136 research outputs found

    Ictal propagation of high frequency activity is recapitulated in interictal recordings: effective connectivity of epileptogenic networks recorded with intracranial EEG

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    Seizures are increasingly understood to arise from epileptogenic networks across which ictal activity is propagated and sustained. In patients undergoing invasive monitoring for epilepsy surgery, high frequency oscillations have been observed within the seizure onset zone during both ictal and interictal intervals. We hypothesized that the patterns by which high frequency activity is propagated would help elucidate epileptogenic networks and thereby identify network nodes relevant for surgical planning. Intracranial EEG recordings were analyzed with a multivariate autoregressive modeling technique (short-time direct directed transfer function--SdDTF), based on the concept of Granger causality, to estimate the directionality and intensity of propagation of high frequency activity (70-175 Hz) during ictal and interictal recordings. These analyses revealed prominent divergence and convergence of high frequency activity propagation at sites identified by epileptologists as part of the ictal onset zone. In contrast, relatively little propagation of this activity was observed among the other analyzed sites. This pattern was observed in both subdural and depth electrode recordings of patients with focal ictal onset, but not in patients with a widely distributed ictal onset. In patients with focal ictal onsets, the patterns of propagation recorded during pre-ictal (up to 5 min immediately preceding ictal onset) and interictal (more than 24h before and after seizures) intervals were very similar to those recorded during seizures. The ability to characterize epileptogenic networks from interictal recordings could have important clinical implications for epilepsy surgery planning by reducing the need for prolonged invasive monitoring to record spontaneous seizures

    Review of the methods of determination of directed connectivity from multichannel data

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    The methods applied for estimation of functional connectivity from multichannel data are described with special emphasis on the estimators of directedness such as directed transfer function (DTF) and partial directed coherence. These estimators based on multivariate autoregressive model are free of pitfalls connected with application of bivariate measures. The examples of applications illustrating the performance of the methods are given. Time-varying estimators of directedness: short-time DTF and adaptive methods are presented

    Disruption of the sea bass skin-scale barrier by antidepressant fluoxetine and estradiol: in vivo and in vitro evidence

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    Trabajo presentado en la Joint 30th Conference of the European Society for Comparative Endocrinology and of the 9th International Society for Fish Endocrinology, celebrada en Faro (Portugal) del 04 al 08 de septiembre de 2022.Fluoxetine (FLX) is a highly prescribed selective inhibitor of serotonin-reuptake and an emerging pollutant affecting fish behaviour, stress and reproduction, but little is known about possible actions and mechanisms in barrier tissues. We combined in vivo and in vitro approaches to demonstrate multi-level impacts of FLX on the sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) skin-scale barrier and on the estrogenic system. Juvenile sea bass intraperitoneally injected with FLX had significantly increased levels of FLX and its metabolite nor-FLX. In contrast to the natural estrogen E2, FLX did not increase plasma calcium, phosphorus (P) or vitellogenin, although a slight decrease in scale P content was detected. Quantitative SWATH-MS proteomics of the scales identified 134 proteins that were affected by FLX. Modified proteins were mainly related to extracellular matrix and protein turnover and energy production, 31 of which were also affected by E2. Multiple estrogen receptors and genes related to serotonin activity, transport and degradation were expressed in sea bass scales and transcript abundance of some of them was modulated by E2 and/or FLX. Using a minimally invasive in vitro bioassay with cultured sea bass scales and adhering epithelia we showed direct effects of FLX exposure on enzymatic activity associated with mineral mobilization, while the expression of estrogen receptors was not significantly affected. In in vitro receptor-reporter assays, FLX alone did not activate any of the three sea bass nuclear estrogen receptors but had antiestrogenic effects on Esr1/2b when in co-treatment with E2, and directly activated both plasma membrane Gprotein-coupled estrogen receptors. The combination of in vitro and in vivo assays substantiated the notion that FLX disrupted scale physiology through several different processes, with probable consequences for fish health, and revealed that some of the mechanisms of disruption can result from direct interaction with multiple estrogen .Projects UIDB/04326/2020, PTDC/AAG-GLO/4003/2012 and DL57/2016/CP1361/CT0015 from FCT (Pt); EU Interreg FR-UK project RedPol; grant AGL2015-67477-C2-1- R (Sp)

    Healthcare staff's experience in providing end-of-life care to children: A mixed-method review.

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    BACKGROUND: Staff who provide end-of-life care to children not only have to deal with their own sense of loss but also that of bereaved families. There is a dearth of knowledge on how they cope with these challenges. AIM: The aim of this review is to explore the experiences of healthcare professionals who provide end-of-life care to children in order to inform the development of interventions to support them, thereby improving the quality of paediatric care for both children and their families. DATA SOURCES: Searches included CINAHL, MEDLINE, Web of Science, EMBASE, PsychINFO and The Cochrane Library in June 2015, with no date restrictions. Additional literature was uncovered from searching reference lists of relevant studies, along with contacting experts in the field of paediatric palliative care. DESIGN: This was a systematic mixed studies review. Study selection, appraisal and data extraction were conducted by two independent researchers. Integrative thematic analysis was used to synthesise the data. RESULTS: The 16 qualitative, 6 quantitative and 8 mixed-method studies identified included healthcare professionals in a range of settings. Key themes identified rewards and challenges of providing end-of-life care to children, the impact on staff's personal and professional lives, coping strategies and key approaches to help support staff in their role. CONCLUSION: Education focusing on the unique challenges of providing end-of-life care to children and the importance of self-care, along with timely multidisciplinary debriefing, are key strategies for improving healthcare staff's experiences, and as such the quality of care they provide

    Concentrations and size distributions of fungal bioaerosols in a municipal landfill

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    The object of this research was to study the behavior of fungal bioaerosols during a sampling period of 12 months (April 2015–April 2016), in each treatment stages of a landfill located in Atlántico Department, Colombia. The fungi bioaerosol samples were collected using a Six-Stage Viable Andersen Cascade Impactor - Thermo Fisher Scientific, a vacuum pump with a flow rate of 28.3 L/min–1, and ammeter KESTREL 4500 for the weather conditions. With the large amount of data obtained, a database was made in excel and analyzed using Statgraphics Centurion XVI software. The processing of data mining was carried out applying to a generalized linear regression model and Multifactorial ANOVA. Golden Surfer 11 program was used to stablish the distribution of temporal and spational mold airborne. The Variables: sampling campaign, stage, taxa, temperature and relative humidity presented a statistically significant correlation with the concentration P-value = 0. The concentrations of fungal bioaerosols varied considerably over the whole sampling period with average concentrations from 73.02 ± 26, 75 CFUs/m3 to 1830.38 ± 971.28 CFUs/m3. The fungal bioaerosols presented in both the coarse and fine fraction; but the fraction of 2.1–3.3 μm (stage 4) was the fraction of the dominant size in terms of higher concentration. According to the taxa identification, there was a higher prevalence of Aspergillus: the highest concentration corresponds to A. fumigatus, associated to toxins that may be cytotoxic [1, 2]

    Duration of unemployment and depression: a cross-sectional survey in Lithuania

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    BACKGROUND: In spite of a growing economy, unemployment is still a severe socio-economic problem in Lithuania. Nonetheless, no studies have been performed about the associations between unemployment and mental health in Lithuania. The aim of this study was to evaluate the associations between unemployment duration and depression in Lithuania. METHODS: The data was collected in a cross-sectional study in 2005. There were 429 filled-in questionnaires received (53.6% response rate) from unemployed persons registered with the Kaunas Labour Market Office. The severity of depression symptoms was evaluated using the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI). Logistic regression was used to estimate the risk factors for occurrence of depression. Sex, age, place of residence, marital status, education, income and practiced religion were the independent variables. Long-term unemployment was defined as lasting a duration of 12 months or more. RESULTS: The findings showed that long-term unemployed persons had more episodes of a depressive mood in the past 12 months in comparison with the group of the short-term unemployed. In addition, the BDI score mean was higher among the long-term unemployed compared with the short-term unemployed (10.1 ± 8.8 and 14.2 ± 9.5 respectively, p < 0.001). It was estimated that the duration of unemployment and BDI score had a positive correlation (r = 0.1968, p < 0.001). Among the short-term unemployed, the risk of depression increased significantly when the person was female, had an older age and had experienced more episodes of unemployment. Among the long-term unemployed, an older age was the risk factor for development of depression. However, higher education and income were the factors that significantly decreased the risk of developing depression for-short term as well as for long-term unemployed. CONCLUSION: The results indicated that depression is a severe problem in the unemployed population. Depression is more elevated among the long-term unemployed. This leads to arguing for common efforts in providing needed social support and health care to reduce the effects of unemployment on mental health