66 research outputs found

    Food niche of solitary and social bees (Hymenoptera: Apoidea) in a Neotropical Savanna

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    In this study we investigated the group of floral resources that support bee populations from a bee assemblage in a savanna, and the way in which bee species use these food resources, with an emphasis on the breadth and overlap of trophic niches. The interactions between 75 species of bees and 62 species of plants visited to obtain floral resources were recorded on a Brazilian savanna site. The bee species explored a diverse set of plant species, but concentrated the collection of resources in a few plant species. The distribution of the samples over a long period favored a robust characterization of the food niche of the bee populations. Byrsonima sericea, Serjania faveolata, and Stigmaphyllon paralias were the plant species with the highest number of links with bees. In general, the trophic niche overlap was low, with 75% of pairs of bee species having a niche overlap (NO) less than 0.33. Only four pairs showed high overlap (NO>0.70) and all cases were related to the exploitation of floral resources provided by B. sericea, a key resource for the maintenance of the local bee fauna, an oil and pollen provider

    Proposal for the teaching of the chemical control of supragingival biofilm

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    The mechanical control of supragingival biofilm is accepted as one of the most important measures to treat and prevent dental caries and periodontal diseases. Nevertheless, maintaining dental surfaces biofilm-free is not an easy task. In this regard, chemical agents, mainly in the form of mouthwashes, have been studied to help overcome the difficulties involved in the mechanical control of biofilm. The aim of this paper was to discuss proposals for the teaching of supragingival chemical control (SCC) in order to improve dentists' knowledge regarding this clinical issue. Firstly, the literature regarding the efficacy of antiseptics is presented, clearly showing that chemical agents are clinically effective in the reduction of biofilm and gingival inflammation when used as adjuvant agents to mechanical control. Thus, it is suggested that the content related to SCC be included in the curricular grid of dental schools. Secondly, some essential topics are recommended to be included in the teaching of SCC as follows: skills and competencies expected of a graduate dentist regarding SCC; how to include this content in the curricular grid; teaching-learning tools and techniques to be employed; and program content

    Plantas visitadas por Apis mellifera L. (Hymenoptera, Apidae) em uma área de caatinga em Itatim, Bahia, Brasil

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    Plants visited by Africanized honey bees (Apis mellifera L.) were studied in an area of caatinga (Itatim, Bahia State, Northeastern Brazil). A total of 588 foraging bees were collected while visiting flowers of 33 plant species. Sterculiaceae, Erythroxylaceae, Mimosaceae, and Rhamnaceae were the most frequently visited plant families. Apis mellifera displayed a wide trophic niche (2.71), although only a few plant species were important as pollen and nectar sources. About 80% of the individuals were collected on just ten plant species. Melochia tomentosa and Erythroxylon catingae were the species most frequently visited. The observed similarity between the species visited by A. mellifera at the Itatim site and another area of caatinga 30 km away was low (0.17). In each area different plant species were more frequently visited. These differences may be the result of floristic differences between the two sites, or to the amounts of floral resources available in each area.As plantas visitadas pela abelha africanizada Apis mellifera L. para obtenção de recursos florais foram estudadas em uma área de caatinga (Itatim, Bahia, Nordeste do Brasil). Um total de 588 forrageadoras foi coletado visitando 33 espécies de plantas. Sterculiaceae, Erythroxylaceae, Mimosaceae e Rhamnaceae foram as famílias botânicas mais freqüentemente visitadas. Apis mellifera apresentou nicho trófico amplo (2,71), todavia poucas plantas foram importantes como fontes de pólen e néctar. Cerca de 80% dos indivíduos foram coletados em dez espécies de plantas, sendo Melochia tomentosa e Erythroxylon catingae as plantas mais freqüentemente visitadas. A similaridade encontrada entre a flora visitada por A. mellifera em Itatim e em outra área de caatinga distante 30 km foi baixa (0,17), e diferentes espécies de plantas foram mais freqüentemente visitadas em cada área. Isto pode resultar de diferenças na composição florística das comunidades assim como de diferenças na quantidade de recursos florais disponíveis em cada área

    Factors Associated to Endemic Dental Fluorosis in Brazilian Rural Communities

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    The present paper examines the relationship between hydrochemical characteristics and endemic dental fluorosis, controlling for variables with information on an individual level. An epidemiological survey was carried out in seven rural communities in two municipalities in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. The Thystrup & Fejerskov index was employed by a single examiner for the diagnosis of dental fluorosis. A sampling campaign of deep groundwater in the rural communities of interest was carried out concomitantly to the epidemiological survey for the determination of physiochemical parameters. Multilevel modeling of 276 individuals from seven rural communities was achieved using the non-linear logit link function. Parameters were estimated using the restricted maximum likelihood method. Analysis was carried out considering two response variables: presence (TF 1 to 9) or absence (TF = 0) of any degree of dental fluorosis; and presence (TF ≥ 5—with loss of enamel structure) or absence of severe dental fluorosis (TF ≤ 4—with no loss of enamel structure). Hydrogeological analyses revealed that dental fluorosis is influenced by the concentration of fluoride (OR = 2.59 CI95% 1.07–6.27; p = 0.073) and bicarbonate (OR = 1.02 CI95% 1.01–1.03; p = 0.060) in the water of deep wells. No other variable was associated with this prevalence (p > 0.05). More severe dental fluorosis (TF ≥ 5) was only associated with age group (p < 0.05). No other variable was associated to the severe dental fluorosis (p > 0.05). Dental fluorosis was found to be highly prevalent and severe. A chemical element besides fluoride was found to be associated (p > 0.05) to the prevalence of dental fluorosis, although this last finding should be interpreted with caution due to its p value


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    A fisioterapia dermato-funcional é uma área do conhecimento em plena expansão, caracterizada por fornecer serviço nos três níveis de atenção à saúde, tratando diferentes patologiasde âmbito estético e reparador. A Universidade Potiguar (UNP) é uma instituição pioneira no estado do Rio Grande do Norte no serviço de fisioterapia dermato-funcional e oportuniza àpopulação carente o acesso a tratamentos de alto custo, com a utilização de recursos avançados neste segmento. O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar as características da população atendida na Clínica Escola de Fisioterapia Dermato-Funcional da UnP. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo, retrospectivo, no qual, foram analisados os prontuários de 863 pacientes que freqüentaram o serviço de fisioterapia dermato-funcional, de 2000 a 2009. Observou-se uma variação no públicode pacientes que frequentou o serviço, constatando-se que, no ano de 2001, o percentual de homens que procurou o serviço foi de, no máximo, 4,4%, aumentado para 30,27% em 2009.Foram atendidos quase 100 pacientes anualmente, tratando diferentes patologias, em destaque a adiposidade. Os pacientes realizaram, na maioria dos casos, de 01 a 05 sessões, com importante índice de abandono. Esse abandono pode estar relacionado a frequentes interrupções dosatendimentos devido ao período de férias ou mudanças na estrutura curricular semestralmente e isso pode ser considerado uma das limitações dessa assistência.Retrospective survey of the attendances outpatient physical therapy dermato-functional University PotiguarPhysical therapy is a dermato-functional knowledge area in full expansion, characterized by providing three levels of service in health care, treating different pathologies within aestheticand restorative. The University Potiguar – UNP is a pioneer institution in the state of Rio Grande 42 do Norte in the physiotherapy service dermato-functional and takes advantage of the poor access to high-cost treatments with the use of advanced features in this segment. The aim of this studywas to determine the characteristics of the population served in Clinical Dermatology, School of Physiotherapy Functional UNP. It is a descriptive, retrospective study, which analyzed the medicalrecords of 863 patients who attended physiotherapy service dermato-functional, from 2000 to 2009. There was a change in public patients attending the physiotherapy service dermato-functional, noting that in 2001 the percentage of men attending the service was up to 4.4% increased to 30.27% in 2009. We served almost 100 patients annually, treating different diseases, highlighted adiposity. Patients were, in most cases, 01 to 05 sessions, with significant dropout rate. This dropmay be related to frequent interruptions of attendance due to vacation or changes in curriculum structure every six months and may be considered one of the limitations of this assistance.Key words: Public Health. Aesthetics. Dermatology. Physical Therapy