1,259 research outputs found

    Discovery of a Tight Brown Dwarf Companion to the Low Mass Star LHS 2397a

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    Using the adaptive optics system, Hokupa'a, at Gemini-North, we have directly imaged a companion around the UKIRT faint standard M8 star, LHS 2397a (FS 129) at a separation of 2.96 AU. Near-Infrared photometry of the companion has shown it to be an L7.5 brown dwarf and confirmed the spectral type of the primary to be M8. We also derive a substellar mass of the companion of 0.068 Msun, although masses in the range (0.061-0.069) are possible, and the primary mass as 0.090 Msun (0.089-0.094). Reanalysis of archival imaging from HST has confirmed the secondary as a common proper motion object. This binary represents the first clear example of a brown dwarf companion within 4 AU of a low mass star and should be one of the first late L dwarfs to have a dynamical mass. As part of a larger survey of M8-L0 stars, this object may indicate that there is no ``brown dwarf desert'' around low mass primaries.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figures, Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Protoplanetary and Transitional Disks in the Open Stellar Cluster IC 2395

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    We present new deep UBVRI images and high-resolution multi-object optical spectroscopy of the young (~ 6 - 10 Myr old), relatively nearby (800 pc) open cluster IC 2395. We identify nearly 300 cluster members and use the photometry to estimate their spectral types, which extend from early B to middle M. We also present an infrared imaging survey of the central region using the IRAC and MIPS instruments on board the Spitzer Space Telescope, covering the wavelength range from 3.6 to 24 microns. Our infrared observations allow us to detect dust in circumstellar disks originating over a typical range of radii ~ 0.1 to ~ 10AU from the central star. We identify 18 Class II, 8 transitional disk, and 23 debris disk candidates, respectively 6.5%, 2.9%, and 8.3% of the cluster members with appropriate data. We apply the same criteria for transitional disk identification to 19 other stellar clusters and associations spanning ages from ~ 1 to ~ 18 Myr. We find that the number of disks in the transitional phase as a fraction of the total with strong 24 micron excesses ([8] - [24] > 1.5) increases from 8.4 +\- 1.3% at ~ 3 Myr to 46 +\- 5% at ~ 10 Myr. Alternative definitions of transitional disks will yield different percentages but should show the same trend.Comment: accepted by the Astrophysical Journa

    Numerical Simulation of Illumination and Thermal Conditions at the Lunar Poles Using LOLA DTMs

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    We are interested in illumination conditions and the temperature distribution within the upper two meters of regolith near the lunar poles. Here, areas exist receiving almost constant illumination near areas in permanent shadow, which were identified as potential exploration sites for future missions. For our study a numerical simulation of the illumination and thermal environment for lunar near-polar regions is needed. Our study is based on high-resolution, twenty meters per pixel and 400 x 400 km large polar Digital Terrain Models (DTMs), which were derived from Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter (LOLA) data. Illumination conditions were simulated by synthetically illuminating the LOLA DTMs using the horizon method considering the Sun as an extended source. We model polar illumination for the central 50 x 50 km subset and use it as an input at each time-step (2 h) to evaluate the heating of the lunar surface and subsequent conduction in the sub-surface. At surface level we balance the incoming insolation with the subsurface conduction and radiation into space, whereas in the sub-surface we consider conduction with an additional constant radiogenic heat source at the bottom of our two-meter layer. Density is modeled as depth-dependent, the specific heat parameter as temperature-dependent and the thermal conductivity as depth- and temperature-dependent. We implemented a fully implicit finite-volume method in space and backward Euler scheme in time to solve the one-dimensional heat equation at each pixel in our 50 x 50 km DTM. Due to the non-linear dependencies of the parameters mentioned above, Newton's method is employed as the non-linear solver together with the Gauss-Seidel method as the iterative linear solver in each Newton iteration. The software is written in OpenCL and runs in parallel on the GPU cores, which allows for fast computation of large areas and long time scales

    The High-Order-Multiplicity of Unusually Wide M-dwarf Binaries: Eleven New Triple and Quadruple Systems

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    M-dwarfs in extremely wide binary systems are very rare, and may thus have different formation processes from those found as single stars or close binaries in the field. In this paper we search for close companions to a new sample of 36 extremely wide M-dwarf binaries, covering a spectral type range of M1 to M5 and a separation range of 600 - 6500 AU. We discover 10 new triple systems and one new quadruple system. We carefully account for selection effects including proper motion, magnitude limits, the detection of close binaries in the SDSS, and other sample biases. The bias-corrected total high-order-multiple fraction is 45% (+18%/-16%) and the bias-corrected incidence of quadruple systems is < 5%, both statistically compatible with that found for the more common close M-dwarf multiple systems. Almost all the detected companions have similar masses to their primaries, although two very low mass companions, including a candidate brown dwarf, are found at relatively large separations. We find that the close-binary separation distribution is strongly peaked towards < 30AU separations. There is marginally significant evidence for a change in high-order M-dwarf multiplicity with binding energy and total mass. We also find 2-sigma evidence of an unexpected increased high-order-multiple fraction for the widest targets in our survey, with a high-order-multiple fraction of 21% (+17%/-7%) for systems with separations up to 2000AU, compared to 77% (+9%/-22%) for systems with separations > 4000AU. These results suggest that the very widest M-dwarf binary systems need higher masses to form or to survive.Comment: 11 pages, 14 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Rotational Velocities of Individual Components in Very Low Mass Binaries

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    We present rotational velocities for individual components of 11 very low mass (VLM) binaries with spectral types between M7 and L7.5. These results are based on observations taken with the near-infrared spectrograph, NIRSPEC, and the Keck II laser guide star adaptive optics system. We find that the observed sources tend to be rapid rotators (v sin i > 10 km s^(–1)), consistent with previous seeing-limited measurements of VLM objects. The two sources with the largest v sin i, LP 349–25B and HD 130948C, are rotating at ~30% of their break-up speed, and are among the most rapidly rotating VLM objects known. Furthermore, five binary systems, all with orbital semimajor axes ≟3.5 AU, have component v sin i values that differ by greater than 3σ. To bring the binary components with discrepant rotational velocities into agreement would require the rotational axes to be inclined with respect to each other, and that at least one component is inclined with respect to the orbital plane. Alternatively, each component could be rotating at a different rate, even though they have similar spectral types. Both differing rotational velocities and inclinations have implications for binary star formation and evolution. We also investigate possible dynamical evolution in the triple system HD 130948A–BC. The close binary brown dwarfs B and C have significantly different v sin i values. We demonstrate that components B and C could have been torqued into misalignment by the primary star, A, via orbital precession. Such a scenario can also be applied to another triple system in our sample, GJ 569A–Bab. Interactions such as these may play an important role in the dynamical evolution of VLM binaries. Finally, we note that two of the binaries with large differences in component v sin i, LP 349–25AB and 2MASS 0746+20AB, are also known radio sources

    Spitzer 24 micron Survey of Debris Disks in the Pleiades

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    We performed a 24 micron 2 Deg X 1 Deg survey of the Pleiades cluster, using the MIPS instrument on Spitzer. Fifty four members ranging in spectral type from B8 to K6 show 24 micron fluxes consistent with bare photospheres. All Be stars show excesses attributed to free-free emission in their gaseous envelopes. Five early-type stars and four solar-type stars show excesses indicative of debris disks. We find a debris disk fraction of 25 % for B-A members and 10 % for F-K3 ones. These fractions appear intermediate between those for younger clusters and for the older field stars. They indicate a decay with age of the frequency of the dust-production events inside the planetary zone, with similar time scales for solar-mass stars as have been found previously for A-stars.Comment: accepted to Ap

    Five new very low mass binaries

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    We report the discovery of companions to 5 nearby late M dwarfs (>M5), LHS1901, LHS4009, LHS6167, LP869-26 and WT460, and we confirm that the recently discovered mid-T brown dwarf companion to SCR1845-6357 is physically bound to that star. These discoveries result from our adaptive optics survey of all M dwarfs within 12 pc. The new companions have spectral types M5 to L1, and orbital separations between 1 and 10 AU. They add significantly to the number of late M dwarfs binaries in the immediate solar neighbourhood, and will improve the multiplicity statistics of late M dwarfs. The expected periods range from 3 to 130 years. Several pairs thus have good potential for accurate mass determination in this poorly sampled mass range.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, submitted to Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Glioblastoma-targeting peptide adsorbed on lipid nanocapsule surface: optimization of the process and targeting efficacy

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    The current standard of care of glioblastoma (GBM): the highest grade brain tumor is not a curative treatment and does not prevent high patient mortality (median survival of 14 months, and 5-year survival rate lower than 10% (Stupp R et al., N. Engl. J. Med, 2005; Stupp R et al., Lancet Oncol., 2009)). The scientific community must address solutions to these unmet medical and patient needs and opportunities can be found to develop innovative and complementary treatment to the standard therapeutic scheme. The GLIOGEL project (ERA-NET Cofund EuroNanoMed III) focuses on a hydrogel of GBM-targeting, drug-loaded lipid nanocapsules (LNCs). This new drug delivey system will be implantable directly after GBM resection, and will close the treatment gap until Stupp protocol (radiotherapy and/or adjuvant chemotherapy, 4 to 6 weeks after resection). The sustained LNCs release will specifically target the residual infiltrating GBM cells at resection border, main cause of tumor recurrences. The proof of concept of adsorption of a targeting peptide: the NFL-TBS.40-63 (NFL) at LNC surface was already done, with the specific targeting property for GBM cells (Berges R et al., Mol. Ther., 2012 ; Balzeau J. et al., Biomaterials, 2013). So the first part of the project was to confirm and optimize the association NFL-LNCs, and to show correlations regarding NFL and LNC physicochemical properties.   LNCs in suspension with different sizes (from 30 to 100nm), surface charges (positive, neutral and negative) and SpanÂź 80 composition (from 0 to 15% w/wLNCs) have been performed according to a phase inversion process (Heurtault et al., WO2001 / 064328, 2001). Different LNC concentrations (0.001 to 275mg/mL) were incubated at room temperature for 12h with fixed NFL concentrations (50 to 200ÎŒg/mL). Free NFL proportions were quantified in the free NFL and NFL-adsorbed LNC mixtures without prior separation, i.e. directly after incubation, to avoid all the bias that can be observed using physical separations such as filtration by centrifugation and dialysis. A Steric Exclusion Chromatography method was developed for this purpose. Due to NFL properties (slightly positively charged and capacity to form H-bond), we showed that the NFL adsorption at LNC surface was enhanced with negatively charged LNCs, and when SpanÂź 80 proportion at LNC surface increase. These results were confirmed using two other methods without prior separation: NMR diffusometry using the diffusion coefficients for both free and adsorbed NFLs, and Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy using FITC-labeled NFL. Other protein or peptide-adsorbed nanoparticles could be characterized using these three methods, and the absence of physical separation before the quantification is a real benefit for the accuracy and veracity of data. Finally, the best LNC candidates with total NFL adsorption were tested on a large library of GBM cell lines, with different incubation times in order to verify the targeting efficacy. The LNCs internalization is faster when the NFL is present at their surface. Nevertheless, we observed that the efficiency depends on different parameters: the amount of NFLs at LNC surface and also the cellular models

    The Neurological Manifestations of Post-Acute Sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection

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    Purpose of Review: Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), is a global health challenge. This review aims to summarize the incidence, risk factors, possible pathophysiology, and proposed management of neurological manifestations of post-acute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection (PASC) or neuro-PASC based on the published literature. Recent Findings: The National Institutes of Health has noted that PASC is a multi-organ disorder ranging from mild symptoms to an incapacitating state that can last for weeks or longer following recovery from initial infection with SARS-CoV-2. Various pathophysiological mechanisms have been proposed as the culprit for the development of PASC. These include, but are not limited to, direct or indirect invasion of the virus into the brain, immune dysregulation, hormonal disturbances, elevated cytokine levels due to immune reaction leading to chronic inflammation, direct tissue damage to other organs, and persistent low-grade infection. A multidisciplinary approach for the treatment of neuro-PASC will be required to diagnose and address these symptoms. Tailored rehabilitation and novel cognitive therapy protocols are as important as pharmacological treatments to treat neuro-PASC effectively. Summary: With recognizing the growing numbers of COVID-19 patients suffering from neuro-PASC, there is an urgent need to identify affected individuals early to provide the most appropriate and efficient treatments. Awareness among the general population and health care professionals about PASC is rising, and more efforts are needed to understand and treat this new emerging challenge. In this review, we summarize the relevant scientific literature about neuro-PASC
