42 research outputs found

    Clinical pharmacology study of cariprazine (MP-214) in patients with schizophrenia (12-week treatment)

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    Tadakatsu Nakamura,1 Tomoko Kubota,1 Atsushi Iwakaji,1 Masayoshi Imada,1 Margit Kapás,2 Yasunori Morio1 1Sohyaku. Innovative Research Division, Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma Corporation, Tokyo, Japan; 2Developmental Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics, Gedeon Richter Plc, Budapest, Hungary Purpose: Cariprazine is a potent dopamine D3-preferring D3/D2 receptor partial agonist in development for the treatment of schizophrenia, bipolar mania, and depression. Pharmacokinetics of cariprazine and the two clinically relevant metabolites (desmethyl- and didesmethyl-cariprazine) was evaluated in a clinical pharmacology study. Methods: This was a multicenter, randomized, open-label, parallel-group, fixed-dose (3, 6, or 9 mg/day) study of 28-week duration (≤4-week observation, 12-week open-label treatment, and 12-week follow-up). Once-daily cariprazine was administered to 38 adult patients with schizophrenia. The pharmacokinetics of cariprazine, metabolites, and total active moieties (sum of cariprazine and two metabolites) was evaluated; efficacy and safety were also assessed. Results: Steady state was reached within 1–2 weeks for cariprazine and desmethyl-cariprazine, 4 weeks for didesmethyl-cariprazine, and 3 weeks for total active moieties. Cariprazine and desmethyl-cariprazine levels decreased >90% within 1 week after the last dose, didesmethyl-cariprazine decreased ~50% at 1 week, and total active moieties decreased ~90% within 4 weeks. Terminal half-lives of cariprazine, desmethyl-cariprazine, and didesmethyl-cariprazine ranged from 31.6 to 68.4, 29.7 to 37.5, and 314 to 446 hours, respectively. Effective half-life (calculated from time to steady state) of total active moieties was ~1 week. Incidence of treatment-emergent adverse events was 97.4%; 15.8% of patients discontinued due to adverse events. No abnormal laboratory values or major differences from baseline in extrapyramidal symptoms were observed. Conclusion: Cariprazine and its active metabolites reached steady state within 4 weeks, and exposure was dose proportional over the range of 3–9 mg/day. Once-daily cariprazine was generally well tolerated in adult patients with schizophrenia. Keywords: schizophrenia, cariprazine, pharmacokinetics, desmethyl-cariprazine, didesmethyl-cariprazin

    The preproghrelin gene is required for the normal integration of thermoregulation and sleep in mice

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    Peptidergic mechanisms controlling feeding, metabolism, thermoregulation, and sleep overlap in the hypothalamus. Low ambient temperatures and food restriction induce hypothermic (torpor) bouts and characteristic metabolic and sleep changes in mice. We report that mice lacking the preproghrelin gene, but not those lacking the ghrelin receptor, have impaired abilities to manifest and integrate normal sleep and thermoregulatory responses to metabolic challenges. In response to fasting at 17 °C (a subthermoneutral ambient temperature), preproghrelin knockout mice enter hypothermic bouts associated with reduced sleep, culminating in a marked drop in body temperature to near-ambient levels. Prior treatment with obestatin, another preproghrelin gene product, attenuates the hypothermic response of preproghrelin knockout mice. Results suggest that obestatin is a component in the coordinated regulation of metabolism and sleep during torpor

    Attenuation of the influenza virus sickness behavior in mice deficient in Toll-like receptor 3

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    Certain sickness behaviors occur consistently in influenza-infected humans and mice. These include body temperature changes, somnolence, and anorexia. Several cytokines serve as mediators of the influenza acute phase response (APR), including these sickness behaviors, and one likely inducer of these cytokines is dsRNA produced during viral replication. TLR3 is known to be one of the host cellular components capable of recognizing dsRNA and activating cytokine synthesis. To determine the role of TLR3-detected viral dsRNA in the causation of viral symptoms, TLR3-deficient mice (TLR3 knockouts, or KOs) were infected with a marginally-lethal dose of mouse-adapted X-31 influenza virus. TLR3 KOs and their wild-type (WT) controls were monitored for baseline body temperature, locomotor activity, and sleep profiles prior to infection. Both mouse strains were then infected and monitored for changes in these sickness behaviors plus body weight changes and mortality for up to 14 days post-infection. Consistent with the observations that influenza pathology is reduced in TLR3 KOs, we showed that hypothermia after post-infection day 5 and the total loss of body weight were attenuated in the TLR3 KOs. Sleep changes characteristic of this infection model [particularly increased non-rapid-eye-movement sleep (NREMS)] were also attenuated in TLR3 KOs and returned to baseline values more rapidly. Locomotor activity suppression was similar in both strains. Therefore virus-associated dsRNA detected by TLR3 appears to play a substantial role in mediating several aspects of the influenza syndrome in mice

    Energy homeostasis regulatory peptides in hibernating grizzly bears

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    Grizzly bears (Ursus arctos horribilis) are inactive for up to 6 months during hibernation. They undergo profound seasonal changes in food intake, body mass, and energy expenditure. The circa-annual regulation of metabolism is poorly understood. In the present study, we measured plasma ghrelin, leptin, obestatin, and neuropeptide-Y (NPY) levels, hormones known to be involved in the regulation of energy homeostasis, in ten grizzly bears. Blood samples were collected during the active summer period, early hibernation and late hibernation. Plasma levels of leptin, obestatin, and NPY did not change between the active and the hibernation periods. Plasma total ghrelin and desacyl-ghrelin concentrations significantly decreased during the inactive winter period compared to summer levels. The elevated ghrelin levels may help enhance body mass during pre-hibernation, while the low plasma ghrelin concentrations during hibernation season may contribute to the maintenance of hypophagia, low energy utilization and behavioral inactivity. Our results suggest that ghrelin plays a potential role in the regulation of metabolic changes and energy homeostasis during hibernation in grizzly bears