1,034 research outputs found

    On the supergravity formulation of mirror symmetry in generalized Calabi-Yau manifolds

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    We derive the complete supergravity description of the N=2 scalar potential which realizes a generic flux-compactification on a Calabi-Yau manifold (generalized geometry). The effective potential V_{eff}=V_{(\partial_Z V=0)}, obtained by integrating out the massive axionic fields of the special quaternionic manifold, is manifestly mirror symmetric, i.e. invariant with respect to {\rm Sp}(2 h_2+2)\times {\rm Sp}(2 h_1+2) and their exchange, being h_1, h_2 the complex dimensions of the underlying special geometries. {\Scr V}_{eff} has a manifestly N=1 form in terms of a mirror symmetric superpotential W$ proposed, some time ago, by Berglund and Mayr.Comment: 14 pages, LaTeX sourc

    N=1,2 supersymmetric vacua of IIA supergravity and SU(2) structures

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    We consider backgrounds of (massive) IIA supergravity of the form of a warped product M1,3×ωX6M_{1,3}\times_{\omega} X_6, where X6X_6 is a six-dimensional compact manifold and M1,3M_{1,3} is AdS4AdS_4 or a four-dimensional Minkowski space. We analyse conditions for N=1\mathcal{N}=1 and N=2\mathcal{N}=2 supersymmetry on manifolds of SU(2) structure. We prove the absence of solutions in certain cases.Comment: 24 pages; v2: reference adde

    How does aromaticity rule the thermodynamic stability of hydroporphyrins?

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    Several measures of aromaticity including energetic, magnetic, and electron density criteria are employed to show how aromatic stabilization can explain the stability sequence of hydroporphyrins, ranging from porphin to octahydroporphin, and their preferred hydrogenation paths. The methods employed involve topological resonance energies and their circuit energy effects, bond resonance energies, multicenter delocalization indices, ring current maps, magnetic susceptibilities, and nuclear-independent chemical shifts. To compare the information obtained by the different methods, the results have been put in the same scale by using recently proposed approaches. It is found that all of them provide essentially the same information and lead to similar conclusions. Also, hydrogenation energies along different hydrogenation paths connecting porphin with octahydroporphin have been calculated with density functional theory. It is shown by using the methods mentioned above that the relative stability of different hydroporphyrin isomers and the observed inaccessibility of octahydroporphin both synthetically and in nature can be perfectly rationalized in terms of aromaticity

    Towards reduction of type II theories on SU(3) structure manifolds

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    We revisit the reduction of type II supergravity on SU(3) structure manifolds, conjectured to lead to gauged N=2 supergravity in 4 dimensions. The reduction proceeds by expanding the invariant 2- and 3-forms of the SU(3) structure as well as the gauge potentials of the type II theory in the same set of forms, the analogues of harmonic forms in the case of Calabi-Yau reductions. By focussing on the metric sector, we arrive at a list of constraints these expansion forms should satisfy to yield a base point independent reduction. Identifying these constraints is a first step towards a first-principles reduction of type II on SU(3) structure manifolds.Comment: 20 pages; v2: condition (2.13old) on expansion forms weakened, replaced by (2.13new), (2.14new

    Three Dimensional Topological Field Theory induced from Generalized Complex Structure

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    We construct a three-dimensional topological sigma model which is induced from a generalized complex structure on a target generalized complex manifold. This model is constructed from maps from a three-dimensional manifold XX to an arbitrary generalized complex manifold MM. The theory is invariant under the diffeomorphism on the world volume and the bb-transformation on the generalized complex structure. Moreover the model is manifestly invariant under the mirror symmetry. We derive from this model the Zucchini's two dimensional topological sigma model with a generalized complex structure as a boundary action on X\partial X. As a special case, we obtain three dimensional realization of a WZ-Poisson manifold.Comment: 18 page

    Canonical differential geometry of string backgrounds

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    String backgrounds and D-branes do not possess the structure of Lorentzian manifolds, but that of manifolds with area metric. Area metric geometry is a true generalization of metric geometry, which in particular may accommodate a B-field. While an area metric does not determine a connection, we identify the appropriate differential geometric structure which is of relevance for the minimal surface equation in such a generalized geometry. In particular the notion of a derivative action of areas on areas emerges naturally. Area metric geometry provides new tools in differential geometry, which promise to play a role in the description of gravitational dynamics on D-branes.Comment: 20 pages, no figures, improved journal versio

    Conifolds and Geometric Transitions

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    Conifold geometries have recieved a lot of attention in string theory and string-inspired cosmology recently, in particular the Klebanov-Strassler background that is known as the "warped throat". It is our intention in this article to give a pedagogical explanation for the singularity resolution in this geometry and emphasise its connection to geometric transitions. The first part focuses on the gauge theory dual to the Klebanov-Strassler background, which we also explain from a T-dual intersecting branes scenario. We then make the connection to the Gopakumar-Vafa conjecture for open/closed string duality and summarise a series of papers verifying this model on the supergravity level. An appendix provides extensive background material about conifold geometries. We pay special attention to their complex structures and re-evaluate the supersymmetry conditions on the background flux in constructions with fractional D3-branes on the singular (Klebanov-Tseytlin) and resolved (Pando Zayas-Tseytlin) conifolds. We agree with earlier results that only the singular solution allows a supersymmetric flux, but point out the importance of using the correct complex structure to reach this conclusion.Comment: 37 pages, v3: accepted for publication in Reviews of Modern Physic

    Heterotic compactifications and nearly-Kahler manifolds

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    We propose that under certain conditions heterotic string compactifications on half-flat and nearly-Kahler manifolds are equivalent. Based on this correspondence we argue that the moduli space of the nearly-Kahler manifolds under discussion consists only of the Kahler deformations moduli space and there is no correspondent for the complex structure deformations.Comment: 5 pages, references added, typos correcte

    Generalized structures of N=1 vacua

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    We characterize N=1 vacua of type II theories in terms of generalized complex structure on the internal manifold M. The structure group of T(M) + T*(M) being SU(3) x SU(3) implies the existence of two pure spinors Phi_1 and Phi_2. The conditions for preserving N=1 supersymmetry turn out to be simple generalizations of equations that have appeared in the context of N=2 and topological strings. They are (d + H wedge) Phi_1=0 and (d + H wedge) Phi_2 = F_RR. The equation for the first pure spinor implies that the internal space is a twisted generalized Calabi-Yau manifold of a hybrid complex-symplectic type, while the RR-fields serve as an integrability defect for the second.Comment: 21 pages. v2, v3: minor changes and correction