3 research outputs found

    Profiling of polar ionogenic metabolites in Polish wines by capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry

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    The composition of wine is determined by a complex interaction between environmental factors, genetic factors (i.e., grape varieties), and winemaking practices (including technology and storage). Metabolomics using NMR spectroscopy, GC-MS, and/or LC-MS has shown to be a useful approach for assessing the origin, authenticity, and quality of various wines. Nonetheless, the use of additional analytical techniques with complementary separation mechanisms may aid in the deeper understanding of wine's metabolic processes. In this study, we demonstrate that CE-MS is a very suitable approach for the efficient profiling of polar ionogenic metabolites in wines. Without using any sample preparation or derivatization, wine was analyzed using a 10-min CE-MS workflow with interday RSD values for 31 polar and charged metabolites below 3.8% and 23% for migration times and peak areas, respectively. The utility of this workflow for the global profiling of polar ionogenic metabolites in wine was evaluated by analyzing different cool-climate Polish wine samples.Analytical BioScience

    Diagnosis in the power piston machines

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    W artykule przedstawiono obecne techniki monitorowania pracy silnik贸w i spr臋偶arek du偶ej mocy. Ze wzgl臋du na znaczne koszty ewentualnego wy艂膮czenia z ruchu tego typu maszyn s膮 one poddane obserwacji dla przewidywania ewentualnych awarii oraz planowych zatrzyma艅. Ro艣nie liczba zaawansowanych system贸w pomiarowych z indykowaniem cylindr贸w. Dawne metody wibroakustyczne zast臋powane s膮 pomiarami parametr贸w procesu termodynamicznego.This paper presents current techniques for monitoring the performance of engines and compressors power. Due to the significant costs of a possible exemption from the movement of this type of machine they are subjected to observation to predict possible failures and scheduled stops. There is a growing number of advanced metering systems with indykowaniem cylinders. The old methods are replaced vibroacoustic measurements of thermodynamic parameters of the process