144 research outputs found


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    The allocation of time is a crucial decision that influences many aspects of household welfare. According to standard theory it depends on the potential wage rate of spouses relative to their domestic productivity. A major problem, however, is that individual productivities are not observed. As a consequence, an important source of difference in household living standards alongside with heterogeneity in preferences and wage rates, cannot be accounted for. This paper presents a new methodology to estimate individual domestic productivity based on the informational content of a standard time use survey, with time inputs observable but domestic output immeasurable. It provides empirical evidence based on a sample of French two-earner couples. As a test of the empirical validity of this approach, the paper shows that the estimate of female domestic productivity is a significant variable in explaining the overall intra-household distribution of resources

    Experimental Quantum Networking Protocols via Four-Qubit Hyperentangled Dicke States

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    We report the experimental demonstration of two quantum networking protocols, namely quantum 1->3 telecloning and open-destination teleportation, implemented using a four-qubit register whose state is encoded in a high-quality two-photon hyperentangled Dicke state. The state resource is characterized using criteria based on multipartite entanglement witnesses. We explore the characteristic entanglement-sharing structure of a Dicke state by implementing high-fidelity projections of the four-qubit resource onto lower-dimensional states. Our work demonstrates for the first time the usefulness of Dicke states for quantum information processing.Comment: 4 pages + Supplementary Information, 6 figures; revised version: Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let

    Engineering a C-Phase quantum gate: optical design and experimental realization

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    A two qubit quantum gate, namely the C-Phase, has been realized by exploiting the longitudinal momentum (i.e. the optical path) degree of freedom of a single photon. The experimental setup used to engineer this quantum gate represents an advanced version of the high stability closed-loop interferometric setup adopted to generate and characterize 2-photon 4-qubit Phased Dicke states. Some experimental results, dealing with the characterization of multipartite entanglement of the Phased Dicke states are also discussed in detail.Comment: accepted for publication on EPJ

    Immigrazione, rimesse e sviluppo

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    Da alcuni anni a questa parte, il tema dell’immigrazione attrae l’attenzione crescente dei mezzi di informazione. Non tutte le prospettive d’analisi hanno però il medesimo impatto mediatico, e le discussioni recenti sembrano concentrarsi principalmente sui problemi di sicurezza e di legalità, apparentemente di maggiore interesse per il pubblico. A nostro avviso, invece, sarebbe meglio concentrarsi sulle potenzialità economiche delle immigrazioni, che sono numerose e importanti, anche per il nostro paese. Questo contributo fornisce una prospettiva d’analisi del fenomeno immigratorio decisamente meno consueta, ma non di secondaria importanza, guardando al ruolo potenziale delle rimesse per lo sviluppo dei paesi di origine nonché per i paesi ospitanti

    The working families' tax credit and some European tax reforms in a collective setting

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    A framework for simplified implementation of the collective model of labor supply decisions is presented in the context of fiscal reforms in the UK. Through its collective form the model accounts for the well known problem of distribution between wallet and purse, a broadly debated issue which has so far been impossible to model due to the limitations of the unitary model of household behavior. A calibrated data set is used to model the effects of introducing two forms of the Working Families’ Tax Credit. We also summarize results of estimations and calibrations obtained using the same methodology on data from five other European countries. The results underline the importance of taking account of the intrahousehold decision process and suggest that who receives government transfers does matter from the point of view of labor supply and welfare of household members. They also highlight the need for more research into models of household behavior
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