59 research outputs found

    Distributed Control of Synchronization of a Group of Network Nodes

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    Amplitude dynamics favors synchronization in complex networks

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    In this paper we study phase synchronization in random complex networks of coupled periodic oscillators. In particular, we show that, when amplitude dynamics is not negligible, phase synchronization may be enhanced. To illustrate this, we compare the behavior of heterogeneous units with both amplitude and phase dynamics and pure (Kuramoto) phase oscillators. We find that in small network motifs the behavior crucially depends on the topology and on the node frequency distribution. Surprisingly, the microscopic structures for which the amplitude dynamics improves synchronization are those that are statistically more abundant in random complex networks. Thus, amplitude dynamics leads to a general lowering of the synchronization threshold in arbitrary random topologies. Finally, we show that this synchronization enhancement is generic of oscillators close to Hopf bifurcations. To this aim we consider coupled FitzHugh-Nagumo units modeling neuron dynamics

    Reconstructing higher-order interactions in coupled dynamical systems

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    Higher-order interactions play a key role for the operation and function of a complex system. However, how to identify them is still an open problem. Here, we propose a method to fully reconstruct the structural connectivity of a system of coupled dynamical units, identifying both pairwise and higher-order interactions from the system time evolution. Our method works for any dynamics, and allows the reconstruction of both hypergraphs and simplicial complexes, either undirected or directed, unweighted or weighted. With two concrete applications, we show how the method can help understanding the complexity of bacterial systems, or the microscopic mechanisms of interaction underlying coupled chaotic oscillators

    A network-based structure-preserving dynamical model for the study of cascading failures in power grids

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    In this work we show that simple classic models of power grids, albeit frequently utilized in many applications, may not be reliable for investigating cascading failures problems. For this purpose, we develop a novel model, based on a structure-preserving approach, to obtain a network-based description of a power grid, where nodes correspond to generators and buses, while the links correspond to the physical lines connecting them. In addition, we also consider classic voltage and frequency protection mechanisms for lines and buses. Considering the Italian power grid as a case study of interest, we then investigate the propagation of an initial failure of any line of the power system, and compare the predicted impact of the failure according to different assumptions in the model such as the presence or absence of protection mechanisms and a simplified description of the system dynamics. In particular, it can be observed that more realistic models are crucial to determine the size of the cascading failure, as well as the sequence of links that may be involved in the cascade

    Analysis of remote synchronization in complex networks

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    A novel regime of synchronization, called remote synchronization, where the peripheral nodes form a phase synchronized cluster not including the hub, was recently observed in star motifs [Bergner et al., Phys. Rev. E 85, 026208 (2012)]. We show the existence of a more general dynamical state of remote synchronization in arbitrary networks of coupled oscillators. This state is characterized by the synchronization of pairs of nodes that are not directly connected via a physical link or any sequence of synchronized nodes. This phenomenon is almost negligible in networks of phase oscillators as its underlying mechanism is the modulation of the amplitude of those intermediary nodes between the remotely synchronized units. Our findings thus show the ubiquity and robustness of these states and bridge the gap from their recent observation in simple toy graphs to complex networks

    The Master Stability Function for Synchronization in Simplicial Complexes

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    All interesting and fascinating collective properties of a complex system arise from the intricate way in which its components interact. Various systems in physics, biology, social sciences and engineering have been successfully modelled as networks of coupled dynamical systems, where the graph links describe pairwise interactions. This is, however, too strong a limitation, as recent studies have revealed that higher-order many-body interactions are present in social groups, ecosystems and in the human brain, and they actually affect the emergent dynamics of all these systems. Here, we introduce a general framework that allows to study coupled dynamical systems accounting for the precise microscopic structure of their interactions at any possible order. We consider the most general ensemble of identical dynamical systems, organized on the nodes of a simplicial complex, and interacting through synchronization-non-invasive coupling function. The simplicial complex can be of any dimension, meaning that it can account, at the same time, for pairwise interactions, three-body interactions and so on. In such a broad context, we show that complete synchronization exists as an invariant solution, and we give the necessary condition for it to be observed as a stable state in terms of a Master Stability Function. This generalizes the existing results valid for pairwise interactions (i.e. graphs) to the case of complex systems with the most general possible architecture. Moreover, we show how the approach can be simplified for specific, yet frequently occurring, instances, and we verify all our theoretical predictions in synthetic and real-world systems. Given the completely general character of the method proposed, our results contribute to the theory of dynamical systems with many-body interactions and can find applications in an extremely wide range of practical cases

    Stability of Synchronization in Simplicial Complexes

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    Networks with higher order interactions, relevant to social groups, ecosystems and human brain, require new tools and instruments for their analysis. Gambuzza et al. propose an analytical approach which allows to find conditions for stable synchronization in many-body interaction networks