336 research outputs found

    Van informatieliefhebbers tot informatiemijders: consumenten en informatie over veilig eten

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    Onderzoek laat zien dat consumenten over het algemeen niet ongeïnteresseerd zijn in de veiligheid van hun eten, maar wel blijken bepaalde groepen (zeer) moelijk bereikbaar voor hun informatie over voedselveiligheid. Op basis van een beoordeling door consumenten van informatiebronnen, is een indeling in vijf consumentengroepen te maken. Hierdoor is informatie en communicatie over voedselveiligheid wellicht beter op hen af te stemme

    Single-shot dynamics of pulses from a gas-filled hollow fiber

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    We present measurements of the performance characteristics of few-cycle laser pulses generated by propagation through a gas-filled hollow fiber. The pulses going into the fiber and the compressed pulses after the fiber were simultaneously fully characterized shot-by-shot by using two kHz SPIDER setups and kHz pulse energy measurements. Output-pulse properties were found to be exceptionally stable and pulse characteristics relevant for non-linear applications like high-harmonic generation are discusse


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    Security for documents that contain confidential text and important for a company, institution, or organization from disorders irresponsible organisation is a necessity or a major requirement that must be done, so we need a software that can protect these vital documents. The combination of algorithms Chiper Feed-back (CFB), Chaos Skew Tent Map (CSTM), and the initial value generation techniques with Session Keys capable of encrypting the text properly. Tests conducted on 26 files doc, docx and txt where each test will be analyzed the correlation, standard deviation and variance, as well as the histogram. Testing is done to the file doc, docx, and txt with a size ≤ 35 kb, 30-60 kb, 61-80 kb and > 80 kb. The test results obtained by the value of the average correlation = 0.163326411, standard deviation = 1.068,070, variance = 1.550.358,492, and the ciphertext histogram that visually looks uniform, making it difficult to analyze the statistical analysis of the character or key


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    Security for documents that contain confidential text and important for a company, institution, or organization from disorders irresponsible organisation is a necessity or a major requirement that must be done, so we need a software that can protect these vital documents. The combination of algorithms Chiper Feed-back (CFB), Chaos Skew Tent Map (CSTM), and the initial value generation techniques with Session Keys capable of encrypting the text properly. Tests conducted on 26 files doc, docx and txt where each test will be analyzed the correlation, standard deviation and variance, as well as the histogram. Testing is done to the file doc, docx, and txt with a size ≤ 35 kb, 30-60 kb, 61-80 kb and > 80 kb. The test results obtained by the value of the average correlation = 0.163326411, standard deviation = 1.068,070, variance = 1.550.358,492, and the ciphertext histogram that visually looks uniform, making it difficult to analyze the statistical analysis of the character or key

    CD8+ T Cells in GCA and GPA:Bystanders or Active Contributors?

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    Vasculitis refers to inflammation of blood vessels and can cause a variety of serious complications depending on which vessels are affected. Two different forms of vasculitis are Giant Cell Arteritis (GCA) and Granulomatosis with Polyangiitis (GPA). GCA is the most common form of vasculitis in adults affecting the large arteries and can lead to visual impairment and development of aneurysms. GPA affects small- and medium-sized blood vessels predominantly in the lungs and kidneys resulting in organ failure. Both diseases can potentially be fatal. Although the pathogenesis of GCA and GPA are incompletely understood, a prominent role for CD4+ T cells has been implicated in both diseases. More recently, the role of CD8+ T cells has gained renewed interest. CD8+ T cells are important players in the adaptive immune response against intracellular microorganisms. After a general introduction on the different forms of vasculitis and their association with infections and CD8+ T cells, we review the current knowledge on CD8+ T-cell involvement in the immunopathogenesis of GCA and GPA focusing on phenotypic and functional features of circulating and lesional CD8+ T cells. Furthermore, we discuss to which extent aging is associated with CD8+ T-cell phenotype and function in GCA and GPA

    Consumenten en de risico's en baten van voedselproducten

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    De centrale vraagstelling van dit rapport is hoe consumenten in hun percepties en gedrag afwegingen maken tussen negatieve en positieve gezondheidseffecten van voedingsmiddelen. Het rapport geeft een overzicht van de studies die verricht zijn op het gebied van risico- en batenafwegingen van consumenten, waarbij er een opsplitsing is gemaakt tussen risico's en baten, en tussen percepties (en attitudes) en gedrag. Samenvattend is de aanbeveling van het rapport om in toekomstig (kennisbasis)onderzoek naar risk-benefit afwegingen door consumenten groeps- en domeinspecifiek te werk te gaan