558 research outputs found

    Systemic availability and metabolism of colonic-derived short-chain fatty acids in healthy subjects: a stable isotope study

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    The short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs), acetate, propionate and butyrate, are bacterial metabolites that mediate the interaction between the diet, the microbiota and the host. In the present study, the systemic availability of SCFAs and their incorporation into biologically relevant molecules was quantified. Known amounts of 13C-labelled acetate, propionate and butyrate were introduced in the colon of 12 healthy subjects using colon delivery capsules and plasma levels of 13C-SCFAs 13C-glucose, 13C-cholesterol and 13C-fatty acids were measured. The butyrate-producing capacity of the intestinal microbiota was also quantified. Systemic availability of colonic-administered acetate, propionate and butyrate was 36%, 9% and 2%, respectively. Conversion of acetate into butyrate (24%) was the most prevalent interconversion by the colonic microbiota and was not related to the butyrate-producing capacity in the faecal samples. Less than 1% of administered acetate was incorporated into cholesterol and <15% in fatty acids. On average, 6% of colonic propionate was incorporated into glucose. The SCFAs were mainly excreted via the lungs after oxidation to 13CO2, whereas less than 0.05% of the SCFAs were excreted into urine. These results will allow future evaluation and quantification of SCFA production from 13C-labelled fibres in the human colon by measurement of 13C-labelled SCFA concentrations in blood

    Armenia and Belarus: caught between the EU's and Russia's conditionalities?

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    This article looks into Armenia's and Belarus’ engagement with the European Union's (EU) and Russia's conditionalities, the two EU Eastern Partnership (EaP) countries that are also members of the Russia-led Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU). While paying attention to political, economic (including energy and technical) as well as security dimensions of the EU's and Russia's approaches, as proposed in the present special section, the article demonstrates that the conditionalities extended by the EU and Russia to the two countries in question have differed. In their turn, Armenia and Belarus have reacted differently to Russia's and the EU's conditionalities. Against the backdrop of the changing significance ascribed to both the EU's and Russia's policies towards their common neighbourhood since the 1990s, the present contribution identifies and analyses factors that account for the diverging positions of Armenia and Belarus, including the type of regime, the geopolitical considerations, the stakes in the economic and energy spheres and the predisposition to integration. The article shows that in the resulting complex context, Armenia and Belarus have been able to influence the shape and content of the EU's and Russia's conditionalities, although in a different way and to a different extent.Ministry of Education and Science (UID/CPO/ 00758/2013

    Genome-based in silico detection of putative manganese transport systems in Lactobacillus plantarum and their genetic analysis

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    Manganese serves an important function in Lactobacillus plantarum in protection against oxidative stress and this bacterium can accumulate Mn2+ up to millimolar levels intracellularly. Although the physiological role of Mn2+ and the uptake of this metal ion have been well documented, the only uptake system described so far for this bacterium is the Mn2+- and Cd2+-specific P-type ATPase (MntA). Recently, the genome of L. plantarum WCFS1 has been sequenced allowing in silico detection of genes potentially encoding Mn2+ transport systems, using established microbial Mn2+ transporters as the query sequence. This genome analysis revealed that L. plantarum WCFS1 encodes, besides the previously described mntA gene, an ABC transport system (mtsCBA) and three genes encoding Nramp transporters (mntH1, mntH2 and mntH3). The expression of three (mtsCBA, mntH1 and mntH2) of the five transport systems was specifically derepressed or induced upon Mn2+ limitation, supporting their role in Mn2+ homeostasis in L. plantarum. However, in contrast to previous reports, mntA expression remains below detection levels in both Northern and real-time RT-PCR analysis in both Mn2+ excess and starvation conditions. Growth of WCFS1 derivatives mutated in mntA, mtsA or mntH2, or both mtsA and mntH2 appears unaffected under Mn2+ excess or Mn2+ limitation. Moreover, intracellular Mn2+ concentrations remained unaltered in these mutants compared to the wild-type. This may suggest that this species is highly adaptive in response to inactivation of these genes or, alternatively, that other transporters that have not yet been identified as Mn2+ transporters in bacteria are involved in Mn2+ homeostasis in L. plantaru

    Molecular identification of wheat endoxylanase inhibitor TAXI-I11The nucleotide sequence reported in this paper is available at the EMBL/GenBank/DDBJ databases (accession number AJ438880)., member of a new class of plant proteins

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    AbstractTriticum aestivum endoxylanase inhibitors (TAXIs) are wheat proteins that inhibit family 11 endoxylanases commonly used in different (bio)technological processes. Here, we report on the identification of the TAXI-I gene which encodes a mature protein of 381 amino acids with a calculated molecular mass of 38.8 kDa. When expressed in Escherichia coli, the recombinant protein had the specificity and inhibitory activity of natural TAXI-I, providing conclusive evidence that the isolated gene encodes an endoxylanase inhibitor. Bioinformatical analysis indicated that no conserved domains nor motifs common to other known proteins are present. Sequence analysis revealed similarity with a glycoprotein of carrot and with gene families in Arabidopsis thaliana and rice, all with unknown functions. Our data indicate that TAXI-I belongs to a newly identified class of plant proteins for which a molecular function as glycoside hydrolase inhibitor can now be suggested

    Effects of a wheat bran extract containing arabinoxylan oligosaccharides on gastrointestinal health parameters in healthy adult human volunteers : a double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled, cross-over trial

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    Wheat bran extract (WBE) is a food-grade soluble fibre preparation that is highly enriched in arabinoxylan oligosaccharides. In this placebo-controlled cross-over human intervention trial, tolerance and effects on colonic protein and carbohydrate fermentation were studied. After a 1-week run-in period, sixty-three healthy adult volunteers consumed 3, 10 and 0 g WBE/d for 3 weeks in a random order, with 2 weeks' washout between each treatment period. Fasting blood samples were collected at the end of the run-in period and at the end of each treatment period for analysis of haematological and clinical chemistry parameters. Additionally, subjects collected a stool sample for analysis of microbiota, SCFA and pH. A urine sample, collected over 48 h, was used for analysis of p-cresol and phenol content. Finally, the subjects completed questionnaires scoring occurrence frequency and distress severity of eighteen gastrointestinal symptoms. Urinary p-cresol excretion was significantly decreased after WBE consumption at 10 g/d. Faecal bifidobacteria levels were significantly increased after daily intake of 10 g WBE. Additionally, WBE intake at 10 g/d increased faecal SCFA concentrations and lowered faecal pH, indicating increased colonic fermentation of WBE into desired metabolites. At 10 g/d, WBE caused a mild increase in flatulence occurrence frequency and distress severity and a tendency for a mild decrease in constipation occurrence frequency. In conclusion, WBE is well tolerated at doses up to 10 g/d in healthy adults volunteers. Intake of 10 g WBE/d exerts beneficial effects on gut health parameters

    The porin and the permeating antibiotic: A selective diffusion barrier in gram-negative bacteria

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    Gram-negative bacteria are responsible for a large proportion of antibiotic resistant bacterial diseases. These bacteria have a complex cell envelope that comprises an outer membrane and an inner membrane that delimit the periplasm. The outer membrane contains various protein channels, called porins, which are involved in the influx of various compounds, including several classes of antibiotics. Bacterial adaptation to reduce influx through porins is an increasing problem worldwide that contributes, together with efflux systems, to the emergence and dissemination of antibiotic resistance. An exciting challenge is to decipher the genetic and molecular basis of membrane impermeability as a bacterial resistance mechanism. This Review outlines the bacterial response towards antibiotic stress on altered membrane permeability and discusses recent advances in molecular approaches that are improving our knowledge of the physico-chemical parameters that govern the translocation of antibiotics through porin channel

    The European Union, Russia and the Eastern region: The analytics of government for sustainable cohabitation

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    This article applies the Foucauldian premise of governmentality and the analytics of government framework to demonstrate how exclusive modalities of power – of the European Union (EU) and Russia – and their competing rationalities relate, intersect and become, counter-intuitively, inextricable in their exercise of governance over the eastern neighbourhood. This particular approach focuses on power as a process to gauge the prospects for compatibility and cohabitation between the EU and Russia. Using original primary evidence, this article contends that cohabitation between these two exclusive power modalities is possible and even inevitable, if they were to legitimise their influence over the contested eastern region. It also exposes a fundamental flaw in the existing power systems, as demonstrated so vividly in the case of Ukraine – that is, a neglect for the essential value of freedom in fostering subjection to one’s authority, and the role of ‘the other’ in shaping the EU–Russian power relations in the contested regio
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