60 research outputs found

    Lack of observational evidence for quantum structure of space-time at Plank scales

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    It has been noted (Lieu & Hillmann, 2002) that the cumulative affect of Planck-scale phenomenology, or the structure of space-time at extremely small scales, can be lead to the loss of phase of radiation emitted at large distances from the observer. We elaborate on such an approach and demonstrate that such an effect would lead to an apparent blurring of distant point-sources. Evidence of the diffraction pattern from the HST observations of SN 1994D and the unresolved appearance of a Hubble Deep Field galaxy at z=5.34 lead us to put stringent limits on the effects of Planck-scale phenomenology.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures, accepter for ApJ

    Pasteurization of cream for buttermaking

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    In some European countries the pasteurization of cream for buttermaking is extensively practiced. Butter manufacturers in the United States have long recognized that this is a desirable procedure and they have written numerous letters to the experiment stations seeking information regarding it. In many cases it has been more or less difficult to answer these inquiries because of the comparatively small amount of experimental work which has been done along this line. The purpose of the experiments herein reported was to determine the value of pasteurization to those engaged in the manufacture of butter. In this connection the effect of pasteurization on the flavor of the butter, on the keeping quality, on the body, on the chemical composition, and on the mechanical losses was considered and an effort was made to determine the relative merits of the various methods of pasteurization

    Some Observations on the Effect of Iodine Administration upon Sheep

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    On account of the occasional incidence of goitre and death of lambs produced on the experiment station farm, an experiment on the administration of potassium iodide to the pregnant ewes was carried on in 1917-18. Three lots of four on the same ration were fed from 2 to 15 grains potassium iodide daily. Results on the prevention of goitre in the young were not conclusive, but the passage of the iodine into the milk of the ewes was demonstrated, and pronounced unfavorable results from too large a dose of iodine were obtained, especially in the lots receiving the larger allowances. These unfavorable effects were not particularly in the vigor of the new-born and the lack of resistance to disease

    Near-Infrared Adaptive Optics Spectroscopy of Binary Brown Dwarf HD 130948B and C

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    We present near-infrared spectroscopy of low-mass companions in a nearby triple system HD 130948 (Gliese 564, HR 5534). Adaptive optics on the Subaru Telescope allowed spectroscopy of the individual components of the 0".13 binary system. Based on a direct comparison with a series of template spectra, we determined the spectral types of HD 130948B and C to be L4 +- 1. If we take the young age of the primary star into account (0.3-0.8 Gyr), HD 130948B and C most likely are a binary brown dwarf system.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    Diffraction-limited 3 μm spectroscopy of IRAS 04296+3429 and IRAS 05341+0852: Spatial extent of hydrocarbon dust emission and dust evolutionary sequence

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    We present 3 μm spectroscopy of the carbon-rich protoplanetary nebulae IRAS 04296+3429 and IRAS 05341+0852, conducted with the adaptive optics system at the Subaru Telescope. We utilize the nearly diffraction-limited spectroscopy to probe the spatial extent of the hydrocarbon dust emitting zone. We find a hydrocarbon emission core extending up to 100-160 mas from the center of IRAS 04296+3429, corresponding to a physical diameter of 400-640 AU, assuming a distance of 4 kpc. However, we find that IRAS 05341+0852 is not spatially resolved with this instrumentation. The physical extent of these protoplanetary nebulae, along with the reanalyzed data of IRAS 22272+5435 published previously, suggests a correlation between the physical extent of the hydrocarbon dust emission and the spectral evolution of the aliphatic to aromatic features in these post-AGB stars. These measurements represent the first direct test of the proposed chemical synthesis route of carbonaceous dust in the circumstellar environment of evolved stars. © 2007, The American Astronomical Society, Ail rights reserved.published_or_final_versio

    First Detection of NaI D lines in High-Redshift Damped Lyman-alpha Systems

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    A Near-infrared (1.18-1.35 micron) high-resolution spectrum of the gravitationally-lensed QSO APM 08279+5255 was obtained with the IRCS mounted on the Subaru Telescope using the AO system. We detected strong NaI D 5891,5897 doublet absorption in high-redshift DLAs at z=1.062 and 1.181, confirming the presence of NaI, which was first reported for the rest-frame UV NaI 3303.3,3303.9 doublet by Petitjean et al. This is the first detection of NaI D absorption in a high-redshift (z>1) DLA. In addition, we detected a new NaI component in the z=1.062 DLA and four new components in the z=1.181 DLA. Using an empirical relationship between NaI and HI column density, we found that all "components" have large HI column density, so that each component is classified as DLA absorption. We also detected strong NaI D absorption associated with a MgII system at z=1.173. Because no other metal absorption lines were detected in this system at the velocity of the NaI absorption in previously reported optical spectra (observed 3.6 years ago), we interpret this NaI absorption cloud probably appeared in the line of sight toward the QSO after the optical observation. This newly found cloud is likely to be a DLA based upon its large estimated HI column density. We found that the N(NaI)/N(CaII) ratios in these DLAs are systematically smaller than those observed in the Galaxy; they are more consistent with the ratios seen in the Large Magellanic Cloud. This is consistent with dust depletion generally being smaller in lower metallicity environments. However, all five clouds of the z=1.181 system have a high N(NaI)/N(CaII) ratio, which is characteristic of cold dense gas. We tentatively suggest that the host galaxy of this system may be the most significant contributor to the gravitational-lens toward APM 08279+5255.Comment: 22 pages, 6 Postscript figures, 3 tables, ApJ in press (Vol.643, 2 June 2006

    LBT/ARGOS adaptive optics observations of z2\sim 2 lensed galaxies

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    Gravitationally lensed systems allow a detailed view of galaxies at high redshift. High spatial- and spectral-resolution measurements of arc-like structures can offer unique constraints on the physical and dynamical properties of high-z systems. We present near-infrared spectra centred on the gravitational arcs of six known z ~ 2 lensed star-forming galaxies of stellar masses of 10^9-10^11 Msun and star formation rate (SFR) in the range between 10 and 400 Msun/yr. Ground layer adaptive optics (AO)-assisted observations are obtained at the Large Binocular Telescope (LBT) with the LUCI spectrographs during the commissioning of the ARGOS facility. We used MOS masks with curved slits to follow the extended arched structures and study the diagnostic emission lines. Combining spatially resolved kinematic properties across the arc-like morphologies, emission line diagnostics and archival information, we distinguish between merging and rotationally supported systems, and reveal the possible presence of ejected gas. For galaxies that have evidence for outflows, we derive outflow energetics and mass-loading factors compatible with those observed for stellar winds in local and high-z galaxies. We also use flux ratio diagnostics to derive gas-phase metallicities. The low signal-to-noise ratio in the faint Hβ\beta and nitrogen lines allows us to derive an upper limit of ~ 0.15 dex for the spatial variations in metallicity along the slit for the lensed galaxy J1038. Analysed near-infrared spectra presented here represent the first scientific demonstration of performing AO-assisted multi-object spectroscopy with narrow curved-shape slits. The increased angular and spectral resolution, combined with the binocular operation mode with the 8.4-m-wide eyes of LBT, will allow the characterisation of kinematic and chemical properties of a large sample of galaxies at high-z in the near future.Comment: 18 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Spatially Resolved 3 um Spectroscopy of IRAS 22272+5435: Formation and Evolution of Aliphatic Hydrocarbon Dust in Proto-Planetary Nebula

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    We present medium-resolution 3 um spectroscopy of the carbon-rich proto-planetary nebula IRAS 22272+5435. Spectroscopy with the Subaru Telescope adaptive optics system revealed a spatial variation of hydrocarbon molecules and dust surrounding the star. The ro-vibrational bands of acetylene (C2H2) and hydrogen cyanide (HCN) at 3.0 um are evident in the central star spectra. The molecules are concentrated in the compact region near the center. The 3.3 and 3.4 um emission of aromatic and aliphatic hydrocarbons is detected at 600--1300 AU from the central star. The separation of spatial distribution between gas and dust suggests that the small hydrocarbon molecules are indeed the source of solid material, and that the gas leftover from the grain formation is being observed near the central star. The intensity of aliphatic hydrocarbon emission relative to the aromatic hydrocarbon emission decreases with distance from the central star. The spectral variation is well matched to that of a laboratory analog thermally annealed with different temperatures. We suggest that either the thermal process after the formation of a grain or the variation in the temperature in the dust-forming region over time determines the chemical composition of the hydrocarbon dust around the proto-planetary nebula.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures, Accepted for publication in the Astrophyical Journa

    ANDES, the high resolution spectrograph for the ELT: science case, baseline design and path to construction

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