319 research outputs found

    Inter-collisional cutting of multi-walled carbon nanotubes by high-speed agitation

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    ArticleJOURNAL OF PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF SOLIDS. 69(10): 2481-2486 (2008)journal articl

    Palindromic Decompositions with Gaps and Errors

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    Identifying palindromes in sequences has been an interesting line of research in combinatorics on words and also in computational biology, after the discovery of the relation of palindromes in the DNA sequence with the HIV virus. Efficient algorithms for the factorization of sequences into palindromes and maximal palindromes have been devised in recent years. We extend these studies by allowing gaps in decompositions and errors in palindromes, and also imposing a lower bound to the length of acceptable palindromes. We first present an algorithm for obtaining a palindromic decomposition of a string of length n with the minimal total gap length in time O(n log n * g) and space O(n g), where g is the number of allowed gaps in the decomposition. We then consider a decomposition of the string in maximal \delta-palindromes (i.e. palindromes with \delta errors under the edit or Hamming distance) and g allowed gaps. We present an algorithm to obtain such a decomposition with the minimal total gap length in time O(n (g + \delta)) and space O(n g).Comment: accepted to CSR 201

    On Budget-Feasible Mechanism Design for Symmetric Submodular Objectives

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    We study a class of procurement auctions with a budget constraint, where an auctioneer is interested in buying resources or services from a set of agents. Ideally, the auctioneer would like to select a subset of the resources so as to maximize his valuation function, without exceeding a given budget. As the resources are owned by strategic agents however, our overall goal is to design mechanisms that are truthful, budget-feasible, and obtain a good approximation to the optimal value. Budget-feasibility creates additional challenges, making several approaches inapplicable in this setting. Previous results on budget-feasible mechanisms have considered mostly monotone valuation functions. In this work, we mainly focus on symmetric submodular valuations, a prominent class of non-monotone submodular functions that includes cut functions. We begin first with a purely algorithmic result, obtaining a 2ee1\frac{2e}{e-1}-approximation for maximizing symmetric submodular functions under a budget constraint. We view this as a standalone result of independent interest, as it is the best known factor achieved by a deterministic algorithm. We then proceed to propose truthful, budget feasible mechanisms (both deterministic and randomized), paying particular attention on the Budgeted Max Cut problem. Our results significantly improve the known approximation ratios for these objectives, while establishing polynomial running time for cases where only exponential mechanisms were known. At the heart of our approach lies an appropriate combination of local search algorithms with results for monotone submodular valuations, applied to the derived local optima.Comment: A conference version appears in WINE 201

    Effects of nutritional and environmental conditions on Sinorhizobium meliloti biofilm formation

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    Rhizobia are non-spore-forming soil bacteria that fix atmospheric nitrogen into ammonia in a symbiosis with legume roots. However, in the absence of a legume host, rhizobia manage to survive and hence must have evolved strategies to adapt to diverse environmental conditions. The capacity to respond to variations in nutrient availability enables the persistence of rhizobial species in soil, and consequently improves their ability to colonize and to survive in the host plant. Rhizobia, like many other soil bacteria, persist in nature most likely in sessile communities known as biofilms, which are most often composed of multiple microbial species. We have been employing in vitro assays to study environmental parameters that might influence biofilm formation in the Medicago symbiont Sinorhizobium meliloti. These parameters include carbon source, amount of nitrate, phosphate, calcium and magnesium as well as the effects of osmolarity and pH. The microtiter plate assay facilitates the detection of subtle differences in rhizobial biofilms in response to these parameters, thereby providing insight into how environmental stress or nutritional status influences rhizobial survival. Nutrients such as sucrose, phosphate and calcium enhance biofilm formation as their concentrations increase, whereas extreme temperatures and pH negatively affect biofilm formation.Fil: Rinaudi, Luciana Veronica. Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto; ArgentinaFil: Fujishige, Nancy A.. University of California; Estados UnidosFil: Hirsch, Ann M.. University of California; Estados UnidosFil: Banchio, Erika. Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto; ArgentinaFil: Zorreguieta, Ángeles. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas de Buenos Aires. Fundación Instituto Leloir. Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas de Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Giordano, Walter Fabian. Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto; Argentin

    Machine speed scaling by adapting methods for convex optimization with submodular constraints

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    In this paper, we propose a new methodology for the speed-scaling problem based on its link to scheduling with controllable processing times and submodular optimization. It results in faster algorithms for traditional speed-scaling models, characterized by a common speed/energy function. Additionally, it efficiently handles the most general models with job-dependent speed/energy functions with single and multiple machines. To the best of our knowledge, this has not been addressed prior to this study. In particular, the general version of the single-machine case is solvable by the new technique in O(n2) time

    Structured Sparsity: Discrete and Convex approaches

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    Compressive sensing (CS) exploits sparsity to recover sparse or compressible signals from dimensionality reducing, non-adaptive sensing mechanisms. Sparsity is also used to enhance interpretability in machine learning and statistics applications: While the ambient dimension is vast in modern data analysis problems, the relevant information therein typically resides in a much lower dimensional space. However, many solutions proposed nowadays do not leverage the true underlying structure. Recent results in CS extend the simple sparsity idea to more sophisticated {\em structured} sparsity models, which describe the interdependency between the nonzero components of a signal, allowing to increase the interpretability of the results and lead to better recovery performance. In order to better understand the impact of structured sparsity, in this chapter we analyze the connections between the discrete models and their convex relaxations, highlighting their relative advantages. We start with the general group sparse model and then elaborate on two important special cases: the dispersive and the hierarchical models. For each, we present the models in their discrete nature, discuss how to solve the ensuing discrete problems and then describe convex relaxations. We also consider more general structures as defined by set functions and present their convex proxies. Further, we discuss efficient optimization solutions for structured sparsity problems and illustrate structured sparsity in action via three applications.Comment: 30 pages, 18 figure

    Ketidakoptimalan Penanganan Perkara Pidana Rehabilitasi Penyalahguna Narkotika di Wilayah Hukum Kejaksaan Negeri Mejayan Kabupaten Madiun

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    ABSTRAK Rahmat Hidayat S331302008, 2015, Ketidakoptimalan Penanganan Perkara Pidana Rehabilitasi Penyalahguna Narkotika di Wilayah Hukum Kejaksaan Negeri Mejayan Kabupaten Madiun. Tujuan dari penulisan tesis ini yaitu pelaksanaan rehabilitasi bagi penyalahguna narkotika yang belum dilaksanakan dan upaya yang dilakukan agar rehabilitasi secara optimal dilaksanakan di wilayah hukum Kejaksaan Negeri Mejayan Kabupaten Madiun. Adapun rumusan masalah yang diangkat dalam penulisan tesis ini adalah Mengapa rehabilitasi bagi penyalahguna narkotika di wilayah Hukum Kejaksaan Negeri Mejayan Kabupaten Madiun belum dilaksanakan secara optimal dan Upaya apa yang suharusnya dilakukan agar rehabilitasi penyalahguna narkotika di wilayah Hukum Kejaksaan Negeri Mejayan Kabupaten Madiun dilaksanakan secara optimal. Penelitian dalam tesis ini adalah penelitian hukum yuridis normatif dan yuridis empiris, jenis pendekatan yang dipergunakan dalam penulisan tesis ini adalah kualitatif adalah suatu cara analisis hasil penelitian yang menghasilkan data deskriptif analitis, yaitu data yang dinyatakan oleh responden sacara tertulis atau lisan serta juga tingkah laku yang nyata, yang diteliti dan dipelajari sebagai sesuatu yang utuh. Pelaksanaan rehabilitasi belum dilaksanakan secara optimal oleh penegak hukum di wilayah hukum Kejaksaan Negeri Mejayan Kabupaten Madiun terhadap pelaku penyalahguna narkotika. Upaya-upaya terhadap pelaksanaan rehabilitasi penyalahguna narkotika, aparat penegak hukum di wilayah hukum Kejaksaan Negeri Mejayan Kabupaten Madiun dibantu oleh Pemerintah Kabupaten Madiun dalam proses awal penegakan hukum terhadap penyalahguna narkotika sedini mungkin dilakukannya Assesmen Terpadu. Kata kunci : Rehabilitasi Narkotika, Penanganan Perkara Pidana

    Cyclic AMP Control Measured in Two Compartments in HEK293 Cells: Phosphodiesterase KM Is More Important than Phosphodiesterase Localization

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    The intracellular second messenger cyclic AMP (cAMP) is degraded by phosphodiesterases (PDE). The knowledge of individual families and subtypes of PDEs is considerable, but how the different PDEs collaborate in the cell to control a cAMP signal is still not fully understood. In order to investigate compartmentalized cAMP signaling, we have generated a membrane-targeted variant of the cAMP Bioluminiscence Resonance Energy Transfer (BRET) sensor CAMYEL and have compared intracellular cAMP measurements with it to measurements with the cytosolic BRET sensor CAMYEL in HEK293 cells. With these sensors we observed a slightly higher cAMP response to adenylyl cyclase activation at the plasma membrane compared to the cytosol, which is in accordance with earlier results from Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) sensors. We have analyzed PDE activity in fractionated lysates from HEK293 cells using selective PDE inhibitors and have identified PDE3 and PDE10A as the major membrane-bound PDEs and PDE4 as the major cytosolic PDE. Inhibition of membrane-bound or cytosolic PDEs can potentiate the cAMP response to adenylyl cyclase activation, but we see no significant difference between the potentiation of the cAMP response at the plasma membrane and in cytosol when membrane-bound and cytosolic PDEs are inhibited. When different levels of stimulation were tested, we found that PDEs 3 and 10 are mainly responsible for cAMP degradation at low intracellular cAMP concentrations, whereas PDE4 is more important for control of cAMP at higher concentrations

    A Fluorescent Chromatophore Changes the Level of Fluorescence in a Reef Fish

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    Body coloration plays a major role in fish ecology and is predominantly generated using two principles: a) absorbance combined with reflection of the incoming light in pigment colors and b) scatter, refraction, diffraction and interference in structural colors. Poikilotherms, and especially fishes possess several cell types, so-called chromatophores, which employ either of these principles. Together, they generate the dynamic, multi-color patterns used in communication and camouflage. Several chromatophore types possess motile organelles, which enable rapid changes in coloration. Recently, we described red fluorescence in a number of marine fish and argued that it may be used for private communication in an environment devoid of red. Here, we describe the discovery of a chromatophore in fishes that regulates the distribution of fluorescent pigments in parts of the skin. These cells have a dendritic shape and contain motile fluorescent particles. We show experimentally that the fluorescent particles can be aggregated or dispersed through hormonal and nervous control. This is the first description of a stable and natural cytoskeleton-related fluorescence control mechanism in vertebrate cells. Its nervous control supports suggestions that fluorescence could act as a context-dependent signal in some marine fish species and encourages further research in this field. The fluorescent substance is stable under different chemical conditions and shows no discernible bleaching under strong, constant illumination