565 research outputs found

    Il progetto \ue8 stato selezionato in Israele PARCO DELLA MEMORIA. Ancora un successo per gli architetti Lucentini e Cal\ue0, autori del lavoro su \uabPizzolungo\ubb.

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    Continuano a mietere successi i due architetti siciliani Giovanni Lucentini e Marcello Cal\ue0, dei quali ci siamo occupati su queste stesse pagine la scorsa primavera a proposito del progetto gi\ue0 in fase di cantiere per il parco della memoria di Pizzolungo. Dopo avere vinto il concorso a gennaio, il progetto (al quale hanno partecipatio anche i consulenti Lucia Gitto, paesaggista, e Marcello Ziino, architetto) si \ue8 aggiudicato un World Architecture Community Award ad aprile ed \ue8 stato selezionato, il 23 luglio scorso, dopo una partecipazione ad un bando internazionale dal sito www.bezalel-architecture.com sito ufficiale del dipartimento di architettura (accademia) di Gerusalemme Bezalel considerato la pi\uf9 importante istituzione universitaria culturale israeliana. Il bando di Bezalel prevedeva la selezione di progetti che avevano come tema il reale in Architettura. L'idea dei promotori \ue8 \uabche oggi esista un Architettura del Reale come gi\ue0 da loro studiato ed analizzato nell'arte Ebraica e che tale architettura abbia ormai una portata globale. L'architettura del reale, " secondo il loro giudizio" , per la capacit\ue0 di cogliere i cambiamenti repentini politici e sociali nel mondo oggi permette di dare risposte immediate e qualificanti alle necessit\ue0 che si stanno andando a determinare con i cambiamenti dei sistemi mondiali\ubb. \uabOggi - secondo quanto rilevato in un articolo del gruppo Lg=mC sul numero trimestrale della rivista www.bezalelarchitecture.org sito ufficiale dell'accademia (Universit\ue0) Bezalel di Gerusalemme - il progetto \ue8 una finestra sul mare con un giardino di piante spontanee e l'ombra di un vecchio albero di ulivo. Il giardino \ue8 delimitato da un muro di pietra con gabbioni in metallo contenenti terreno che definiscono la frontiera con un piano inclinato che da chi viene dal mare \ue8 visto come un fronte che si estende tra la terra e il mare, che guarda il cielo e che riprende la sagoma spigolosa delle montagne\ubb. Marcello Cal\ue0 \ue8 nato a San Cataldo (Cl) il 23 giugno del 1979. Le vicende della sua adolescenza ruotano tutte intorno alla musica che coltiva con passione frequentando il Conservatorio di musica in chitarra classica e si dedica anche alla fotografia. Si \ue8 laureato a Palermo dove si laurea con lode nel 2007 con una tesi sull'architettura per la musica. Giovanni Lucentini \ue8 nato a Castelvetrano (Tp) il 7 giugno del 1967. E' approdato agli studi universitari in architettura laureandosi a Palermo nel 1997. Nel 2004 ha vinto il concorso internazionale del Waterfront di Palermo, progetto dove fondamentali sono state le scelte progettuali anche di natura socio-economiche e di pianificazione urbana che risulteranno vincenti e che gli valgono un incarico di consulenza e una partecipazione alla biennale sezione Palermo-Porto

    A Case Study Exploring Teachers\u27 Perceptions of the Effectiveness of Professional Development on Their Implementation of Culturally Responsive Pedagogy, Self-Efficacy, and Student Outcomes

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    The purpose of this qualitative single case study was to explore teachers’ perceptions of the effectiveness of the professional development program on their implementation of culturally responsive pedagogy, self-efficacy, and student outcomes at Wyatt Elementary School. The theories guiding this study were Bandura’s self-efficacy theory and the culturally responsive pedagogy framework. Combining these theoretical frameworks contributed to understanding how teachers internalize and implement culturally responsive pedagogy based on the knowledge obtained during professional development. This study utilized a single case study design to examine teachers’ perceptions at Wyatt Elementary School (pseudonym), an urban family school in the Mid-Atlantic United States. Data were obtained from interviews, focus groups, and document analysis. The data were analyzed using Yin’s five-phase approach to identify the prominent themes and develop a detailed case description. After data analysis, three themes emerged: (a) inefficacious professional development, (b) shared responsibility for cultural competency, and (c) multiple contributing factors to self-efficacy

    Volume regulation by Amphiuma red blood cells. The membrane potential and its implications regarding the nature of the ion-flux pathways

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    After osmotic perturbation, the red blood cells of Amphiuma exhibited a volume-regulatory response that returned cell volume back to or toward control values. After osmotic swelling, cell-volume regulation (regulatory volume decrease; RVD) resulted from net cellular loss of K, Cl, and osmotically obliged H2O. In contrast, the volume-regulatory response to osmotic shrinkage (regulatory volume increase; RVI) was characterized by net cellular uptake of Na, Cl, and H2O. The net K and Na fluxes characteristic of RVD and RVI are increased by 1-2 orders of magnitude above those observed in studies of volume-static control cells. The cell membrane potential of volume-regulating and volume-static cells was measured by impalement with glass microelectrodes. The information gained from the electrical and ion-flux studies led to the conclusion that the ion fluxes responsible for cell-volume regulation proceed via electrically silent pathways. Furthermore, it was observed that Na fluxes during RVI were profoundly sensitive to medium [HCO3] and that during RVI the medium becomes more acid, whereas alkaline shifts in the suspension medium accompany RVD. The experimental observations are explained by a model featuring obligatorily coupled alkali metal-H and Cl-HCO3 exchangers. The anion- and cation-exchange pathways are separate and distinct yet functionally coupled via the net flux of H. As a result of the operation of such pathways, net alkali metal, Cl, and H2O fluxes proceed in the same direction, whereas H and HCO3 fluxes are cyclic. Data also are presented that suggest that the ion-flux pathways responsible for cell-volume regulation are not activated by changes in cell volume per se but by some event associated with osmotic perturbation, such as changes in intracellular pH

    Preparation and evaluation of micro and meso porous silica monoliths with embedded carbon nanoparticles for the extraction of non-polar compounds from waters

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    A novel hybrid micro and meso porous silica monolith with embedded carbon nanoparticles (Si-CNPs monolith) was prepared inside a fused silica capillary (3 cm in length) and used as a sorbent for solid-phase microextraction. The hybrid monolithic capillary was synthetized by hydrolysis and polycondensation of a mixture of tetraethoxysilane (TEOS), ethanol, and three different carbon nanoparticles such as carboxylated single-walled carbon nanotubes (c-SWCNTs), carboxylated multi-walled carbon nanotubes (c-MWCNTs), and oxidized single-walled carbon nanohorns (o-SWNHs) via a two-step catalytic sol-gel process. Compared with silica monolith without carbon nanoparticles, the developed monolithic capillary column exhibited a higher extraction efficiency towards the analytes which can be ascribed to the presence of the carbon nanoparticles. In this regard, the best performance was achieved for silica monolith with embedded c-MWCNTs. The resulted monolithic capillaries were also characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), elemental analysis and nitrogen intrusion porosimetry. Variables affecting to the preparation of the sorbent phase including three different carbon nanoparticles and extraction parameters were studied in depth using polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) as target analytes. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry was selected as instrumental technique. Detection limits range from 0.1 to 0.3 µg·L-1, and the inter-extraction units precision (expressed as relative standard deviation) is between 5.9 and 14.4 %

    Improved microextraction of selected triazines using polymer monoliths modified with carboxylated multi-walled carbon nanotubes

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    This article reports on the enhancement of the capacity of an acrylate-based monolithic solid sorbent by anchoring carboxylated multi-walled carbon nanotubes (c-MWCNTs) in its pores and on its surface. Monolithic poly(butyl acrylate-co-ethyleneglycol dimethacrylate) [poly(BA-co-EGDMA)] was synthetized inside a fused silica capillary via free-radical polymerization, and an ethanolic dispersion of c-MWCNTs was passed through the capillary. The resulting poly(BA-co-EGDMA-c-MWCNTs) monolith was characterized by scanning electron microscopy to confirm the presence of the c-MWCNTs. The effect of using three different kinds of carbon nanoparticles and the microextraction step were studied using triazine herbicides as model compounds. The use of c-MWCNTs resulted in best performance in terms of extraction enhancement (compared to carboxylated single-walled carbon nanotubes and oxidized single-walled carbon nanohorns). The use of these carbon nanoparticles improved the extraction of triazines in any case when compared to using a bare poly(BA-co-EGDMA) monolith. The triazines were then quantified by gas chromatography with mass spectrometric detection. Detection limits ranged from 0.03 to 0.1 µg·L-1 (except for simazine; 0.6 µg·L-1), and the precision (relative standard deviation) varied between 3.0 and 11.4%. The reproducibility between units is <14.3% (expressed as relative standard deviation) which demonstrates the robustness of the method. The method was applied to analyze an unknown sample of orange juice and gave a value of 0.18 µg·L-1 for prometryn. Finally, the analysis of spiked samples of water and orange juices yielded recoveries ranging from 81 to 113% and 75 to 125%, respectively

    Na/H Exchange Inhibition Protects Newborn Heart From Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury by Limiting Na+-dependent Ca2+ Overload

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    The results of the Guardian/Expedition trials demonstrate the need for more precisely controlled studies to inhibit Na/H exchange (NHE1) during ischemia/reperfusion. This is because overwhelming evidence is consistent with the hypothesis that myocardial ischemic injury results in part from increases in intracellular Na (Nai) mediated by NHE1 that in turn promote Na/Ca exchanger-mediated increases in intracellular Ca ([Ca]i) and Ca-dependent cell damage. We used a more potent and specific NHE1 inhibitor HOE 694 (HOE) to test whether inhibition of NHE1 during ischemia limits increases in Nai and [Ca]i in newborns. NMR was used to measure pHi, Nai, [Ca]i, and ATP in isolated newborn rabbit hearts. Perfusion pressure, left ventricular developed pressure, and creatine kinase were measured. HOE was added before global ischemia. Results are reported as mean +/- SE. Nai (mEq/kg dry weight) rose from 11.6 +/- 0.9 before ischemia to 114.0 +/- 16.1 at the end of ischemia and recovered to 55.2 +/- 11.8 in the control group. During ischemia and reperfusion, the corresponding values for Nai in the HOE group (63.1 +/- 8.4 and 15.9 +/- 2.5, respectively, P &lt; 0.05) were lower than control. In the control group [Ca]i (nM/L) rose from 331 +/- 41 to 1069 +/- 71 and recovered to 814 +/- 51, whereas in the HOE group [Ca]i rose less (P &lt; 0.05): 359 +/- 50, 607 +/- 85, and 413 +/- 40, respectively. Total creatine kinase release was significantly reduced in the HOE group. Perfusion pressure and left ventricular developed pressure also recovered significantly better in the HOE group than in the control. In conclusion, NHE1 inhibition diminishes ischemia-induced increases in Nai and therefore [Ca], and thus diminishes myocardial injury in neonatal hearts

    Efecto de la composición del gas de refinería sobre las características del proceso de combustión

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    En este artículo de investigación científica se analiza el efecto del cambio de la composición del gas combustible (Gas de Refinería (GR) por Gas Natural (GN)) sobre las características del proceso combustión en hornos de la industria de refinación del petróleo; se evaluó el poder calorífico, el índice de Wobbe (IW) y exceso de oxígeno, para mezclas combustibles de composición variable. Mediante simulación computacional del proceso de combustión se calculó la temperatura adiabática de lama, eficiencia y la composición de los productos de combustión. Se evaluaron mezclas de gases combustibles con poderes caloríficos entre 800-2500 Btu/pie3 y se compararon con la combustión de gas natural. Se registró variabilidad en la temperatura adiabática y la eficiencia en función de la composición del gas y el exceso de oxígeno, lo que genera inestabilidad en el horno y mayor impacto ambiental

    The impact of prescription pain reliever misuse and heroin use on morbidity and mortality by level of urbanicity: 2002-2014

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    Non-medical use of prescription pain relievers (PPRs), heroin, and more recently fentanyl, continue to have major public health consequences in the United States. This article analyzes trends in PPR and heroin use, emergency department and hospital stays, substance use treatment services, and mortality to assess the relative impact of the opioid crisis on rural versus more urbanized counties in the United States. Our findings suggest that while more urbanized counties have had greater increases in opioid use, rural and less urbanized counties tended to be more negatively impacted than larger and non-rural counties. Disparities in service availability highlight the need for a serious discussion on how resources are allocated in counties that have lower tax bases. Based on these results, we conclude that rural and less urbanized counties can benefit from real increases in resources for substance use prevention and treatment services, including the expansion of prescribers trained to screen and treat opioid use. Understanding the unique challenges of rural and less urbanized counties may help decrease the disparity in consequences found in this study

    Cluster of legionnaires’ disease in an Italian prison

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    Background: Legionella pneumophila (Lp) is the most common etiologic agent causing Legionnaires’ Disease (LD). Water systems offer the best growth conditions for Lp and support its spread by producing aerosols. From 2015 to 2017, the Regional Reference Laboratory of Clinical and Environmental Surveillance of Legionellosis of Palermo monitored the presence of Lp in nine prisons in Western Sicily. During this investigation, we compared Lp isolates from environmental samples in a prison located in Palermo with isolates from two prisoners in the same prison. Methods: We collected 93 water samples from nine Sicilian prisons and the bronchoalveolar lavages (BALs) of two prisoners considered cases of LD. These samples were processed following the procedures described in the Italian Guidelines for the Prevention and Control of Legionellosis of 2015. Then, genotyping was performed on 19 Lp colonies (17 from water samples and 2 from clinical samples) using the Sequence-Based Typing (SBT) method, according to European Study Group for Legionella Infections (ESGLI) protocols. Results: Lp serogroup (sg) 6 was the most prevalent serogroup isolated from the prisons analyzed (40%), followed by Lp sg 1 (16%). Most of all, in four penitentiary institutions, we detected a high concentration of Lp &gt;104 Colony Forming Unit/Liter (CFU/L). The environmental molecular investigation found the following Sequence Types (STs) in Lp sg 6: ST 93, ST 292, ST 461, ST 728, ST 1317 and ST 1362, while most of the isolates in sg 1 belonged to ST 1. We also found a new ST that has since been assigned the number 2451 in the ESGLI-SBT database. From the several Lp sg 1 colonies isolated from the two BALs, we identified ST 2451. Conclusions: In this article, we described the results obtained from environmental and epidemiological investigations of Lp isolated from prisons in Western Sicily. Furthermore, we reported the first cluster of Legionnaires’ in an Italian prison and the molecular typing of Lp sg 1 from one prison’s water system and two BALs, identified the source of the contamination, and discovered a new ST