13 research outputs found
Custom interfaces for advanced queries in search engines
Those seeking information from the Internet often start from a search engine, using either its organised directory structure or its text query facility. In response to the difficulty in identifying the most relevant pages for some information needs, many search engines offer Boolean text matching and some, including Google, AltaVista and HotBot, offer the facility to integrate additional information into a more advanced request. Amongst web users, however, it is known that the employment of complex enquiries is far from universal, with very short queries being the norm. It is demonstrated that the gap between the provision of advanced search facilities and their use can be bridged, for specific information needs, by the construction of a simple interface in the form of a website that automatically formulates the necessary requests. It is argued that this kind of resource, perhaps employing additional knowledge domain specific information, is one that could be useful for websites or portals of common interest groups. The approach is illustrated by a website that enables a user to search the individual websites of university level institutions in European Union associated countries
Focused Crawling Using Latent Semantic Indexing - An Application for Vertical Search Engines
Abstract. Vertical search engines and web portals are gaining ground over the general-purpose engines due to their limited size and their high precision for the domain they cover. The number of vertical portals has rapidly increased over the last years, making the importance of a topic-driven (focused) crawler evident. In this paper, we develop a latent semantic indexing classifier that combines link analysis with text content in order to retrieve and index domain specific web documents. We compare its efficiency with other well-known web information retrieval techniques. Our implementation presents a different approach to focused crawling and aims to overcome the size limitations of the initial training data while maintaining a high recall/precision ratio.
Scapular body fractures: results of operative treatment
The authors operated on 22 patients with scapular body fractures, with a mean age of 35Â years. The minimal follow-up was 12Â months. All patients were treated from the Judet posterior approach. The study included 14 cases of an isolated body fracture, three of scapular body fracture combined with fracture of the scapular neck and five of glenoid fossa fracture. In all 14 cases where a 3D computed tomography (CT) reconstruction was performed prior to operation, intraoperative findings corresponded to this reconstruction. In eight cases without preoperative 3D CT reconstruction, the correct type of fracture was identified in only two cases. We also identified three basic types of fractures of the lateral border of the scapula. The anatomical relationship between the glenoid fossa and scapular body, congruency and stability of the shoulder joint was achieved in all cases. The average constant score was 94
Comportamentos de risco para transtornos do comportamento alimentar e fatores associados entre estudantes de nutrição do municĂpio do Rio de Janeiro
OBJETIVO: Caracterizar prĂĄticas alimentares e fatores de risco associados a transtornos do comportamento alimentar entre estudantes de nutrição do municĂpio do Rio de Janeiro. MĂTODOS: Estudo seccional junto a um segmento populacional apontado na literatura como de risco para o surgimento de transtornos alimentares. Utilizaram-se o Teste de Investigação BulĂmica de Edimburgo (BITE), o Teste de Atitudes Alimentares (EAT-26) e uma variĂĄvel que considera os dois instrumentos associados (Nunes et al., 2001). RESULTADOS: Analisaram-se 193 estudantes do sexo feminino, com mĂ©dia de idade de 20,9 anos ± 2 anos. Detectou-se resultado positivo em 14% (intervalo de confiança [IC] 95%: 9,4%-20%) no EAT-26. No BITE, para sintomas elevados e gravidade intensa, foram encontradas prevalĂȘncias de 5,7% (IC 95%: 2,9%-10%) e 3,2% (IC 95%: 1,2%-6,9%), respectivamente. Quando combinados EAT-26 positivo e BITE com gravidade intensa e sintomas elevados, constataram-se correlaçÔes positivas com prevalĂȘncias de 64,7% (p < 0,001) e 36,4% (p < 0,001), respectivamente. Das mulheres que apresentaram EAT-26 positivo, 88,5% encontram-se na faixa de normalidade do Ăndice de massa corporal (IMC) (p < 0,031). CONCLUSĂES: Deve-se atentar para comportamentos de risco para transtornos alimentares no grupo, uma vez que esses distĂșrbios serĂŁo objeto de sua prĂĄtica profissional, podendo comprometĂȘ-la nos casos em que nutricionistas sejam portadores de sĂndromes instaladas ou comportamentos precursores