362 research outputs found

    Effect of Toxic Compounds Extracted from Microalgae Oscillatoria limosa (Roth) Agardh on the Fertility of White Male Mice Mus musculus L.

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    The effect of toxic compounds extracted from cyanobacteria Oscillatoria limosa isolated from Abu-Alkaseeb rivers in the southern Iraq was studied, water samples  were collected from rivers, and cultured in chu-10 medium .Supernatant of toxic extract from biomass was extracted and  test its effects on the fertility of male mice .The present study reveal   that di(2-ethyl hexyl) phthalate and phytol compounds effected on the fertility of male mice based on the sperm count ,sperm abnormalities and testosterone hormone level. The current study concluded that the toxic compounds extracted of Oscillatoria limosa had a positive effect on fertility of Mus musculus these effects represented in increasing in abnormal sperms, decreasing of sperm count and testosterone hormone levels compared with control group. Keywards: oscillatoria limosa, sperm count, testosterone hormone

    Effect of Toxic Compounds Extracted from Microalgae Oscillatoria limosa (Roth) Agardh on the Fertility of White Male Mice Mus musculus L.

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    The effect of toxic compounds extracted from cyanobacteria Oscillatoria limosa isolated from Abu-Alkaseeb rivers in the southern Iraq was studied, water samples  were collected from rivers, and cultured in chu-10 medium .Supernatant of toxic extract from biomass was extracted and  test its effects on the fertility of male mice .The present study reveal   that di(2-ethyl hexyl) phthalate and phytol compounds effected on the fertility of male mice based on the sperm count ,sperm abnormalities and testosterone hormone level. The current study concluded that the toxic compounds extracted of Oscillatoria limosa had a positive effect on fertility of Mus musculus these effects represented in increasing in abnormal sperms ,decreasing  of sperm count and testosterone hormone levels compared with control group . Keywards: oscillatoria limosa, sperm count, testosterone hormone

    Mechanism of formation of the honeycomb-like structures by the regime of the reversing current (RC) in the second range

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    Electrodeposition of copper in the hydrogen co-deposition range by the regime of reversing current (RC) in the second range has been investigated by determination of the average current efficiency for hydrogen evolution reaction and by scanning electron (SEM) and optical (OM) microscopic analysis of the obtained deposits. Keeping the cathodic current density, the cathodic and the anodic pulses constant in all experiments, the anodic current density (ja) values were varied: 40, 80, 160, 240 and 320 mA cm−2. The Cu deposits produced by the RC regimes with different anodic current density values were compared with that obtained in a constant galvanostatic regime (DC) at the current density equal to the cathodic current density in the RC regimes. The honeycomb-like structures were formed in the DC regime and by the RC regimes with ja of 40 and 80 mA cm−2. The hole size in them was in the 60–70 μm range. Due to the decrease of quantity of evolved hydrogen with increasing anodic current density, the larger dish-like holes with dendrites at their bottom and shoulder were formed with ja values of 160, 240 and 320 mA cm−2. The maximum number of holes, and hence, the largest specific surface area of the honeycomb-like electrodes was obtained with ja = 80 mA cm−2, that can be ascribed to a suppression of coalescence of neighboring hydrogen bubbles. Application of the RC regime also led to the increase of uniformity of structures, what is concluded by cross section analysis of the formed honeycomb-like electrodes. For the first time, mechanism of Cu electrodeposition in the hydrogen co-deposition range by the RC regime in the second range was proposed and discussed.This is peer-reviewed version of the article: Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 2019, 833, 401-410, [https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jelechem.2018.12.021][http://cer.ihtm.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/2986

    Trends in meat and meat products packaging – a review

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    The aim of any packaging system for fresh muscle foods is to prevent or delay undesirable changes to the appearance, flavour, odour, and texture. Deterioration in these qualities can result in economic losses due to consumer rejection of the product. Therefore, a preservative packaging should ideally inhibit undesirable enzyme activities, but not interfere with, or inhibit, activities that are beneficial. The non-enzimatic reactions that affect the organoleptic qualities of raw meats are invariably undesirable, so these should preferably be slowed or prevented by a preservative packaging

    Viromic Analysis of Wastewater Input to a River Catchment Reveals a Diverse Assemblage of RNA Viruses

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    Enteric viruses cause gastrointestinal illness and are commonly transmitted through the fecal-oral route. When wastewater is released into river systems, these viruses can contaminate the environment. Our results show that we can use viromics to find the range of potentially pathogenic viruses that are present in the environment and identify prevalent genotypes. The ultimate goal is to trace the fate of these pathogenic viruses from origin to the point where they are a threat to human health, informing reference-based detection methods and water quality management.Detection of viruses in the environment is heavily dependent on PCR-based approaches that require reference sequences for primer design. While this strategy can accurately detect known viruses, it will not find novel genotypes or emerging and invasive viral species. In this study, we investigated the use of viromics, i.e., high-throughput sequencing of the biosphere’s viral fraction, to detect human-/animal-pathogenic RNA viruses in the Conwy river catchment area in Wales, United Kingdom. Using a combination of filtering and nuclease treatment, we extracted the viral fraction from wastewater and estuarine river water and sediment, followed by high-throughput RNA sequencing (RNA-Seq) analysis on the Illumina HiSeq platform, for the discovery of RNA virus genomes. We found a higher richness of RNA viruses in wastewater samples than in river water and sediment, and we assembled a complete norovirus genotype GI.2 genome from wastewater effluent, which was not contemporaneously detected by conventional reverse transcription-quantitative PCR (qRT-PCR). The simultaneous presence of diverse rotavirus signatures in wastewater indicated the potential for zoonotic infections in the area and suggested runoff from pig farms as a possible origin of these viruses. Our results show that viromics can be an important tool in the discovery of pathogenic viruses in the environment and can be used to inform and optimize reference-based detection methods provided appropriate and rigorous controls are included

    Periode Kritis Persaingan Tanaman Kacang Tanah (Arachis hypogaeaL.) dengan Gulma : Critical Period of Competition between Peanut (Arachis hypogaeaL.) and Weed

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    The research was carried out at Tanjung Sari, Medan, where the weeds were predominated by Eleusine indica. The research was begun from November 2015 until February 2016. The weeding treatments consisted of 14 treatments (weed free from 0-2 weeks after planting (WAP); weed free from 0-4 WAP; weed free from 0-6 WAP; weed free from 0-8 WAP; weed free from 0-10 WAP; weed free from 0-12 WAP; without weeding from 0-2 WAP; without weeding from 0-4 WAP; without weeding from 0-6 WAP; without weeding from 0-8 WAP; without weeding from 0-10 WAP; without weeding from 0-12 WAP; weed free until harvest and without weeding until harvest). The treatments were arranged in randomized block design with three replicates. Parameter observed were plant height, number of branch, number of flowering, number of peas per plant, number of peas per plot, peas weight per plant, peas weight per plot, seed weight per plant, seed weight per plot, weight of 100 seed, kind of weed, dominant weed height and weed’s weight. The result showed that the weeding time for peanuts has no effect on the plant height and number of flowering, but sifnificantly affected the number of peas per plant, number of peas per plot, peas weight per plant, peas weight per plot, seed weight per plant, seed weight per plot and weight of 100 seed. The critical periode of competition between peanut and weed occurred at 14 to 35 day after planting.   Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Tanjung Sari, Medan. Lahan penelitian didominasi oleh gulma Eleusine indica. Penelitian dimulai dari bulan November 2015 sampai denganFebruari 2016. Perlakuan penyiangan gulma terdiri atas 14 taraf (bebas gulma dari 0–2 minggu setelah tanam (MST); bebas gulma dari 0–4 MST; bebas gulma dari 0–6 MST; bebas gulma dari 0–8 MST; bebas gulma dari 0–10 MST; bebas gulma dari 0–12 MST; bergulma dari 0–2 MST; bergulma dari 0–4 MST; bergulma dari 0–6 MST; bergulma dari 0–8 MST; bergulma dari 0–10 MST; bergulma dari 0–12 MST; bebas gulma sampai panen dan bergulma sampai panen). Penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok yang diulang tiga kali. Peubah yang diamati yaitu tinggi tanaman, jumlah cabang, umur berbunga, jumlah polong per tanaman, jumlah polong per plot, bobot polong per tanaman, bobot polong per plot, bobot biji per tanaman, bobot biji per plot, bobot 100 biji, kerapatan gulma, tinggi gulma dan bobot kering gulma.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa waktu penyiangan pada tanaman kacang tanah berpengaruh tidak nyata pada tinggi tanaman dan umur berbunga, tetapi berpengaruh nyata terhadap jumlah polong per tanaman, jumlah polong per plot, bobot polong per tanaman, bobot polong per plot, bobot biji per tanaman, bobot biji per plot dan bobot 100 biji. Periode kritis kompetisi antara kacang tanah dan gulma terdapat 14 – 35 hari setelah tanam

    Tracing the fate of wastewater viruses reveals catchment-scale virome diversity and connectivity

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    The discharge of wastewater-derived viruses in aquatic environments impacts catchment-scale virome composition and is a potential hazard to human health. Here, we used viromic analysis of RNA and DNA virus-like particle preparations to track virus communities entering and leaving wastewater treatment plants and the connecting river catchment system and estuary. We found substantial viral diversity and geographically distinct virus communities associated with different wastewater treatment plants. River and estuarine water bodies harboured more diverse viral communities in downstream locations, influenced by tidal movement and proximity to wastewater treatment plants. Shellfish and beach sand were enriched in viral communities when compared with the surrounding water, acting as entrapment matrices for virus particles. We reconstructed >40,000 partial viral genomes into 10,149 species-level groups, dominated by dsDNA and (+)ssRNA bacteriophages (Caudovirales and Leviviridae). We identified 73 (partial) genomes comprising six families that could pose a risk to human health; Astroviridae, Caliciviridae (sapovirus), Picornaviridae (cocksackievirus), Reoviridae (rotavirus), Parvoviridae and Circoviridae. Based on the pattern of viral incidence, we observe that wastewater-derived viral genetic material is commonly deposited in the environment, but due to fragemented nature of these viral genomes, the risk to human health is low, and is more likely driven by community transmission, with wastewater-derived viruses subject to cycles of dilution, enrichment and virion degradation influenced by local geography, weather events and tidal effects. Our data illustrate the utility of viromic analyses for wastewater- and environment-based epidemiology, and we present a conceptual model for the circulation of viruses in a freshwater catchment

    Respons Pertumbuhan Beberapa Varietas Sorgum (Sorghum bicolor L.) Pada Tanah Salin Dengan Pemberian Giberelin : Growth response of some varieties of sorghum on saline soil by applying giberelin

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui respons pertumbuhan beberapa varietas sorgum pada tanah salin dengan pemberian giberelin. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Lahan Percobaan Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan pada bulan Juli sampai Oktober 2015, menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok dengan dua faktor perlakuan yaitu varietas (Kawali, Numbu, Super 2) dan konsentrasi giberelin (0, 100 dan 200 ppm). Parameter yang diamati adalah tinggi tanaman, diameter batang, jumlah daun, umur berbunga, kehijauan daun dan berat malai per sampel. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa perlakuan varietas berbeda nyata terhadap tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun, umur berbunga, bobot malai per sampel. Perlakuan pemberian giberelin dan interaksinya tidak berbeda nyata

    Pelota interacts with HAX1, EIF3G and SRPX and the resulting protein complexes are associated with the actin cytoskeleton

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Pelota (PELO) is an evolutionary conserved protein, which has been reported to be involved in the regulation of cell proliferation and stem cell self-renewal. Recent studies revealed the essential role of PELO in the No-Go mRNA decay, by which mRNA with translational stall are endonucleotically cleaved and degraded. Further, PELO-deficient mice die early during gastrulation due to defects in cell proliferation and/or differentiation.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We show here that PELO is associated with actin microfilaments of mammalian cells. Overexpression of human PELO in Hep2G cells had prominent effect on cell growth, cytoskeleton organization and cell spreading. To find proteins interacting with PELO, full-length human PELO cDNA was used as a bait in a yeast two-hybrid screening assay. Partial sequences of HAX1, EIF3G and SRPX protein were identified as PELO-interacting partners from the screening. The interactions between PELO and HAX1, EIF3G and SRPX were confirmed <it>in vitro </it>by GST pull-down assays and <it>in vivo </it>by co-immunoprecipitation. Furthermore, the PELO interaction domain was mapped to residues 268-385 containing the c-terminal and acidic tail domain. By bimolecular fluorescence complementation assay (BiFC), we found that protein complexes resulting from the interactions between PELO and either HAX1, EIF3G or SRPX were mainly localized to cytoskeletal filaments.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We could show that PELO is subcellularly localized at the actin cytoskeleton, interacts with HAX1, EIF3G and SRPX proteins and that this interaction occurs at the cytoskeleton. Binding of PELO to cytoskeleton-associated proteins may facilitate PELO to detect and degrade aberrant mRNAs, at which the ribosome is stalled during translation.</p

    Preparation and Characterization Study of Porous Silicon Doped with Cu and Ag

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    In this paper, porous silicon was prepared by using electrochemical etching technique of p-type silicon acceptor, with a resistivity of 1.5-4Ohm.cm, using hydrochloric acid with concentration of 24%. The etching current density effect 4, 12, 20mA/cm2 was carried out at constant etching time of 15min. The structural characteristics of the porous silicon and the doped porous silicon were studied and found an expansion in the spectrum of the X-rays and a simple shift in the diffraction angles while maintaining the surface direction (111). The morphological properties were studied using the atomic force microscope which showed pores formation and gives the pore diameter within the range of 19.08 to 44.73nm for the prepared samples. It was also noted that the rate of pore diameter and the thickness of the porous silicon layer increased with increasing etching current density. Electrical characteristics of the nanoscale porous silicon layer and the doped porous silicon with silver and copper showed that Current-Voltage (I-V) characteristics of the prepared samples to be a rectifying behavior. An improvement in the electrical characteristics of the doped porous silicon samples was observe