diagnosis and from the date when the patient first noticed symptoms to control for lead-time bias. Thirty-two per cent (942/2964) of patients had symptoms for 12 or more weeks before their first hospital visit and 32% (302/942) of patients with delays of 12 or more weeks had locally advanced or metastatic disease, compared with only 10% (210/2022) of those with delays of less than 12 weeks (P< 0.0001). Survival measured both from the date of diagnosis (P< 0.001) and from the onset of the patient's symptoms (P= 0.003) was worse among women with longer delays. Ten years after the onset of symptoms, survival was 52% for women with delays less than 12 weeks and 47% for those with longer delays. At 20 years the survival rates were 34% and 24% respectively. Furthermore, patients with delays of 12–26 weeks had significantly worse survival rates than those with delays of less than 12 weeks. Multivariate analyses indicated that the adverse impact of delay in presentation on survival was attributable to an association between longer delays and more advanced stage. However, within individual stages, longer delay had no adverse impact on survival. Analyses based on ‘total delay’ (i.e. the interval between a patient first noticing symptoms and starting treatment) yielded very similar results in terms of survival to those based on delay to first hospital visit (delay in presentation). © 1999 Cancer Research Campaig