846 research outputs found

    Chiral Lagrangian with higher resonances and flavour SU(3) SU(3) breaking

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    A chiral Lagrangian with SU(3) SU(3) breaking and higher resonances is proposed. In this model, the SU(3) SU(3) breaking structure in vector-pseudoscalar sector is realized with the decay constants of pseudoscalar mesons and the masses of vector mesons used as inputs. We examine whether the resulting SU(3) SU(3) breaking effect in the charge radii of pseudoscalar mesons is consistent with the experimental facts.Comment: 29 pages, REVTEX(ver.3), DPNU-93-3

    Study of BDπB\to D^{**} \pi decays

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    We investigate the production of the novel PP-wave mesons D0D^{*}_{0} and D1(D1)D^{\prime}_{1} (D_{1}), identified as JP=0+J^{P}=0^+ and 1+1^+, in heavy BB meson decays, respectively. With the heavy quark limit, we give our modelling wave functions for the scalar meson D0D^{*}_{0}. Based on the assumptions of color transparency and factorization theorem, we estimate the branching ratios of BD0πB\to D^{*}_{0} \pi decays in terms of the obtained wave functions. Some remarks on D1()D^{(\prime)}_{1} productions are also presented.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figures, Revtex4, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Study of color suppressed modes B0Dˉ()0η()B^0 \to \bar D^{(*)0} \eta^{(\prime)}

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    The color suppressed modes B0Dˉ()0η()B^0 \to \bar D^{(*)0} \eta^{(\prime)} are analyzed in perturbative QCD approach. We find that the dominant contribution is from the non-factorizable diagrams. The branching ratios calculated in our approach for B0Dˉ()0ηB^0 \to \bar D^{(*)0} \eta agree with current experiments. By neglecting the gluonic contribution, we predict the branching ratios of B0Dˉ()0ηB^0 \to \bar D^{(*)0} \eta' are at the comparable size of B0Dˉ()0π0B^0 \to \bar D^{(*)0} \pi^0, but smaller than that of B0Dˉ()0ηB^0 \to \bar D^{(*)0} \eta .Comment: revtex, 5 pages, axodraw.st

    Factorization and Endpoint Singularities in Heavy-to-Light decays

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    We prove a factorization theorem for heavy-to-light form factors. Our result differs in several important ways from previous proposals. A proper separation of scales gives hard kernels that are free of endpoint singularities. A general procedure is described for including soft effects usually associated with the tail of wavefunctions in hard exclusive processes. We give an operator formulation of these soft effects using the soft-collinear effective theory, and show that they appear at the same order in the power counting as the hard spectator contribution.Comment: 5 pages, Added details on comparison with the literatur

    Nonfactorizable contributions to BD()MB \to D^{(*)} M decays

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    While the factorization assumption works well for many two-body nonleptonic BB meson decay modes, the recent measurement of BˉD()0M0\bar B\to D^{(*)0}M^0 with M=πM=\pi, ρ\rho and ω\omega shows large deviation from this assumption. We analyze the BD()MB\to D^{(*)}M decays in the perturbative QCD approach based on kTk_T factorization theorem, in which both factorizable and nonfactorizable contributions can be calculated in the same framework. Our predictions for the Bauer-Stech-Wirbel parameters, a2/a1=0.43±0.04|a_2/a_1|= 0.43\pm 0.04 and Arg(a2/a1)42Arg(a_2/a_1)\sim -42^\circ and a2/a1=0.47±0.05|a_2/a_1|= 0.47\pm 0.05 and Arg(a2/a1)41Arg(a_2/a_1)\sim -41^\circ, are consistent with the observed BDπB\to D\pi and BDπB\to D^*\pi branching ratios, respectively. It is found that the large magnitude a2|a_2| and the large relative phase between a2a_2 and a1a_1 come from color-suppressed nonfactorizable amplitudes. Our predictions for the Bˉ0D()0ρ0{\bar B}^0\to D^{(*)0}\rho^0, D()0ωD^{(*)0}\omega branching ratios can be confronted with future experimental data.Comment: 25 pages with Latex, axodraw.sty, 6 figures and 5 tables, Version published in PRD, Added new section 5 and reference

    Futher Study of CP Violation and Branching Ratios for B0ˉJ/ψKs\bar{B^0}\to J/\psi K_s and B0ˉϕKs\bar{B^0}\to \phi K_s in the Standard Model and Beyond

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    In this work we study the CP violation for B0ˉJ/ψKs\bar{B^0}\to J/\psi K_s and B0ˉϕKs\bar{B^0}\to \phi K_s up to leading and next-to-leading order QCD corrections in the standard model, two-Higgs-doublet model and the minimal supersymmetric extension of the standard model. We also study the effect of new physics on the branching ratios of these two decay modes. We find that within the parameter space constrained by the observation of the decay bsγb\to s\gamma, new physics does not affect the CP asymmetries greatly, and the prediction of new physics to the branching ratios of B0ˉJ/ψKs\bar{B^0}\to J/\psi K_s and B0ˉϕKs\bar{B^0}\to \phi K_s is the same as that of the standard model up to a minor discrepancy as far as the Yukama couplying constants are perturbative.Comment: some figures being reduced, accepted by J. Physics

    Revisiting the T2K data using different models for the neutrino-nucleus cross sections

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    We present a three-flavour fit to the recent \nu\mu --> \nu e and \nu\mu --> \nu\mu T2K oscillation data with different models for the neutrino-nucleus cross section. We show that, even for a limited statistics, the allowed regions and best fit points in the (\theta_{13},\delta_{CP}) and (\theta_{23},\Delta m^2_{atm}) planes are affected if, instead of using the Fermi Gas model to describe the quasielastic cross section, we employ a model including the multinucleon emission channel.Comment: 13 pages, 12 figures. A new section on the inverted hierarchy added. Version matching the published one in PL

    Semileptonic B(Bs,Bc)B(B_s, B_c) decays in the light-cone QCD sum rules

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    Semileptonic BB(Bs,BcB_s, B_c) decays are investigated systematically in the light-cone QCD sum rules. Special emphasis is put on the LCSR calculation on weak form factors with an adequate chiral current correlator, which turns out to be particularly effective to control the pollution by higher twist components of spectator mesons. The result for each channel depends on the distribution amplitude of the the producing meson. The leading twist distribution amplitudes of the related heavy mesons and charmonium are worked out by a model approach in the reasonable way. A practical scenario is suggested to understand the behavior of weak form factors in the whole kinematically accessible ranges. The decay widths and branching ratios are estimated for several BB(BcB_c) decay modes of current interest.Comment: 8 pages, talk given by the first arthur at 4th International Conference on Flavor Physics (ICFP 2007), Beijing, China, Sept 24-28, 200