124 research outputs found
TMJ Disc and Condylar Displacement in the Frontal Plane
It is known from the literature that an anterior disc displacement is as a rule associated with a dorsal and (or) superior condylar displacement, whereas a dorsal disc displacement is connected with an anterior displacement of the condyle in the intercuspal position. No investigations have been done on this subject in the frontal plane. MR investigations of the TMJs were carried out in 38 patients. Disc displacement in the frontal plane was analysed in 72 TMJs. In 47.2% it was associated with condylar displacement in this plane. In 55.5% medial disc displacement was connected with lateral condylar displacement, whereas lateral disc displacement was accompanied by medial displacement of the condyle (p>0.05) in 33.3%. Central position of the condyles was significantly more often (66.6%) noted in TMJs with lateral disc displacement than in TMJs with medial disc displacement (44.4%) (p>0.05). These results were confirmed by tomography in 40 TMJs. CONCLUSION: There is a correlation between disc and condylar displacement in the intercuspal position, not only in the sagittal but also in the frontal plane. To avoid a mistake in the establishment of maxillo-mandibular relationship both the condylar and the disc position should be taken into consideration.
Grant of the State Committee for Scientific Research nr 6 PO5E 043 20
Exploitation of thermal technical buildings in regard of heat transfer through the wall
Artykuł zawiera analizę przejścia ciepła przez przegrodę zewnętrzną technicznego obiektu budowlanego z uwzględnieniem wpływu zmiennej temperatury atmosferycznej na temperaturę wewnętrzną komory. Poprzez odpowiednie wykorzystanie wpływu sinusoidalnych zmian zewnętrznej temperatury w postaci przesunięcia fazowego wektora strumienia ciepła do wnętrza pomieszczenia uzyskano tłumienie oscylacji temperatury obiektu budowlanego, które pozwala obniżyć koszty energii zużywanej na utrzymywanie określonych warunków cieplnych w pomieszczeniu.This paper describes research work on methods concerning heat transfers through walls of thermal technical chambers. The paper presents the analysis of complex problems in the field of energy savings and material selection during long term storage of fruit in thermal chambers in controlled gaseous environment. The purpose for the research is to point out areas subjected to the highest energy losses caused by building's construction and geographical orientation of walls in the aspect of daily atmospheric temperature changes emerging on chamber exterior. The paper is focused on the new concept of thermal analysis derived from harmonic character of temperature changes in building environment - especially in fruit storages - with aspect on conductive heat transfers through walls. This changeable influence of variable weather temperature on internal temperature of technical chamber depends on thermal inertia of building
Energetic effects in exploitation thermal treatment chambers for fruit in region of Lublin
W artykule przedstawiona jest analiza przejścia ciepła przez ścianę technicznej komory z uwzględnieniem harmonicznego charakteru atmosferycznych zmian temperatury. Sinusoidalne zmiany wielkości wejściowych na zewnętrznej powierzchni przegrody obiektu budowlanego powodują również sinusoidalny charakter zmian na wewnętrznej ścianie pomieszczenia. Przeprowadzone badania cieplne na rzeczywistym obiekcie pozwoliły na optymalny projekt komory ze względu na energetyczny aspekt przy jej eksploatacji.In this paper is presented new concept of thermal analysis derived from harmonic character of temperature changes in bilding environment. The analytical approach seems appropriate to obtain established purposes i.e.: the description of temperature changes and heat transfer within the chamber walls and its gaseous environment. The paper presents exemplary measurement results taken in Lublin region during various periods throughout a year. The proper construction of an object with prescribed thermo-stability characteristic can use the phase difference between internal and external temperature and allow to lower costs of energy, necessary for cooling or heating the technical spaces
Kilka uwag o asymetrii rozkładów empirycznych
This paper discusses different aspects of asymmetry of empirical distributions. An attempt was made to clarify the definition of such distributions and to identify some of the problems associated with commonly used skewness coefficients of As and γ and their interpretation and those yet requiring further research.W pracy r ozważane są różne aspekty asymetrii rozkładów empirycznych. Podjęto próbę sprecyzowania określenia takich rozkładów oraz wskazano pewne problemy związane z wykorzystywanymi powszechnie współczynnikami skośności As i γ oraz ich interpretacją a wymagające jeszcze dalszych badań
Computer Modelling of Energy Saving Effects
The paper presents the analysis of the dynamics of the heat transfer through the outer wall of the thermal technical spaces, taking into account the impact of the sinusoidal nature of the changes in atmospheric temperature. These temporal variations of the input on the outer surface of the chamber divider result at the output of the sinusoidal change on the inner wall of the room, but suitably suppressed and shifted in phase. Properly selected phase shift is clearly important for saving energy used for the operation associated with the maintenance of a specific regime of heat inside the thermal technical chamber support. Laboratory tests of the model and the actual object allowed for optimal design of the chamber due to the structure of the partition as well as due to the orientation of the geographical location of the chamber
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