234 research outputs found

    New forms of social interaction: virtual communication and health

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    It is examined if the relationship empirically demonstrated between health and face-to-face social interactions is confirmed when it is virtual. The objective is to know if the perception of psychological well-being and receiving social support would explain the frequency of participation in virtual social networks (VSN). An ex-post-facto design was applied to a sample of 510 university Internet users (age, M = 22.89, SD = 5.67, 78.9% women). The level of psychological well-being (Spanish adaptation of the Ryff Psychological Well-Being Scale), social support (Family Social Support and Friends questionnaire - AFA) and the frequency of use of VSN are evaluated. To determine the relationships between the variables, correlation and hierarchical regression analyzes were carried out. The relative contribution of the perception of psychological well-being and of obtaining social support in the frequency of VSN use is confirmed, controlling the influences of age and gender. Specifically, the perception of having less ability to dominate the social environment and to obtain social support for friendships through VSN explains and allows predicting the increase in the frequency of use of such networks.Se examina si la relación demostrada empíricamente entre salud e interacciones sociales presenciales se confirma cuando ésta es virtual. El objetivo es conocer si la percepción de bienestar psicológico y de recibir apoyo social explicaría la frecuencia de participación en redes sociales virtuales (RSV). Se aplica un diseño ex-post-facto sobre una muestra de 510 internautas universitarios (edad; M =22,89; DT= 5,67; 78,9% mujeres). Se evalúa el nivel de bienestar psicológico (adaptación española de la Escala de Bienestar Psicológico de Ryff), de apoyo social (cuestionario Apoyo Social Familiar y Amigos - AFA) y la frecuencia de uso de las RSV. Para determinar las relaciones entre las variables se realizaron análisis de correlación y de regresión jerárquica Se confirma la contribución relativa de la percepción de bienestar psicológico y de obtención de apoyo social en la frecuencia de uso de RSV, controlando las influencias de la edad y el género. Concretamente, la percepción de poseer menor capacidad de dominar el ambiente social y la de obtener apoyo social por las amistades a través de las RSV, explica y permite predecir el incremento en la frecuencia de uso de dichas redes

    Avaliação do impacte de fogos florestais nos recursos hídricos subterrâneos

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    O presente trabalho corresponde ao relatório final do Projecto POCI/AGR/59180/2004 “Avaliação do Impacte de Fogos Florestais nos Recursos Hídricos Subterrâneos” e nele se avalia o impacto dos fogos no meio hídrico superficial e subterrâneo, considerando as alterações quantitativas no meio hídrico – escoamento superficial, recarga, evapotranspiração – e de qualidade. Na avaliação da alteração da qualidade das águas consideraram-se como fontes de contaminação os solos ardidos e as cinzas da matéria vegetal ardida, cuja caracterização foi realizada em ensaios de queima e de lixiviação. Os poluentes avaliados foram os elementos inorgânicos, os metais pesados e os hidrocarbonetos. Os trabalhos de campo visaram a caracterização das unidades florísticas das áreas ardidas, recolha de amostras para os ensaios de queima e lixiviação assim como a amostragem das águas superficiais e subterrâneas para a avaliação das alterações na sua qualidade e a evolução da poluição ao longo do tempo.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologi

    Characterization of 8p21.3 chromosomal deletions in B-cell lymphoma: TRAIL-R1 and TRAIL-R2 as candidate dosage-dependent tumor suppressor genes

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    Deletions of chromosome 8p are a recurrent event in B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma (B-NHL), suggesting the presence of a tumor suppressor gene. We have characterized these deletions using comparative genomic hybridization to microarrays, fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) mapping, DNA sequencing, and functional studies. A minimal deleted region (MDR) of 600 kb was defined in chromosome 8p21.3, with one mantle cell lymphoma cell line (Z138) exhibiting monoallelic deletion of 650 kb. The MDR extended from bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clones RP11-382J24 and RP11-109B10 and included the tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) receptor gene loci. Sequence analysis of the individual expressed genes within the MDR and DNA sequencing of the entire MDR in Z138 did not reveal any mutation. Gene expression analysis and quantitative reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (QRT-PCR) showed down-regulation of TRAIL-R1 and TRAIL-R2 receptor genes as a consistent event in B-NHL with 8p21.3 loss. Epigenetic inactivation was excluded via promoter methylation analysis. In vitro studies showed that TRAIL-induced apoptosis was dependent on TRAIL-R1 and/or -R2 dosage in most tumors. Resistance to apoptosis of cell lines with 8p21.3 deletion was reversed by restoration of TRAIL-R1 or TRAIL-R2 expression by gene transfection. Our data suggest that TRAIL-R1 and TRAIL-R2 act as dosage-dependent tumor suppressor genes whose monoallelic deletion can impair TRAIL-induced apoptosis in B-cell lymphoma

    Construyendo un nosotros. Arte interdisciplina y salud mental

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    Este proyecto de extensión acreditado y financiado por la UNLP, “Taller arte, recreando un nosotros” se propone promover prácticas alternativas de encuentro y participación colectiva para generar vínculos y relaciones no restrictivas entre internados, externados, familias, profesionales y no profesionales, en el Teatro del Hospital Alejandro Korn, utilizando el arte, la expresión, el juego y la estimulación de sentidos. Se sostiene en el proceso de reforma en materia de Salud Mental que se inicia con la Sanción de la Ley Nacional de Salud Mental (Ley Nº 26657) donde se busca continuar con el proceso de desmanicomialización que se viene llevando a cabo en todo el mundo y que registra antecedentes en las normativas internacionales (OPS, 1990; OPS, 2005; OPS, 2010). Se basa en el desplazamiento del eje de la atención brindada en el hospital psiquiátrico hacia estrategias de atención primaria de la salud con base en la comunidad. En los talleres se promueve la acción social concreta. La construcción de saberes se da conjuntamente con todos los involucrados. Actualmente funcionan talleres de radio, arte y expresión, expresión literaria y jardín de sensaciones. Siendo espacios de producción, de aprendizaje, de circulación de la palabra, de compartir con el otro experiencias de vida y opiniones en donde se rescata la subjetividad, la identidad e historicidad. Fuera del hospital se realizan reuniones de planificación y/ contención, trabajando lo emocional y la grupalidad de los talleristas intervinientes. Estos espacios parten del encuentro INTERDISCIPLINAR, quienes participan son de distintas disciplinas tales como psicología, bellas artes, comunicación social, trabajo social, acompañantes terapéuticos, antropología; articulando el trabajo con otros grupos pertenecientes al hospital, instituciones universitarias y otras organizaciones. El trabajo colectivo interdisciplinar se vuelve uno de los pilares así como el ARTE en tanto medio de expresión y no como fin estético. Lo artístico como lenguaje de comunicación, socialización y como herramienta de expansión de la subjetividad en un espacio determinado, un lugar de salud. Desde la continuidad de las actividades y encuentros se producen cambios subjetivos en los participantes. En ese sentido la apuesta es producir una transformación en lo cotidiano de cada uno para que eso sea retomado en los diferentes dispositivos y actores que apuestan a una externación o mejor condición de la persona internada y una mejoría en la salud mental y salud en general. Palabras claves: práctica transformadora, subjetividad, arte, interdisciplina, salud mental

    Effectiveness of habitat management in the recovery of low-density populations of wild rabbit.

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    Understanding the relationship between spatial patterns of landscape attributes and population presence and abundance is essential for understanding population processes as well as supporting management and conservation strategies. This study evaluates the influence of three factors: environment, habitat management, and season on the presence and abundance of the wild rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus), an important prey species for Mediterranean endangered predator species. To address this issue, we estimated wild rabbit presence and abundance by latrine counting in transects located in 45 plots within a 250×250 m grid from June 2007 until June 2009 in a 1,200 ha hunting area in southern Portugal.We then analyzed how wild rabbit presence and abundance correlatewith the aforementioned factors. Our results showed that the main variable influencing wild rabbit presence and abundance was the distance to the artificial warrens. North and northeast slope directions were negatively related to wild rabbit presence. Conversely, rabbit presence was positively correlated with short distances to ecotone, artificial warrens, and spring. Regarding rabbit abundance, in addition to artificial warrens, soft soils, bushes, and season also had a positive effect. We found that environmental variables, management practices, and season each affect wild rabbit presence and abundance differently at a home range scale in low-density population. Thus, our major recommendations are reducing the distance to artificial warrens and ecotone, ideally to less than 100 m, and promoting habitat quality improvement on slopes with plenty of sun exposure

    COVID Isolation Eating Scale (CIES): Analysis of the impact of confinement in eating disorders and obesity-A collaborative international study

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    Confinement during the COVID-19 pandemic is expected to have a serious and complex impact on the mental health of patients with an eating disorder (ED) and of patients with obesity. The present manuscript has the following aims: (1) to analyse the psychometric properties of the COVID Isolation Eating Scale (CIES), (2) to explore changes that occurred due to confinement in eating symptomatology; and (3) to explore the general acceptation of the use of telemedicine during confinement. The sample comprised 121 participants (87 ED patients and 34 patients with obesity) recruited from six different centres. Confirmatory Factor Analyses (CFA) tested the rational-theoretical structure of the CIES. Adequate goodness-of-fit was obtained for the confirmatory factor analysis, and Cronbach alpha values ranged from good to excellent. Regarding the effects of confinement, positive and negative impacts of the confinement depends of the eating disorder subtype. Patients with anorexia nervosa (AN) and with obesity endorsed a positive response to treatment during confinement, no significant changes were found in bulimia nervosa (BN) patients, whereas Other Specified Feeding or Eating Disorder (OSFED) patients endorsed an increase in eating symptomatology and in psychopathology. Furthermore, AN patients expressed the greatest dissatisfaction and accommodation difficulty with remote therapy when compared with the previously provided face-to-face therapy. The present study provides empirical evidence on the psychometric robustness of the CIES tool and shows that a negative confinement impact was associated with ED subtype, whereas OSFED patients showed the highest impairment in eating symptomatology and in psychopathology.This manuscript and research was supported by grants from the Ministeriode Economía y Competitividad (PSI2015-68701-R), Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) (FIS PI14/00290/ INT19/00046nd PI17/01167) and co-funded by FEDER funds/European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), a way to build Europe. CIBERobn, CIBERsam and CIBERDEM are all initiatives of ISCIII. GMB is supported by a postdoctoral grant from FUNCIVA. This initiative is supported by Generalitat de Catalunya. LM is supported by a postdoctoral grant of the mexican institution Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACYT). PPM was supported, in part, by a Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology grant (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-028145). The funders had no role in the study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    Gene Expression Profiling during Early Acute Febrile Stage of Dengue Infection Can Predict the Disease Outcome

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    Background: We report the detailed development of biomarkers to predict the clinical outcome under dengue infection. Transcriptional signatures from purified peripheral blood mononuclear cells were derived from whole-genome gene-expression microarray data, validated by quantitative PCR and tested in independent samples. Methodology/Principal Findings: The study was performed on patients of a well-characterized dengue cohort from Recife, Brazil. The samples analyzed were collected prospectively from acute febrile dengue patients who evolved with different degrees of disease severity: classic dengue fever or dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) samples were compared with similar samples from other non-dengue febrile illnesses. The DHF samples were collected 2-3 days before the presentation of the plasma leakage symptoms. Differentially-expressed genes were selected by univariate statistical tests as well as multivariate classification techniques. The results showed that at early stages of dengue infection, the genes involved in effector mechanisms of innate immune response presented a weaker activation on patients who later developed hemorrhagic fever, whereas the genes involved in apoptosis were expressed in higher levels. Conclusions/Significance: Some of the gene expression signatures displayed estimated accuracy rates of more than 95%, indicating that expression profiling with these signatures may provide a useful means of DHF prognosis at early stages of infection. © 2009 Nascimento et al

    Genome-Wide Identification and Mapping of NBS-Encoding Resistance Genes in Solanum tuberosum Group Phureja

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    The majority of disease resistance (R) genes identified to date in plants encode a nucleotide-binding site (NBS) and leucine-rich repeat (LRR) domain containing protein. Additional domains such as coiled-coil (CC) and TOLL/interleukin-1 receptor (TIR) domains can also be present. In the recently sequenced Solanum tuberosum group phureja genome we used HMM models and manual curation to annotate 435 NBS-encoding R gene homologs and 142 NBS-derived genes that lack the NBS domain. Highly similar homologs for most previously documented Solanaceae R genes were identified. A surprising ∼41% (179) of the 435 NBS-encoding genes are pseudogenes primarily caused by premature stop codons or frameshift mutations. Alignment of 81.80% of the 577 homologs to S. tuberosum group phureja pseudomolecules revealed non-random distribution of the R-genes; 362 of 470 genes were found in high density clusters on 11 chromosomes

    Pigmentation plasticity enhances crypsis in larval newts: Associated metabolic cost and background choice behaviour

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    In heterogeneous environments, the capacity for colour change can be a valuable adaptation enhancing crypsis against predators. Alternatively, organisms might achieve concealment by evolving preferences for backgrounds that match their visual traits, thus avoiding the costs of plasticity. Here we examined the degree of plasticity in pigmentation of newt larvae (Lissotriton boscai) in relation to predation risk. Furthermore, we tested for associated metabolic costs and pigmentation-dependent background choice behaviour. Newt larvae expressed substantial changes in pigmentation so that light, high-reflecting environment induced depigmentation whereas dark, low-reflecting environment induced pigmentation in just three days of exposure. Induced pigmentation was completely reversible upon switching microhabitats. Predator cues, however, did not enhance cryptic phenotypes, suggesting that environmental albedo induces changes in pigmentation improving concealment regardless of the perceived predation risk. Metabolic rate was higher in heavily pigmented individuals from dark environments, indicating a high energetic requirement of pigmentation that could impose a constraint to larval camouflage in dim habitats. Finally, we found partial evidence for larvae selecting backgrounds matching their induced phenotypes. However, in the presence of predator cues, larvae increased the time spent in light environments, which may reflect a escape response towards shallow waters rather than an attempt at increasing crypsisFinancial support was provided by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICINN), Grant CGL2012-40044 to IGM, and by the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Short Stay Grant to NPC. Additional financial support was provided by the MICINN, Grant CGL2015-68670-R to NP