12,637 research outputs found

    Properties of Information Carrying Waves in Cosmology

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    Recently we studied the effects of information carrying waves propagating through isotropic cosmologies. By information carrying we mean that the waves have an arbitrary dependence on a function. We found that the waves introduce shear and anisotropic stress into the universe. We then constructed explicit examples of pure gravity wave perturbations for which the presence of this anisotropic stress is essential and the null hypersurfaces playing the role of the histories of the wave-fronts in the background space-time are shear-free. Motivated by this result we now prove that these two properties are true for all information carrying waves in isotropic cosmologies.Comment: 15 pages, Latex File, accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Metric Perturbation Approach to Gravitational Waves in Isotropic Cosmologies

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    Gravitational waves in isotropic cosmologies were recently studied using the gauge-invariant approach of Ellis-Bruni. We now construct the linearised metric perturbations of the background Robertson-Walker space-time which reproduce the results obtained in that study. The analysis carried out here also facilitates an easy comparison with Bardeen.Comment: 29 pages, Latex file, accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Shear-Free Gravitational Waves in an Anisotropic Universe

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    We study gravitational waves propagating through an anisotropic Bianchi I dust-filled universe (containing the Einstein-de-Sitter universe as a special case). The waves are modeled as small perturbations of this background cosmological model and we choose a family of null hypersurfaces in this space-time to act as the histories of the wavefronts of the radiation. We find that the perturbations we generate can describe pure gravitational radiation if and only if the null hypersurfaces are shear-free. We calculate the gauge-invariant small perturbations explicitly in this case. How these differ from the corresponding perturbations when the background space-time is isotropic is clearly exhibited.Comment: 32 pages, accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Gravitational Wave Propagation in Isotropic Cosmologies

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    We study the propagation of gravitational waves carrying arbitrary information through isotropic cosmologies. The waves are modelled as small perturbations of the background Robertson-Walker geometry. The perfect fluid matter distribution of the isotropic background is, in general, modified by small anisotropic stresses. For pure gravity waves, in which the perturbed Weyl tensor is radiative (i.e. type N in the Petrov classification), we construct explicit examples for which the presence of the anisotropic stress is shown to be essential and the histories of the wave-fronts in the background Robertson-Walker geometry are shear-free null hypersurfaces. The examples derived in this case are analogous to the Bateman waves of electromagnetic theory.Comment: 27 pages, accepted for publication in Phys.Rev.

    Probing the Reionization History of the Universe using the Cosmic Microwave Background Polarization

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    The recent discovery of a Gunn--Peterson (GP) trough in the spectrum of the redshift 6.28 SDSS quasar has raised the tantalizing possibility that we have detected the reionization of the universe. However, a neutral fraction (of hydrogen) as small as 0.1% is sufficient to cause the GP trough, hence its detection alone cannot rule out reionization at a much earlier epoch. The Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) polarization anisotropy offers an alternative way to explore the dark age of the universe. We show that for most models constrained by the current CMB data and by the discovery of a GP trough (showing that reionization occurred at z > 6.3), MAP can detect the reionization signature in the polarization power spectrum. The expected 1-sigma error on the measurement of the electron optical depth is around 0.03 with a weak dependence on the value of that optical depth. Such a constraint on the optical depth will allow MAP to achieve a 1-sigma error on the amplitude of the primordial power spectrum of 6%. MAP with two years (Planck with one year) of observation can distinguish a model with 50% (6%) partial ionization between redshifts of 6.3 and 20 from a model in which hydrogen was completely neutral at redshifts greater than 6.3. Planck will be able to distinguish between different reionization histories even when they imply the same optical depth to electron scattering for the CMB photons.Comment: ApJ version. Added Figure 2 and reference

    Scales of the Extra Dimensions and their Gravitational Wave Backgrounds

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    Circumstances are described in which symmetry breaking during the formation of our three-dimensional brane within a higher-dimensional space in the early universe excites mesoscopic classical radion or brane-displacement degrees of freedom and produces a detectable stochastic background of gravitational radiation. The spectrum of the background is related to the unification energy scale and the the sizes and numbers of large extra dimensions. It is shown that properties of the background observable by gravitational-wave observatories at frequencies f104f\approx 10^{-4} Hz to 10310^3 Hz contain information about unification on energy scales from 1 to 101010^{10} TeV, gravity propagating through extra-dimension sizes from 1 mm to 101810^{-18}mm, and the dynamical history and stabilization of from one to seven extra dimensions.Comment: 6 pages, Latex, 1 figure, submitted to Phys. Re

    Gravitational Waves from Mesoscopic Dynamics of the Extra Dimensions

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    Recent models which describe our world as a brane embedded in a higher dimensional space introduce new geometrical degrees of freedom: the shape and/or size of the extra dimensions, and the position of the brane. These modes can be coherently excited by symmetry breaking in the early universe even on ``mesoscopic'' scales as large as 1 mm, leading to detectable gravitational radiation. Two sources are described: relativistic turbulence caused by a first-order transition of a radion potential, and Kibble excitation of Nambu-Goldstone modes of brane displacement. Characteristic scales and spectral properties are estimated and the prospects for observation by LISA are discussed. Extra dimensions with scale between 10 \AA and 1 mm, which enter the 3+1-D era at cosmic temperatures between 1 and 1000 TeV, produce backgrounds with energy peaked at observed frequencies in the LISA band, between 10110^{-1} and 10410^{-4} Hz. The background is detectable above instrument and astrophysical foregrounds if initial metric perturbations are excited to a fractional amplitude of 10310^{-3} or more, a likely outcome for the Nambu-Goldstone excitations.Comment: Latex, 5 pages, plus one figure, final version to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    In Situ Diazotroph Population Dynamics Under Different Resource Ratios in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre.

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    Major advances in understanding the diversity, distribution, and activity of marine N2-fixing microorganisms (diazotrophs) have been made in the past decades, however, large gaps in knowledge remain about the environmental controls on growth and mortality rates. In order to measure diazotroph net growth rates and microzooplankton grazing rates on diazotrophs, nutrient perturbation experiments and dilution grazing experiments were conducted using free-floating in situ incubation arrays in the vicinity of Station ALOHA in March 2016. Net growth rates for targeted diazotroph taxa as well as Prochlorococcus, Synechococcus and photosynthetic picoeukaryotes were determined under high (H) and low (L) nitrate:phosphate (NP) ratio conditions at four depths in the photic zone (25, 45, 75, and 100 m) using quantitative PCR and flow cytometry. Changes in the prokaryote community composition in response to HNP and LNP treatments were characterized using 16S rRNA variable region tag sequencing. Microzooplankton grazing rates on diazotrophs were measured using a modified dilution technique at two depths in the photic zone (15 and 125 m). Net growth rates for most of the targeted diazotrophs after 48 h were not stimulated as expected by LNP conditions, rather enhanced growth rates were often measured in HNP treatments. Interestingly, net growth rates of the uncultivated prymnesiophyte symbiont UCYN-A1 were stimulated in HNP treatments at 75 and 100 m, suggesting that N used for growth was acquired through continuing to fix N2 in the presence of nitrate. Net growth rates for UCYN-A1, UCYN-C, Crocosphaera sp. (UCYN-B) and the diatom symbiont Richelia (associated with Rhizosolenia) were uniformly high at 45 m (up to 1.6 ± 0.5 d-1), implying that all were growing optimally at the onset of the experiment at that depth. Differences in microzooplankton grazing rates on UCYN-A1 and UCYN-C in 15 m waters indicate that the grazer assemblage preyed preferentially on UCYN-A1. Deeper in the water column (125 m), both diazotrophs were grazed at substantial rates, suggesting grazing pressure may increase with depth in the photic zone. Constraining in situ diazotroph growth and mortality rates are important steps for improving parameterization for diazotrophs in global ecosystem models

    Southern hemispheric halon trends and global halon emissions, 1978–2011

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    The atmospheric records of four halons, H-1211 (CBrClF2), H-1301 (CBrF3), H-2402 (CBrF2CBrF2) and H-1202 (CBr2F2), measured from air collected at Cape Grim, Tasmania, between 1978 and 2011, are reported. Mixing ratios of H-1211, H-2402 and H-1202 began to decline in the early to mid-2000s, but those of H-1301 continue to increase up to mid-2011. These trends are compared to those reported by NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) and AGAGE (Advanced Global Atmospheric Experiment). The observations suggest that the contribution of the halons to total tropospheric bromine at Cape Grim has begun to decline from a peak in 2008 of about 8.1 ppt. An extrapolation of halon mixing ratios to 2060, based on reported banks and predicted release factors, shows this decline becoming more rapid in the coming decades, with a contribution to total tropospheric bromine of about 3 ppt in 2060. Top-down global annual emissions of the halons were derived using a two-dimensional atmospheric model. The emissions of all four have decreased since peaking in the late 1980s–mid-1990s, but this decline has slowed recently, particularly for H-1301 and H-2402 which have shown no decrease in emissions over the past five years. The UEA (University of East Anglia) top-down model-derived emissions are compared to those reported using a top-down approach by NOAA and AGAGE and the bottom-up estimates of HTOC (Halons Technical Options Committee). The implications of an alternative set of steady-state atmospheric lifetimes are discussed. Using a lifetime of 14 yr or less for H-1211 to calculate top-down emissions estimates would lead to small, or even negative, estimated banks given reported production data. Finally emissions of H-1202, a product of over-bromination during the production process of H-1211, have continued despite reported production of H-1211 ceasing in 2010. This raises questions as to the source of these H-1202 emissions

    Depositional Environments and Sequence Stratigraphy of a Breathitt Group Exposure, U.S. 25E, Flat Lick, Kentucky

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    The Pennsylvanian fluvial deltaic Breathitt Group is exposed along U.S. 25E near Flat Lick, Ky. This exposure is ideal for field trips because of the quality of the exposure, its accessibility, the range of facies present, and its potential for demonstrating principles of outcrop-based sequence-stratigraphic interpretation. Eight facies are present and represent deposition in fluvial, delta-plain, and delta-front environments. Several facies contain an abundance of trace fossils, and a wide range of sedimentary structures are also present. Flooding surfaces are well developed in the delta front and delta plain and are characterized by abrupt contacts with distal, deeper-water deltaic environments overlying proximal, shallower-water deltaic environments. Major flooding surfaces display evidence of condensation, including firmgrounds and enrichment of authigenic minerals such as siderite. At this exposure, most parasequence sets display progradational stacking and are interpreted as highstand systems tracts. Two sequence boundaries are present that may represent two different scales of sequences. The upper sequence boundary is more obvious and is characterized by a prominent erosional surface and is overlain by multistory fluvial channels. The lower and more subtle sequence boundary is interpreted as an interfluve surface marked by a bleached paleosol