369 research outputs found

    New geomorphic criteria on lateral propagation of blind thrust-related fold growth accommodating oblique convergence

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    International audienceThe aim of this contribution is to show the styles of growing anticlines and the ways in which they accommodate oblique convergence through proximal foreland basins and intramontane basins. The four natural examples of individual fault-related-folds are: the Chandigarh anticline in the Siwalik foothills of Himalaya (NW India), the Pakuashan anticline in the western foothills of Central Range (Taiwan), the J. Bou Dhar-Tamdafelt fold belt (Morocco) and the Marand anticline in the North-Tabriz Fault-Zone (NW Iran). The evolution of these geomorphic criteria and drainage patterns shows evidence of lateral propagation of folds accommodating oblique convergence. This paper focuses on the geomorphic indicators that could be used to provide information on the timing of fault-related folding and direction of lateral propagation. Several tectonic scenarios has been analysed and an attempt has been made to delineate the sequential evolution of anticlines accommodating oblique convergence

    Construction géohistorique du "sauvage" de la Garonne toulousaine : quelle part de naturalisé dans les paysages fluviaux ? part. 1

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    International audienceThe Garonne between Toulouse and the confluence of the Tarn is composed of many wetlands. Here, v arious protective dev ices would label a "wild" dim ension to the river, supporting its maintenance and conservation without actually questioning their original condition. Given this situation, how to consider the part of naturalness of river landscapes of the Garonne today ? According to managers, the Garonne has a strong image of "wild" river while geohistorical heritage rather shows Garonne im pacted by human activities. This work explores the meaning of the gap between the reality and geohistorical conveyed by contemporary representations of the river.La Garonne toulousaine (entre Toulouse et la confluence du Tarn) est composée de nombreuses annexes fluviales : bras-morts, zones humides et ripisylves. Ici, différents dispositifs de protection labellisent une dimension « sauvage » pour le fleuve, favorisant son maintien et sa conserv ation sans réellement s'interroger sur leur état d'origine. Face à ce constat, com m ent considérer la part de naturalité des paysages fluviaux de la Garonne toulousaine aujourd'hui ? Au dire des gestionnaires, la Garonne possède une image forte de fleuve « sauvage » alors que l'héritage géohistorique montre plutôt une Garonne impactée par les activités humaines. Ce travail interroge le sens du décalage entre cette réalité géohistorique et l'image véhiculée par les représentations contemporaines du fleuve

    Morphotectonic evolution of the Jebel Bou Naceur in the South Middle Atlas Fault Zone (Morocco)

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    International audienceIn eastern Morocco, fault-related folds develop above the South Middle Atlas fault that separates the J. Bou Naceur 'pop-up' structure and the Missour Basin, filled with alluvial sediments. Using a combination of surfaces, field observations and digital topographic information, we have investigated several geomorphic criteria and geometry of depositional surfaces governed by the relief's growth. The propagation of the deformation is recorded by warped segmented fans that moved southeastward and wellpreserved geomorphological features of tectonic origin. Uplift of the anticline hinges and acceleration of valley incision since the Late Pliocene are considered a consequence of the ongoing NW-SE convergence between Africa and Eurasia. A scenario of morphotectonic evolution of this active mountain front is proposed

    A Reconfigurable Impedance Matching Network Employing RF-MEMS Switches

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    We propose the design of a reconfigurable impedance matching network for the lower RF frequency band, based on a developed RF-MEMS technology. The circuit is composed of RF-MEMS ohmic relays, metal-insulator-metal (MIM) capacitors and suspended spiral inductors, all integrated on a high resistivity Silicon substrate. The presented circuit is well-suited for all applications requiring adaptive impedance matching between two in principle unknown cascaded RF-circuits. The fabrication and testing of a monolithic integrated prototype in RF-MEMS technology from ITC-irst is currently underway.Comment: Submitted on behalf of EDA Publishing Association (http://irevues.inist.fr/EDA-Publishing

    Sex differences in schizophrenia-spectrum diagnoses: results from a 30-year health record registry

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    This study investigated sociodemographic and clinical differences between the sexes in individuals affected by schizophrenia-spectrum disorders (SSD) who accessed outpatient mental health services. Within a retrospective cohort of 45,361 outpatients receiving care in Ferrara (Italy) from 1991 to 2021, those with a SSD diagnosis were compared between the sexes for sociodemographic and clinical characteristics before and after the index date (when the ICD-9: 295.*diagnosis was first recorded) to assess early trajectory, age and type of diagnosis, and severity of illness indicated by medication use, hospitalization, and duration of psychiatric care. Predictors of discharge were also investigated. Among 2439 patients, 1191 were women (48.8%). Compared to men, women were significantly older at first visit (43.7 vs. 36.8 years) and at index date (47.8 vs. 40.6) with peak frequency at age 48 (vs. 30). The most frequent last diagnosis recorded before the index date was delusional disorder (27.7%) or personality disorder (24.3%) in men and depression (24%) and delusional disorder (30.1%) in women. After the index date, long-acting antipsychotics and clozapine were more frequently prescribed to men (46.5% vs. 36.3%; 13.2% vs. 9.4%, p < 0.05) and mood stabilizers and antidepressants to women (24.3% vs. 21.1%; 50.1% vs. 35.5%; p < 0.05). Women had fewer involuntary admissions (10.1% vs. 13.6%) and were more likely to be discharged as the time under care increased (p = 0.009). After adjusting for covariates, sex was not a significant predictor of discharge. Our study confirmed that sex differences exist in clinical and sociodemographic characteristics of outpatients with SSD and that gender considerations might influence the rapidity of diagnosis and medications prescribed. These findings highlight the need to implement a women-tailored approach in specialist care programs for psychoses

    Lagos, bajos y paleo-paisajes en El Petén noroccidental : el inicio de una investigación geográfica y arqueológica (La Joyanca)

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    Las sociedades mayas son sociedades rurales de campesinos que se han desarrollando en ambientes naturales de Tierras Altas y Bajas. Restituir los antiguos paisajes y sus dinamicas representa para los investigadores un desafio aun mas dificil en el Yucatan

    Paysages, pratiques agricoles et dégradation des sols dans les Basses Terres mayas du Préclassique au Postclassique : le cas du site de "La Joyanca" (Petén, Guatemala)

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    International audienceLa péninsule du Yucatan a été le centre du développement de la civilisation maya, dont l'aire de peuplement s'étend sur 5 pays. Dans cet espace, les Basses Terres jouent un rôle fondamental dans le développement de la civilisation Classique à partir de 250 AD. Les conditions d'installation et de croissance de la civilisation classique ne vont pas sans poser certaines interrogations, en particulier en ce qui concerne le système agraire. Le système extensif, basé sur le maïs-courge-haricot, est complété par les apports d'un jardin-verger ou d'une horticulture à côté des habitations. Les résultats obtenus sur le site de la Joyanca confirment l'hypothèse d'un impact agricole précoce dans le Petén, dès le début du IIè millénaire

    Second-order L2L^2-regularity in nonlinear elliptic problems

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    A second-order regularity theory is developed for solutions to a class of quasilinear elliptic equations in divergence form, including the pp-Laplace equation, with merely square-integrable right-hand side. Our results amount to the existence and square integrability of the weak derivatives of the nonlinear expression of the gradient under the divergence operator. This provides a nonlinear counterpart of the classical L2L^2-coercivity theory for linear problems, which is missing in the existing literature. Both local and global estimates are established. The latter apply to solutions to either Dirichlet or Neumann boundary value problems. Minimal regularity on the boundary of the domain is required. If the domain is convex, no regularity of its boundary is needed at all

    Factorial phase III randomised trial of rofecoxib and prolonged constant infusion of gemcitabine in advanced non-small-cell lung cancer: the GEmcitabine-COxib in NSCLC (GECO) study.

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    Background. The addition of cyclo-oxygenase-2 (COX-2) inhibitors and prolonged constant infusion (PCI) of gemcitabine to treatment for advanced non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) might improve treatment efficacy. We aimed to assess whether the addition of rofecoxib or PCI gemcitabine could improve overall survival compared with first-line treatment with cisplatin plus gemcitabine given by standard infusion. Methods. Patients with stage IV or IIIb (with supraclavicular nodes or pleural effusion) NSCLC who were under 70 years of age and who had performance status 0 or 1 were eligible for this multicentre, prospective, open-label, randomised phase III trial with 2×2 factorial design. Patients were randomly assigned to one of four treatment groups: group A,gemcitabine 1200 mg/m2 in a 30-min intravenous infusion on days 1 and 8 and intravenous cisplatin 80 mg/m2 on day 1, every 21 days for six cycles; group B, the same treatments as group A plus oral rofecoxib 50 mg/day until disease progression; group C, intravenous PCI gemcitabine 1200 mg/m2 in a 120-min infusion on days 1 and 8 and intravenous cisplatin 80 mg/m2 on day 1, every 21 days for six cycles; group D, the same drugs as group C plus oral rofecoxib 50 mg/day until disease progression. The primary endpoint was overall survival; secondary endpoints were progression free survival, response rate, quality of life, and toxicity. Analyses were intention-to-treat. This trial is registered on the clinical trials site of the US National Institutes of Health website http://clinicaltrials.gov/ct/show/NCT00385606. Findings. Between Jan 30, 2003, and May 3, 2005, 400 patients were enrolled. Median age was 60 years (range 29–71). PCI gemcitabine did not improve overall survival (median 47 weeks [95% CI 40–55] vs 44 [36–52], with standard gemcitabine infusion, hazard ratio (HR) of death 0·93 [0·74–1·17], p=0·41), progression-free survival, nor any other secondary endpoint. Vomiting and fatigue were significantly worse with PCI gemcitabine. The two rofecoxib groups were closed early (on Oct 1, 2004) due to withdrawal of the drug because of safety issues. With intention-to-treat statistical analyses limited to 240 patients (ie, those randomised before July 1, 2004) who had at least 3 months of treatment, rofecoxib did not prolong overall survival (median 44 weeks [CI 36–55] vs 44 [40–54] without rofecoxib, and HR of death 1·00 [0·75–1·34], p=0·85), or progression-free survival, but did improve response rate (41% vs 26%, p=0·02), global quality of life, physical, emotional and role functioning, fatigue, and sleeping. Rofecoxib significantly increased the incidence of diarrhoea and decreased constipation, fatigue, fever, weight loss, and pain, and analgesic consumption. Severe cardiac ischaemia was more frequent with rofecoxib than without; however, the diff erence was not statistically signifi cant in the primary analysis (p=0·06) and became significant when patients who were randomised between July 1, 2004, and Sept 30, 2004, were included in the analysis (p=0·03). Interpretation. Neither PCI gemcitabine nor rofecoxib prolonged survival in the patients in this study. Rofecoxib improved response rate and several quality-of-life items, including pain-related items and global quality of life. Further studies with less cardiotoxic COX-2 inhibitors are needed in NSCLC