225 research outputs found

    Pulse-beam heating of deep atmospheric layers triggering their oscillations and upwards moving shocks that can modulate the reconnection in solar flares

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    We study processes occurring after a sudden heating of the chromosphere at the flare arcade footpoints which is assumed to be caused by particle beams. For the numerical simulations we adopt a 2-D magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) model, in which we solve a full set of the time-dependent MHD equations by means of the FLASH code, using the Adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR) method. In the initial state we consider a model of the solar atmosphere with densities according to the VAL-C model and the magnetic field arcade having the X-point structure above, where the magnetic reconnection is assumed. We found that the sudden pulse-beam heating of the chromosphere at the flare arcade footpoints generates magnetohydrodynamic shocks, one propagating upwards and the second one propagating downwards in the solar atmosphere. The downward moving shock is reflected at deep and dense atmospheric layers and triggers oscillations of these layers. These oscillations generate the upwards moving magnetohydrodynamic waves that can influence the above located magnetic reconnection in a quasi-periodic way. Because these processes require a sudden heating in very localized regions in the chromosphere therefore they can be also associated with seismic waves

    Radio fiber bursts and fast magnetoacoustic wave trains

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    We present a model for dm-fiber bursts that is based on assuming fast sausage magnetoacoustic wave trains that propagate along a dense vertical filament or current sheet. Eight groups of dm-fiber bursts that were observed during solar flares were selected and analyzed by the wavelet analysis method. To model these fiber bursts we built a semi-empirical model. We also did magnetohydrodynamic simulations of a propagation of the magnetoacoustic wave train in a vertical and gravitationally stratified current sheet. In the wavelet spectra of the fiber bursts computed at different radio frequencies we found the wavelet tadpoles, whose head maxima have the same frequency drift as the drift of fiber bursts. It indicates that the drift of these fiber bursts can be explained by the propagating fast sausage magnetoacoustic wave train. Using new semi-empirical and magnetohydrodynamic models with a simple radio emission model we generated the artificial radio spectra of the fiber bursts, which are similar to the observed ones.Comment: 7 pages, 10 figure

    Hydrogen Balmer line formation in solar flares affected by return currents

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    Aims. We investigate the effect of the electric return currents in solar flares on the profiles of hydrogen Balmer lines. We consider the monoenergetic approximation for the primary beam and runaway model of the neutralizing return current. Methods. Propagation of the 10 keV electron beam from a coronal reconnection site is considered for the semiempirical chromosphere model F1. We estimate the local number density of return current using two approximations for beam energy fluxes between 4×10114\times 10^{11} and 1×1012ergcm2s11\times 10^{12} {\rm erg cm^{-2} s^{-1}}. Inelastic collisions of beam and return-current electrons with hydrogen are included according to their energy distributions, and the hydrogen Balmer line intensities are computed using an NLTE radiative transfer approach. Results. In comparison to traditional NLTE models of solar flares that neglect the return-current effects, we found a significant increase emission in the Balmer line cores due to nonthermal excitation by return current. Contrary to the model without return current, the line shapes are sensitive to a beam flux. It is the result of variation in the return-current energy that is close to the hydrogen excitation thresholds and the density of return-current electrons.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, 1 table, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics Letter

    Modifications of thick-target model: re-acceleration of electron beams by static and stochastic electric fields

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    We study two modifications of the collisional thick-target model (CTTM) based on the global and local re-acceleration of non-thermal electrons by static and stochastic electric fields during their transport from the coronal acceleration site to the thick-target region in the chromosphere. We concentrate on a comparison of the non-thermal electron distribution functions, chromospheric energy deposits, and HXR spectra obtained for both considered modifications with the CTTM itself. The results were obtained using a relativistic test-particle approach. We simulated the transport of non-thermal electrons with a power-law spectrum including the influence of scattering, energy losses, magnetic mirroring, and also the effects of the electric fields corresponding to both modifications of the CTTM. We show that both modifications of the CTTM change the outcome of the chromospheric bombardment in several aspects. The modifications lead to an increase in chromospheric energy deposit, change of its spatial distribution, and a substantial increase in the corresponding HXR spectrum intensity.Comment: 15 pages, 14 figures, 3 tables, to be published in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Reconnection of a kinking flux rope triggering the ejection of a microwave and hard X-ray source. II. Numerical Modeling

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    Numerical simulations of the helical (m ⁣= ⁣1m\!=\!1) kink instability of an arched, line-tied flux rope demonstrate that the helical deformation enforces reconnection between the legs of the rope if modes with two helical turns are dominant as a result of high initial twist in the range Φ6π\Phi\gtrsim6\pi. Such reconnection is complex, involving also the ambient field. In addition to breaking up the original rope, it can form a new, low-lying, less twisted flux rope. The new flux rope is pushed downward by the reconnection outflow, which typically forces it to break as well by reconnecting with the ambient field. The top part of the original rope, largely rooted in the sources of the ambient flux after the break-up, can fully erupt or be halted at low heights, producing a "failed eruption." The helical current sheet associated with the instability is squeezed between the approaching legs, temporarily forming a double current sheet. The leg-leg reconnection proceeds at a high rate, producing sufficiently strong electric fields that it would be able to accelerate particles. It may also form plasmoids, or plasmoid-like structures, which trap energetic particles and propagate out of the reconnection region up to the top of the erupting flux rope along the helical current sheet. The kinking of a highly twisted flux rope involving leg-leg reconnection can explain key features of an eruptive but partially occulted solar flare on 18 April 2001, which ejected a relatively compact hard X-ray and microwave source and was associated with a fast coronal mass ejection.Comment: Solar Physics, in pres

    Diagnostics of solar flare reconnection

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    We present new diagnostics of the solar flare reconnection, mainly based on the plasma radio emission. We propose that the high-frequency (600-2000 MHz) slowly drifting pulsating structures map the flare magnetic field reconnection. These structures correspond to the radio emission from plasmoids which are formed in the extended current sheet due to tearing and coalescence processes. An increase of the frequency drift of the drifting structures is interpreted as an increase of the reconnection rate. Using this model, time scales of slowly drifting pulsating structure observed during the 12 April 2001 flare by the Trieste radiopolarimeter with high time resolution (1 ms) are interpreted as a radio manifestation of electron beams accelerated in the multi-scale reconnection process. For short periods Fourier spectra of the observed structure have a power-law form with power-law indices in the 1.3-1.6 range. For comparison the 2-D MHD numerical modeling of the multi-scale reconnection is made and it is shown that Fourier spectrum of the reconnection dissipation power has also a power-law form, but with power-law index 2. Furthermore, we compute a time evolution of plasma parameters (density, magnetic field etc) in the 2-D MHD model of the reconnection. Then assuming a plasma radio emission from locations, where the 'double-resonance' instability generates the upper-hybrid waves due to unstable distribution function of suprathermal electrons, we model radio spectra. Effects of the MHD turbulence are included. The resulting spectra are compared with those observed. It is found, that depending on model parameters the lace bursts and the decimetric spikes can be reproduced. Thus, it is shown that the model can be used for diagnostics of the flare reconnection process. We also point out possible radio signatures of reconnection outflow termination shocks. They are detected as type II-like herringbone structures in the 200-700 MHz frequency range. Finally, we mention Hα spectra of the 18 September 1995 eruptive prominence which indicate the bi-directional plasma flow as expected in the reconnection process

    Successive merging of plasmoids and fragmentation in flare current sheet and their X-ray and radio signatures

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    Based on our recent MHD simulations, first, a concept of the successive merging of plasmoids and fragmentation in the current sheet in the standard flare model is presented. Then, using a 2.5-D electromagnetic particle-in-cell model with free boundary conditions, these processes were modelled on the kinetic level of plasma description. We recognized the plasmoids which mutually interacted and finally merged into one large plasmoid. Between interacting plasmoids further plasmoids and current sheets on smaller and smaller spatial scales were formed in agreement with the fragmentation found in MHD simulations. During interactions (merging - coalescences) of the plasmoids the electrons were very efficiently accelerated and heated. We found that after a series of such merging processes the electrons in some regions reached the energies relevant for the emission in the hard X-ray range. Considering these energetic electrons and assuming the plasma density 10^9-10^10 cm^{-3} and the source volume as in the December 31, 2007 flare (Krucker at al. 2010, ApJ 714, 1108), we computed the X-ray spectra as produced by the bremsstrahlung emission process. Comparing these spectra with observations, we think that these processes can explain the observed above-the-loop-top hard X-ray sources. Furthermore, we show that the process of a fragmentation between two merging plasmoids can generate the narrowband dm-spikes. Formulas for schematic fractal reconnection structures were derived. Finally, the results were discussed.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure