146 research outputs found

    Supersolid phase induced by correlated hopping in spin-1/2 frustrated quantum magnets

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    We show that correlated hopping of triplets, which is often the dominant source of kinetic energy in dimer-based frustrated quantum magnets, produces a remarkably strong tendency to form supersolid phases in a magnetic field. These phases are characterized by simultaneous modulation and ordering of the longitudinal and transverse magnetization respectively. Using Quantum Monte Carlo and a semiclassical approach for an effective hard-core boson model with nearest-neighbor repulsion on a square lattice, we prove in particular that a supersolid phase can exist even if the repulsion is not strong enough to stabilize an insulating phase at half-filling. Experimental implications for frustrated quantum antiferromagnets in a magnetic field at zero and finite temperature are discussed.Comment: 4 pages; 4 figures; published versio

    Interference-Aware Scheduling Using Geometric Constraints

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    The large scale parallel and distributed platforms produce a continuously increasing amount of data which have to be stored, exchanged and used by various jobs allocated on different nodes of the platform. The management of this huge communication demand is crucial for the performance of the system. Meanwhile, we have to deal with more interferences as the trend is to use a single all-purpose interconnection network. In this paper, we consider two different types of communications: the flows induced by data exchanges during computations and the flows related to Input/Output operations. We propose a general model for interference-aware scheduling, where explicit communications are replaced by external topological constraints. Specifically, we limit the interferences of both communication types by adding geometric constraints on the allocation of jobs into machines. The proposed constraints reduce implicitly the data movements by restricting the set of possible allocations for each job. We present this methodology on the case study of simple network topologies, namely the line and the ring. We propose theoretical lower and upper bounds under different assumptions with respect to the platform and jobs characteristics. The obtained results illustrate well the difficulty of the problem even on simple topologies

    Magnetostriction and magnetic texture to 97.4 Tesla in frustrated SrCu2(BO3)2

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    Strong geometrical frustration in magnets leads to exotic states, such as spin liquids, spin supersolids and complex magnetic textures. SrCu2(BO3)2, a spin-1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnet in the archetypical Shastry-Sutherland lattice, exhibits a rich spectrum of magnetization plateaus and stripe-like magnetic textures in applied fields. The structure of these plateaus is still highly controversial due to the intrinsic complexity associated with frustration and competing length scales. We reveal new magnetic textures in SrCu2(BO3)2 via magnetostriction and magnetocaloric measurements in fields up to 97.4 Tesla. In addition to observing the low-field fine structure of the plateaus with unprecedented resolution, the data also reveal lattice responses at 82 T and at 73.6 T which we attribute, using a controlled density matrix renormalization group approach, to the long-predicted 1/2-saturation plateau, and to a new 2/5 plateau.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, submitte

    CTCF loss has limited effects on global genome architecture in Drosophila despite critical regulatory functions.

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    Vertebrate genomes are partitioned into contact domains defined by enhanced internal contact frequency and formed by two principal mechanisms: compartmentalization of transcriptionally active and inactive domains, and stalling of chromosomal loop-extruding cohesin by CTCF bound at domain boundaries. While Drosophila has widespread contact domains and CTCF, it is currently unclear whether CTCF-dependent domains exist in flies. We genetically ablate CTCF in Drosophila and examine impacts on genome folding and transcriptional regulation in the central nervous system. We find that CTCF is required to form a small fraction of all domain boundaries, while critically controlling expression patterns of certain genes and supporting nervous system function. We also find that CTCF recruits the pervasive boundary-associated factor Cp190 to CTCF-occupied boundaries and co-regulates a subset of genes near boundaries together with Cp190. These results highlight a profound difference in CTCF-requirement for genome folding in flies and vertebrates, in which a large fraction of boundaries are CTCF-dependent and suggest that CTCF has played mutable roles in genome architecture and direct gene expression control during metazoan evolution
