439 research outputs found


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    The purpose of this qualitative case study was to develop a deeper understanding of adult learners’ experiences participating in an online, problem-based course, and to enhance our understanding of PBL as a means to foster a sense of context in these environments. The findings the perception of meaningful context, is constantly mediated through differences among group members, and the need to manage group and interpersonal processes, particularly around unresolved issues of authority and intimacy. Implications for adult educators are discussed

    Balancing food and density-dependence in the spatial distribution of an interference-prone forager

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    Foraging distributions are thought to be density-dependent, because animals not only select for a high availability and quality of resources, but also avoid conspecific interference. Since these processes are confounded, their relative importance in shaping foraging distributions remains poorly understood. Here we aimed to rank the contribution of density-dependent and density-independent effects on the spatio-temporal foraging patterns of eurasian oystercatchers. In our intertidal study area, tides caused continuous variation in oystercatcher density, providing an opportunity to disentangle conspecific interference and density-independent interactions with the food landscape. Spatial distributions were quantified using high-resolution individual tracking of foraging activity and location. In a model environment that included a realistic reconstruction of both the tides and the benthic food, we tested a family of behaviour-based optimality models against these tracking data. Density-independent interactions affected spatial distributions much more strongly than conspecific interference, even in an interference-prone species like oystercatchers. Spatial distributions were governed by avoidance of bill injury costs, selection for high interference-free intake rates and a decreasing availability of benthic bivalve prey after their exposure. These density-independent interactions outweighed interference competition in terms of effect size. We suggest that the bottleneck in our mechanistic understanding of foraging distributions may be primarily the role of density-independent prey attributes unrelated to intake rates, like damage costs in the case of oystercatchers foraging on perilous prey. At a landscape scale, above the finest inter-individual distances, effects of conspecific interaction on spatial distributions may have been overemphasised

    Seasonal species richness of birds on the world's islands and its geographical correlates

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    The presence of migratory birds on islands results in seasonal variation in species richness. These patterns and their geographical correlates within the context of island biogeography theory have not been examined. We used 21 years of bird observations on 690 islands from eBird to determine how seasonal species richness estimates vary as a function of island area, isolation and latitude. Species richness was highest on islands within the northern mid-latitudes during migration and on islands within tropical latitudes during the non-breeding season. Area defined positive, nonlinear relationships with species richness across seasons, with the steepest slopes occurring with islands greater than 1100 km2. Distance to mainland defined negative, nonlinear relationships with species richness across seasons, with the strongest slopes occurring with islands located greater than 150 km from the mainland. Species-area relationships were weakest for the most remote islands and strongest for islands at intermediate distances to the mainland. Intermediate proximity to other islands was a poor predictor of species richness. Our findings emphasize the presence of seasonally dynamic geographical relationships, the enhanced role of evolutionary processes on larger islands, the unique ecology of the world's most remote islands, and the importance of islands as stopover sites and wintering grounds for migratory bird species

    Art-thérapie et addictions, l’exemple des troubles du comportement alimentaire

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    International audienceLe Centre d'Étude de l'Expression, au sein du Centre hospitalier Sainte-Anne, est une unité particulière. Ce centre est spécialisé dans les psychothérapies à médiation artistique ; actuellement s'y déroulent 30 ateliers par semaine. Les techniques artistiques utilisées sont : arts plastiques, peinture et modelage, musique, danse, théâtre, écriture créative

    Field validation of radar systems for monitoring bird migration

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Wiley via the DOI in this record.Advances in information technology are increasing the use of radar as a tool to investigate and monitor bird migration movements. We set up a field campaign to compare and validate outputs from different radar systems. Here we compare the pattern of nocturnal bird migration movements recorded by four different radar systems at a site in southern Sweden. Within the range of the weather radar (WR) Ängelholm, we operated a "BirdScan" (BS) dedicated bird radar, a standard marine radar (MR), and a tracking radar (TR). The measures of nightly migration intensities, provided by three of the radars (WR, BS, MR), corresponded well with respect to the relative seasonal course of migration, while absolute migration intensity agreed reasonably only between WR and BS. Flight directions derived from WR, BS and TR corresponded very well, despite very different sample sizes. Estimated mean ground speeds differed among all four systems. The correspondence among systems was highest under clear sky conditions and at high altitudes. Synthesis and applications. While different radar systems can provide useful information on nocturnal bird migration, they have distinct strengths and weaknesses, and all require supporting data to allow for species level inference. Weather radars continuously detect avian biomass flows across a wide altitude band, making them a useful tool for monitoring and predictive applications at regional to continental scales that do not rely on resolving individuals. BirdScan and marine radar's strengths are in local and low altitude applications, such as collision risks with man-made structures and airport safety, although marine radars should not be trusted for absolute intensities of movement. In quantifying flight behaviour of individuals, TR is the most informative.We acknowledge the support provided by COST – European Cooperation in Science and Technology through the Action ES1305 ‘European Network for the Radar Surveillance of Animal Movement’ (ENRAM) in facilitating this collaboration. The study received financial support from Gyllenstierna Krapperup ́s Foundation and the Centre for Animal Movement Research (CAnMove) financed by a Linnaeus grant (349-2007-8690) from the Swedish Research Council and Lund University

    Ontogenetic niche shifts as a driver of seasonal migration

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    Ontogenetic niche shifts have helped to understand population dynamics. Here we show that ontogenetic niche shifts also offer an explanation, complementary to traditional concepts, as to why certain species show seasonal migration. We describe how demographic processes (survival, reproduction and migration) and associated ecological requirements of species may change with ontogenetic stage (juvenile, adult) and across the migratory range (breeding, non-breeding). We apply this concept to widely different species (dark-bellied brent geese (Branta b. bernicla), humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) and migratory Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) to check the generality of this hypothesis. Consistent with the idea that ontogenetic niche shifts are an important driver of seasonal migration, we find that growth and survival of juvenile life stages profit most from ecological conditions that are specific to breeding areas. We suggest that matrix population modelling techniques are promising to detect the importance of the ontogenetic niche shifts in maintaining migratory strategies. As a proof of concept, we applied a first analysis to resident, partial migratory and fully migratory populations of barnacle geese (Branta leucopsis). We argue that recognition of the costs and benefits of migration, and how these vary with life stages, is important to understand and conserve migration under global environmental change