308 research outputs found

    Coastal water supply in Bangladesh

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    The coastal belt of Bangladesh extended over 76 Thanas is identified problem area where complex hydrogeological conditions and adverse water quality make water supply difficult as compared to other parts of the country. The entire belt is crisscrossed by rivers and their tributaries which are under active tidal influence. In spite of having large number of natural streams, ponds and a good ground water storage, the scarcity of potable water is acute. The river water, in most of the time in the year, is highly turbid and saline. The low saline pond water is used for many domestic purposes, but completely unsuitable for drinking. Unlike other areas of Bangladesh, ground water of acceptable quality is not available in most parts of coastal area at relatively shallow depths for easy withdrawal by conventional handpump tubewells. The use of easily available waters as source of domestic water supply requires extensive costly treatment which is not a practical proposition for scattered rural population nor affordable in the context of rural economic condition. Development of an alternative low cost water supply system required to improve the water supply situation in the coastal area of Bangladesh

    Cost of water supply options for arsenic mitigation

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    Arsenic contamination of groundwater-based water supply has become a great concern in many countries of the world. Provision of alternative arsenic-safe water supply is a priority for protection of health but it requires mobilization of huge financial resources in highly affected countries. This paper presents a comparative analysis of costs of treatment of arsenic contaminated water and utilization of alternative water sources for safe water supply in arsenic affected areas. Because of the complexities in arsenic removal, the cost of treatment of arsenic contaminated water at the present level of technological advancement is high and beyond affordability of the low-income rural population. Some alternative water supply options can provide water at comparatively low cost but are not suitable at all locations. The costs of arsenic-safe water supply, convenience and limitations of most technological options for arsenic mitigation have been discussed

    Classification of Static Plane Symmetric Spacetimes according to their Matter Collineations

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    In this paper we classify static plane symmetric spacetimes according to their matter collineations. These have been studied for both cases when the energy-momentum tensor is non-degenerate and also when it is degenerate. It turns out that the non-degenerate case yields either {\it four}, {\it five}, {\it six}, {\it seven} or {\it ten} independent matter collineations in which {\it four} are isometries and the rest are proper. There exists three interesting cases where the energy-momentum tensor is degenerate but the group of matter collineations is finite-dimensional. The matter collineations in these cases are either {\it four}, {\it six} or {\it tenComment: 15 pages, LaTex, no figure

    Teleparallel Killing Vectors of the Einstein Universe

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    In this short paper we establish the definition of the Lie derivative of a second rank tensor in the context of teleparallel theory of gravity and also extend it for a general tensor of rank p+qp+q. This definition is then used to find Killing vectors of the Einstein universe. It turns out that Killing vectors of the Einstein universe in the teleparallel theory are the same as in General Relativity.Comment: 9 pages, accepted for publication in Mod. Phys. Lett.

    Risk Assessment of Arsenic Mitigation Options in Bangladesh

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    The provision of alternative water sources is the principal arsenic mitigation strategy in Bangladesh, but can lead to risk substitution. A study of arsenic mitigation options was undertaken to assess water quality and sanitary condition and to estimate the burden of disease associated with each technology in disability-adjusted life years (DALYs). Dugwells and pond-sand filters showed heavy microbial contamination in both dry and monsoon seasons, and the estimated burden of disease was high. Rainwater was of good quality in the monsoon but deteriorated in the dry season. Deep tubewells showed microbial contamination in the monsoon but not in the dry season and was the only technology to approach the World Health Organization's reference level of risk of 10-6 DALYs. A few dugwells and one pond-sand filter showed arsenic in excess of 50 μg/L. The findings suggest that deep tubewells and rainwater harvesting provide safer water than dugwells and pond-sand filters and should be the preferred options

    An alkali catalyzed trans-esterification of rice bran, cottonseed and waste cooking oil

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    In this research work, biodiesel production by trans-esterification of three raw materials including virgin and used edible oil and non edible oil has been presented. A two step method following acidic and alkali catalyst was used for non edible oil due to the unsuitability of using the straight alkaline-catalyzed trans-esterification of high FFA present in rice bran oil. The acid value after processing for rice bran, cottonseed and waste cooking oil was found to be 0.95, 0.12 and 0.87 respectively. The influence of three variables on percentage yield i.e., methanol to oil molar ratio, reaction temperature and reaction time were studied at this stage. Cottonseed oil, waste cooking oil and rice bran oil showed a maximum yield of 91.7%, 84.1% and 87.1% under optimum conditions. Fuel properties of the three biodiesel satisfied standard biodiesel fuel results

    Age related diffusion and tractography changes in typically developing pediatric cervical and thoracic spinal cord

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    Background and objective: Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) and diffusion tensor tractography (DTT) are two techniques that can measure white matter integrity of the spinal cord. Recently, DTI indices have been shown to change with age. The purpose of this study is (a) to evaluate the maturational states of the entire pediatric spinal cord using DTI and DTT indices including fractional anisotropy (FA), mean diffusivity (MD), mean length of white matter fiber tracts and tract density and (b) to analyze the DTI and DTT parameters along the entire spinal cord as a function of spinal cord levels and age. Method: A total of 23 typically developing (TD) pediatric subjects ranging in age from 6 to 16 years old (11.94 ± 3.26 (mean ± standard deviation), 13 females and 10 males) were recruited, and scanned using 3.0 T MR scanner. Reduced FOV diffusion tensor images were acquired axially in the same anatomical location prescribed for the T2-weighted images to cover the entire spinal cord (C1-mid L1 levels). To mitigate motion induced artifacts, diffusion directional images were aligned with the reference image (b0) using a rigid body registration algorithm performed by in-house software developed in Matlab (MathWorks, Natick, Massachusetts). Diffusion tensor maps (FA and MD) and streamline deterministic tractography were then generated from the motion corrected DTI dataset. DTI and DTT parameters were calculated by using ROIs drawn to encapsulate the whole cord along the entire spinal cord by an independent board certified neuroradiologist. These indices then were compared between two age groups (age group A = 6–11 years (n = 11) and age group B = 12–16 years (n = 12)) based on similar standards and age definitions used for reporting spinal cord injury in the pediatric population. Standard least squared linear regression based on a restricted maximum likelihood (REML) method was used to evaluate the relationship between age and DTI and DTT parameters. Results: An increase in FA (group A = 0.42 ± 0.097, group B = 0.49 ± 0.116), white matter tract density (group A = 368.01 ± 236.88, group B = 440.13 ± 245.24) and mean length of fiber tracts (group A = 48.16 ± 20.48 mm, group B = 60.28 ± 23.87 mm) and a decrease in MD (group A = 1.06 ± 0.23 × 10−3 mm2/s, group B = 0.82 ± 0.24 × 10−3 mm2/s) were observed with age along the entire spinal cord. Statistically significant increases have been shown in FA (p = 0.004, R2 = 0.57), tract density (p = 0.0004, R2 = 0.58), mean length of fiber tracts (p \u3c 0.001, R2 = 0.5) and a significant decrease has been shown in MD (p = 0.002, R2 = 0.59) between group A and group B. Also, it has been shown DTI and DTT parameters vary along the spinal cord as a function of intervertebral disk and mid-vertebral body level. Conclusion: This study provides an initial understanding of age related changes of DTI values as well as DTT metrics of the spinal cord. The results show significant differences in DTI and DTT parameters which may result from decreasing water content, myelination of fiber tracts, and the thickening diameter of fiber tracts during the maturation process. Consequently, when quantitative DTI and DTT of the spinal cord is undertaken in the pediatric population an age and level matched normative dataset should be used to accurately interpret the quantitative results. © 201

    The Effectiveness of fMRI Data when Combined with Polygraph Data

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    The Integrated Zone Comparison Technique (IZCT) was utilized with computerized polygraph instrumentation and the Academy for Scientific Investigative Training’s Horizontal Scoring System ASIT PolySuite algorithm, as part of a blind study in the detection of deception. This paper represents a synergy analysis of combining fMRI only deception data with each of the three individual physiological parameters that are used in polygraph. They include the electro-dermal response (EDR), pneumo, and cardio measurements. In addition, we compared the detection accuracy analysis using each single parameter by itself. Th e fMRI score and each individual polygraph parameter score on individual subjects were averaged to establish an overall score

    Conditional linearizability criteria for a system of third-order ordinary differential equations

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    We provide linearizability criteria for a class of systems of third-order ordinary differential equations (ODEs) that is cubically semi-linear in the first derivative, by differentiating a system of second-order quadratically semi-linear ODEs and using the original system to replace the second derivative. The procedure developed splits into two cases, those where the coefficients are constant and those where they are variables. Both cases are discussed and examples given


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    BackgroundMHD patients (pts) often display protein-energy wasting, sarcopenia & diminished physical performance. This study was undertaken to assess the relationship between body composition & physical performance in MHD pts.MethodsBody composition, assessed by dual energy x-ray absorptiometry and body mass index (BMI), were compared to 3 measures of physical performance: 6-minute walking distance (6-MW), sit-to-stand testing and stair climb. 52 clinically stable MHD pts (≥6 mo) and 21 matched normal controls were examined in this ongoing study.ResultsPts were 53±13SD yrs, 33% female; 38% diabetic; dialysis vintage was 62±52 months. Normals were 52 years and 43% female. MHD pts had higher % body fat than Normals. 6-MW and sit to stand cycles were much lower in MHD men and women than in Normal men and women. 6MW in MHD and Normals were 445 vs 630 meters, respectively (p<.001). In men but not women, time to climb 22 stairs was greater in MHD pts then in Normals (p=.03). Unadjusted analyses in MHD indicated that 6-MW distance correlated negatively with lean body mass index (LBMI, kg of LBM/m2; r=-0.37; p<0.01) and % body fat (r=-0.33; p= 0.02); stair climb time correlated negatively with lean leg mass (r=-0.32, p=0.03) and total leg mass (r=-0.29, p=0.045).). Sit-to-stand did not correlate with any body composition measure. 6-MW adjusted for age and gender correlated negatively with LBMI (r=-0.29; p=0.04).There were no associations between BMI (range, 19.8-44.2 kg/m2) and physical performance.ConclusionsThese findings indicate that adult MHD pts had a higher % body fat. Measures of physical performance were markedly reduced in MHD pts as compared to Normals. Physical performance in MHD, measured especially by 6-MW, correlated negatively with some measures of body composition, particularly with LBMI
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