497 research outputs found

    Strongly residual coordinates over A[x]

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    For a domain A of characteristic zero, a polynomial f over A[x] is called a strongly residual coordinate if f becomes a coordinate (over A) upon going modulo x, and f becomes a coordinate upon inverting x. We study the question of when a strongly residual coordinate is a coordinate, a question closely related to the Dolgachev-Weisfeiler conjecture. It is known that all strongly residual coordinates are coordinates for n=2 . We show that a large class of strongly residual coordinates that are generated by elementaries upon inverting x are in fact coordinates for arbitrary n, with a stronger result in the n=3 case. As an application, we show that all Venereau-type polynomials are 1-stable coordinates.Comment: 15 pages. Some minor clarifications and notational improvements from the first versio

    Data-driven design of glasses with desirable optical properties using statistical regression

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    In this study, we used a data-driven approach to build models for assisting the design of new glasses with high refractive index and low dispersion. Our models, which are based on multiple linear regression and kernel ridge regression, achieved high accuracy in predicting optical properties of glasses based on their composition alone. Using the predictions of these models as a guide, we fabricated new glasses in our laboratory. In agreement with model predictions, these glasses had promising optical properties. This work therefore demonstrates a successful example of data-driven materials design and can be used as a template for designing glasses or other materials with other desirable properties

    Affine T-varieties of complexity one and locally nilpotent derivations

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    Let X=spec A be a normal affine variety over an algebraically closed field k of characteristic 0 endowed with an effective action of a torus T of dimension n. Let also D be a homogeneous locally nilpotent derivation on the normal affine Z^n-graded domain A, so that D generates a k_+-action on X that is normalized by the T-action. We provide a complete classification of pairs (X,D) in two cases: for toric varieties (n=\dim X) and in the case where n=\dim X-1. This generalizes previously known results for surfaces due to Flenner and Zaidenberg. As an application we compute the homogeneous Makar-Limanov invariant of such varieties. In particular we exhibit a family of non-rational varieties with trivial Makar-Limanov invariant.Comment: 31 pages. Minor changes in the structure. Fixed some typo

    Biochemical characterization of reactive nitrogen species by eosinophil peroxidase in tyrosine nitration

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    It is well known that eosinophils are involved in tyrosine nitration. In this study, we evaluated tyrosine nitration by rat eosinophils isolated from peritoneal fl uid and constituent eosinophils in the stomach. Rat peritoneal eosinophils activated with 1 &#956;M phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) and 50 &#956;M NO2 &#65437; showed immunostaining for nitrotyrosine only in smaller cells, despite the fact that eosinophils are capable of producing superoxide (O2·&#65437;). Free tyrosine nitrating capacity after incubation with PMA and NO2 &#65437; was 4-fold higher in eosinophils than in neutrophils. Catalase and &#65400;- and &#65402; -tocopherol inhibited free tyrosine nitration by reactive nitrogen species from eosinophils but not that by peroxynitrite. Superoxide dismutase augmented free tyrosine nitration by activated eosinophils and peroxynitrite. The concentration of nitric oxide released from eosinophils was relatively low (0.32 &#956;M/106 cells/h) and did not contribute to the formation of nitrotyrosine. On the other hand, most constituent eosinophils constituent in the rat stomach stimulated by PMA and NO2 &#65437; showed tyrosine nitration capacity. These results suggest that intact cells other than apoptotic-like eosinophils eluted in the intraperitoneal cavity could not generate reactive species responsible for nitration by a peroxidase-dependent mechanism. In contrast, normal eosinophils in the stomach were capable of nitration, suggesting that the characteristics of eosinophils in gastric mucosa are diff erent from those eluted in the peritoneal cavity.</p

    Beta-glucan reflects liver injury after preservation and transplantation in dogs.

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    Graft failure and extrahepatic organ complications, which frequently develop after transplantation, may be related to inflammatory mediators stimulated by endotoxin (ET). The role of endotoxemia after liver transplantation is controversial and may depend upon differences in the ET assay method used in the various contradicting studies. While the standard Limulus amebocyte lysate (LAL) is reactive for ET and beta-glucan, a novel turbidimetric assay method enables separate determinations of ET and beta-glucan. Beagle dogs undergoing orthotopic liver transplantation were divided into two groups. In Group I (n = 6) the grafts were transplanted immediately and in Group II (n = 6) grafts were preserved for 48 h in University of Wisconsin (UW) solution. Animals received cyclosporine immunosuppression and were followed for 14 days. Daily measurements of aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) were performed. Samples for ET and beta-glucan measurement were collected serially and processed using the turbidimetric assay method. While no graft failure was seen in Group I, three of six Group II animals died from graft failure within 1 day after transplantation. Preservation and reperfusion injury was much more severe in the Group II grafts than in Group I grafts. While endotoxemia could not be detected, postoperative beta-glucan levels (undetectable pretransplant) were seen in both groups. Beta-glucan levels were much higher in Group II grafts than in Group I grafts, and correlated with the severity of liver damage. In conclusion, this study shows that beta-glucan, instead of ET, appears during the early posttransplant period. We believe that posttransplant elevation of beta-glucan is related to liver damage, especially endothelial damage by preservation and reperfusion

    Charge multiplication effect in thin diamond films

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    Herein, we report on the enhanced sensitivity for the detection of charged particles in single crystal chemical vapour deposition (scCVD) diamond radiation detectors. The experimental results demonstrate charge multiplication in thin planar diamond membrane detectors, upon impact of 18MeV O ions, under high electric field conditions. Avalanche multiplication is widely exploited in devices such as avalanche photo diodes, but has never before been reproducibly observed in intrinsic CVD diamond. Because enhanced sensitivity for charged particle detection is obtained for short charge drift lengths without dark counts, this effect could be further exploited in the development of sensors based on avalanche multiplication and radiation detectors with extreme radiation hardnes

    Structure Factor and Electronic Structure of Compressed Liquid Rubidium

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    We have applied the quantal hypernetted-chain equations in combination with the Rosenfeld bridge-functional to calculate the atomic and the electronic structure of compressed liquid-rubidium under high pressure (0.2, 2.5, 3.9, and 6.1 GPa); the calculated structure factors are in good agreement with experimental results measured by Tsuji et al. along the melting curve. We found that the Rb-pseudoatom remains under these high pressures almost unchanged with respect to the pseudoatom at room pressure; thus, the effective ion-ion interaction is practically the same for all pressure-values. We observe that all structure factors calculated for this pressure-variation coincide almost into a single curve if wavenumbers are scaled in units of the Wigner-Seitz radius aa although no corresponding scaling feature is observed in the effective ion-ion interaction.This scaling property of the structure factors signifies that the compression in liquid-rubidium is uniform with increasing pressure; in absolute Q-values this means that the first peak-position (Q1Q_1) of the structure factor increases proportionally to V1/3V^{-1/3} (VV being the specific volume per ion), as was experimentally observed by Tsuji et al.Comment: 18 pages, 11 figure

    Dynamical properties of liquid Al near melting. An orbital-free molecular dynamics study

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    The static and dynamic structure of liquid Al is studied using the orbital free ab-initio molecular dynamics method. Two thermodynamic states along the coexistence line are considered, namely T = 943 K and 1323 K for which X-ray and neutron scattering data are available. A new kinetic energy functional, which fulfills a number of physically relevant conditions is employed, along with a local first principles pseudopotential. In addition to a comparison with experiment, we also compare our ab-initio results with those obtained from conventional molecular dynamics simulations using effective interionic pair potentials derived from second order pseudopotential perturbation theory.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figures, 2 tables, submitted to PR

    Evidence of two viscous relaxation processes in the collective dynamics of liquid lithium

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    New inelastic X-ray scattering experiments have been performed on liquid lithium in a wide wavevector range. With respect to the previous measurements, the instrumental resolution, improved up to 1.5 meV, allows to accurately investigate the dynamical processes determining the observed shape of the the dynamic structure factor, S(Q,ω)S(Q,\omega). A detailed analysis of the lineshapes shows the co-existence of relaxation processes with both a slow and a fast characteristic timescales, and therefore that pictures of the relaxation mechanisms based on a simple viscoelastic model must be abandoned.Comment: 5 pages, 4 .PS figure