1,472 research outputs found

    On the approximation of spatial structures of global tidal magnetic field models

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    The extraction of the magnetic signal induced by the oceanic M2 tide is typically based solely on the temporal periodicity of the signal. Here, we propose a system of tailored trial functions that additionally takes the spatial constraint into account that the sources of the signal are localized within the oceans. This construction requires knowledge of the underlying conductivity model but not of the inducing tidal current velocity. Approximations of existing tidal magnetic field models with these trial functions and comparisons with approximations based on other localized and nonlocalized trial functions are illustrated.</p

    Relation between composition and vacant oxygen sites in the mixed ionicelectronic conductors La5.4W1 yMyO12 delta M Mo, Re; 0 lt; y lt; 0.2 and their mother compound La6 xWO12 delta 0.4 lt; x lt; 0.8

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    A detailed analysis of specimen composition, water uptake and their interrelationship in the systems La6 xWO12 amp; 948; 0.4 amp; 8804; x amp; 8804;0.8 and La6 xW1 yMyO12 amp; 948; 0 amp; 8804;y amp; 8804;0.2; M Mo, Re is presented. The three specimen series were investigated in dry and wet D2O conditions. A systematic trend in mass loss and onset temperature variation was observed in La6 xWO12 amp; 948; 0.4 amp; 8804;x amp; 8804;0.8 . Even very small amounts lt; 1 wt of secondary phases were found to notably modify the specimen s water uptake and onset temperature of mass loss. The theoretical model for vacancy concentration available was used to calculate the vacant oxygen sites starting from mass loss values determined by thermogravimetry. A discrepancy between the calculated and observed concentration of vacant oxygen sites is observed for all three systems. The effect of substitution of W by Re or Mo on the vacancy amount is explained taking into account diffraction measurements and information on the oxidation state of the substituting elements Mo and R

    The Alvarez and Lohmann refractive lenses revisited

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    15 pages, 10 figures.-- OCIS codes: 080.1510, 080.2740, 330.4460.Alvarez and Lohmann lenses are variable focus optical devices based on lateral shifts of two lenses with cubic-type surfaces. I analyzed the optical performance of these types of lenses computing the first order optical properties (applying wavefront refraction and propagation) without the restriction of the thin lens approximation, and the spot diagram using a ray tracing algorithm. I proposed an analytic and numerical method to select the most optimum coefficients and the specific configuration of these lenses. The results show that Lohmann composite lens is slightly superior to Alvarez one because the overall thickness and optical aberrations are smaller.I benefit from a Spanish Ministry of Science-UPM "Ramón y Cajal" contract.Peer reviewe

    Using observed incidence to calibrate the transmission level of a mathematical model for Plasmodium vivax dynamics including case management and importation

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    In this work, we present a simple and flexible model for Plasmodium vivax dynamics which can be easily combined with routinely collected data on local and imported case counts to quantify transmission intensity and simulate control strategies. This model extends the model from White et al. (2016) by including case management interventions targeting liver-stage or blood-stage parasites, as well as imported infections. The endemic steady state of the model is used to derive a relationship between the observed incidence and the transmission rate in order to calculate reproduction numbers and simulate intervention scenarios. To illustrate its potential applications, the model is used to calculate local reproduction numbers in Panama and identify areas of sustained malaria transmission that should be targeted by control interventions

    Promotion of mixed protonic–electronic transport in La5.4_{5.4}WO11.1−δ_{11.1− δ} membranes under H2_2S atmospheres

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    Catalytic membrane reactors (CMR) based on H2_2-separation membranes can improve the performance of thermodynamically-limited reactions such as high-pressure steam methane reforming, ammonia cracking, non-oxidative aromatics production, and water gas shift reaction (WGS). In these industrial processes, the membrane surfaces are typically exposed to steam, CO2_2, CO, H2_2S, and hydrocarbons in combination with high temperatures. Therefore, the membrane materials require long-term thermo-chemical stability under the mentioned conditions. Stability in H2_2S is of outstanding importance since its presence, even at ppm level, gives rise to substantial surface poisoning and decomposition of most materials. Here we characterize the influence of H2_2S on the crystalline structure, lattice composition, and hydrogen-transport properties of La5.4_{5.4}WO11.1−δ_{11.1−δ}, one of the reference protonic membrane materials. The incorporation of sulfide ions in the crystal lattice is ascertained from XRD, XPS, FESEM, WDS, EDS, and FIB-SIMS analyses. UV-vis spectroscopy and EIS measurements illustrate the effect of the incorporated sulfur in the transport properties, i.e., vigorously promoting the electronic conductivity mediated by the concurrent partial reduction of tungsten cations (W6+^{6+}). The rise in electronic conductivity allowed an H2_2 flux of 0.042 mL cm−2^{−2} min−1^{−1} to be reached at 700 °C for a ∼700 μm-thick membrane, in contrast with negligible H2_2 permeation in H2_2S-free conditions
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