2,566 research outputs found

    L'Etiquetatge d'al·lèrgens com una eina important perquè els consumidors puguin escollir amb seguretat

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    La freqüència de les al·lèrgies alimentàries augmenta i s'ha convertit en un problema de salut pública. Paral·lelament, en els darrers anys hi ha una evolució de la reglamentació que obligarà a finals del 2005 a etiquetar tots els al·lèrgens majors utilitzats voluntàriament en la fabricació de productes alimentosos, incloent-hi ingredients, additius i auxiliars tecnològics. Les indústries alimentàries són les úniques responsables en l'àmbit legal del compliment d'aquesta reglamentació. No obstant això, no hi ha reglamentació per a la contaminació fortuïta. Certes indústries han decidit fer un etiquetatge lligat al risc no mesurable de presència fortuïta dels principals al·lèrgens. Aquesta mesura és força controvertida.The frequency of the food allergies increases and has become a problem of public health. In the last years there has been a evolution of the regulation that will oblige at the end of 2005 to label all the majors allergens used on purpose in the production of foodstuffs, including ingredients, technological additives and other substances. Food industries are the legal responsible of the observance of this regulation. However, there is no regulation for fortuitous contamination. Some industries have decided to make a labelling related to the no measurable risk of fortuitous presence of the majors allergens. This policy is very controversial

    Habilidades comunicativas en estudiantes de carreras de apoyo frente a estudiantes de otras carreras

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    El presente trabajo pretende comprobar las habilidades de comunicación de los estudiantes universitarios y la importancia profesional que les otorgan; al tiempo que observar si existen diferencias entre los estudiantes de carreras de apoyo frente a los de otras carreras.Participaron 418 estudiantes de distintos grados y másteres de la Universidad de La Laguna. Se realizó un análisis de frecuencia para determinar el nivel de uso e importancia otorgada a las habilidades comunicativas y una prueba T para muestras independientes con el objetivo de observar las diferencias entre los dos grupos. La información se recogió mediante el cuestionario de habilidades comunicativas para profesionales HABICOM. Los resultados indican que los estudiantes universitarios utilizan habilidades adecuadas y dan importancia a éstas en el desempeño profesional; aunque los estudiantes de carreras de apoyo destacan frente a los de otras carreras; sin embargo son resultados que deben tomarse con cautela debido al escaso tamaño del efecto. Consideramos necesario continuar la formación en estas habilidades a los estudiantes universitarios, ya que son fundamentales para su desempeño profesional.This paper aims to verify the use of the communication skills from university students and professional importance they given them; and examine whether there are differences between students of support degrees and students of other degrees. It was attended by 418 students of various degrees and Master’s degrees from the University of La Laguna. In the study, a frequency analysis was employed to determine the level of use of communication skills and importance they given them; and a T test for independent samples in order to observe the differences between two groups. The information was collected by questionnaire for professional communication skills HABICOM. The results show that college students use appropriate communication skills and give importance to them in their careers, although students of support degrees stand out from those of other degrees; however results are to be taken with caution due to the small effect size. We consider it’s necessary to continue training in these skills to college students because they are fundamental for their professional performance

    El trabajo colegiado: un espacio para gestionar la integración de los niños con necesidades educativas especiales

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    Trabajo de intervención que tuvo el objetivo de implementar el trabajo colegiado como medio para que el director y el personal docente conozcan y analicen su función en la integración de niños con necesidades educativas especiales en una escuela primaria

    Intervención psicoeducativa en una niña de educación infantil diagnosticada de una leucemia linfoblástica

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    Se ofrecen los resultados de un programa de intervención psicoeducativa de una niña de 2º curso de Educación Primaria afectada de una leucemia linfoblástica aguda. El programa de intervención psicoeducativa fue desarrollado por la maestra tutora y se realizó exclusivamente en el aula ordinaria, sin la intervención directa del aula de apoyo ni de la maestra de educación especial, aunque ésta colaboró proporcionado materiales. Este caso forma parte de un trabajo de investigación más amplio que, bajo el título de “Intervención psicoeducativa en niños diagnosticados de cáncer”, se ha realizado con la financiación de la Conselleria de Cultura y Educación de la Generalidad Valenciana (GV99-97-1-09)

    Service Quality Perceptions, Online Visibility, and Business Performance in Rural Lodging Establishments

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    In the tourism industry, most customer feedback and searches for relevant information take place online. Therefore, it is important to improve understanding of the business consequences of both customers’ online comments and businesses’ online visibility. For this study, the authors collected comments and visibility data (advertising expenditures) from a leading rural tourism infomediary website, related to 408 French rural lodging establishments. A complementary survey provided information about the lodging establishments’ performance (reputation and profitability). The results reveal that tourists’ positive perceptions of global service quality, as reflected in their comments, depend on their dual perceptions of the lodging and the surroundings. In turn, positive global service quality perceptions and visibility on an infomediary website positively affect business performance. These findings have implications for tourism scholars, as well as for establishment owners trying to track the factors that affect tourists’ evaluations of their service provision.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Advances in the implementation of Megathyrsus breeding program Selecting an appropriate apomictic tester: Multi environment analysis

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    The optimization of livestock systems in developing countries has been associated with the replacement of native pastures with exotic species from Africa and their genetic improvement. Megathyrsus maximus has high productive potential and has the capacity to contribute to climate change mitigation by means of biological carbon fixation and biological inhibition nitrification. To start M. maximus breeding scheme is necessary to identify an appropriate apomictic “tester”. This report summarizes the first step in multi-trait and multi-environment diallel analysis conducted with the aim to identify an appropriate apomictic tester to implement the breeding scheme of Mm. A selected population of hybrids obtained from cross of 9 male genotypes and 24 female genotypes was subjected to field evaluation in three environments (Llanos, Palmira, and Quilichao). In this report, we present only the multi-environment analysis conducted on plant height using factor analytic mixed models. In all environments, plant height showed low variability values (CV% < 0.17) and high broad sense heritability values (h2) except for llanos4, quili3, and quili4. The high magnitude of the phenotypic variation was composed of high genotypic variation and low environmental variation. The analysis of variance showed significant differences in the genotype – environment interaction. The factor analytic analysis biplot revealed that two factors explain 56.1% of the genetic variance and that 83% of the environments were clustered in the first factor indicating that Llanos differed strongly from Palmira and Quilichao. It is noteworthy that some hybrids expressed a better performance than genotypes used as checks

    Functional modeling of high-dimensional data: a Manifold Learning approach

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    This article belongs to the Special Issue Methodological and Applied Contributions on Stochastic Modelling and ForecastingThis paper introduces stringing via Manifold Learning (ML-stringing), an alternative to the original stringing based on Unidimensional Scaling (UDS). Our proposal is framed within a wider class of methods that map high-dimensional observations to the infinite space of functions,allowing the use of Functional Data Analysis (FDA). Stringing handles general high-dimensional data as scrambled realizations of an unknown stochastic process. Therefore, the essential feature of the method is a rearrangement of the observed values. Motivated by the linear nature of UDS and the increasing number of applications to biosciences (e.g., functional modeling of gene expression arrays and single nucleotide polymorphisms, or the classification of neuroimages) we aim to recover more complex relations between predictors through ML. In simulation studies, it is shown that MLstringing achieves higher-quality orderings and that, in general, this leads to improvements in the functional representation and modeling of the data. The versatility of our method is also illustrated with an application to a colon cancer study that deals with high-dimensional gene expression arrays.This paper shows that ML-stringing is a feasible alternative to the UDS-based version. Also, it opens a window to new contributions to the field of FDA and the study of high-dimensional data.This research was funded in part by Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades grant numbers PID2019-104901RB-I00 and MTM2017-88708-P