4 research outputs found


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    In the framework of linear acoustics, the diffraction effects of a field issued from a transducer with narrow aperture through an immersed solid plate, are studied. A numerical calculation using spatial Fourier analysis has been performed to obtain its evolution under harmonic, and pulsed excitation. Both isotropic and anisotropic cases are treated, taking into account the viscoelasticity, or not. Theoretical results obtained for particular materials are compared with the experience

    Role of the transcriptional regulator SP140 in resistance to bacterial infections via repression of type I interferons.

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    Type I interferons (IFNs) are essential for anti-viral immunity, but often impair protective immune responses during bacterial infections. An important question is how type I IFNs are strongly induced during viral infections, and yet are appropriately restrained during bacterial infections. The Super susceptibility to tuberculosis 1 (Sst1) locus in mice confers resistance to diverse bacterial infections. Here we provide evidence that Sp140 is a gene encoded within the Sst1 locus that represses type I IFN transcription during bacterial infections. We generated Sp140-/- mice and found that they are susceptible to infection by Legionella pneumophila and Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Susceptibility of Sp140-/- mice to bacterial infection was rescued by crosses to mice lacking the type I IFN receptor (Ifnar-/-). Our results implicate Sp140 as an important negative regulator of type I IFNs that is essential for resistance to bacterial infections

    SSRIs target prefrontal to raphe circuits during development modulating synaptic connectivity and emotional behavior

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    Antidepressants that block the serotonin transporter, (Slc6a4/SERT), selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) improve mood in adults but have paradoxical long-term effects when administered during perinatal periods, increasing the risk to develop anxiety and depression. The basis for this developmental effect is not known. Here, we show that during an early postnatal period in mice (P0-P10), Slc6a4/SERT is transiently expressed in a subset of layer 5-6 pyramidal neurons of the prefrontal cortex (PFC). PFC-SERT+ neurons establish glutamatergic synapses with subcortical targets, including the serotonin (5-HT) and GABA neurons of the dorsal raphe nucleus (DRN). PFC-to-DRN circuits develop postnatally, coinciding with the period of PFC Slc6a4/SERT expression. Complete or cortex-specific ablation of SERT increases the number of functional PFC glutamate synapses on both 5-HT and GABA neurons in the DRN. This PFC-to-DRN hyperinnervation is replicated by early-life exposure to the SSRI, fluoxetine (from P2 to P14), that also causes anxiety/depressive-like symptoms. We show that pharmacogenetic manipulation of PFC-SERT+ neuron activity bidirectionally modulates these symptoms, suggesting that PFC hypofunctionality has a causal role in these altered responses to stress. Overall, our data identify specific PFC descending circuits that are targets of antidepressant drugs during development. We demonstrate that developmental expression of SERT in this subset of PFC neurons controls synaptic maturation of PFC-to-DRN circuits, and that remodeling of these circuits in early life modulates behavioral responses to stress in adulthood