20 research outputs found

    E-learning in Agricultural Engineering

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    W pracy scharakteryzowano metody nauczania z wykorzystaniem technik elektronicznych i przedstawiono mo偶liwo艣ci zastosowania e-learningu na kierunkach studi贸w zwi膮zanych z in偶ynieri膮 rolnicz膮. Wykorzystano do艣wiadczenia uzyskane podczas pracy nad projektem programu nauczania na odleg艂o艣膰 w ramach Europejskiego Funduszu Spo艂ecznego.The paper features teaching methods aided with use of electronic techniques and presents possibilities for e-learning applied and included in university curriculum at agricultural engineering studies. Experience gathered within the framework of the European Social Fund during a remote educational program project was utilized here

    The problems involved in the development and publishing of electronic educational materials

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    Celem pracy jest przedstawienie zasad przygotowania materia艂贸w dydaktycznych wykorzystywanych w nauczaniu na odleg艂o艣膰 przedmiotu Technika Rolnicza. Poruszono problem praw autorskich, kompetencji nauczyciela i zasad rekompensaty nak艂ad贸w pracy zwi膮zanych z wdra偶aniem e-learningu. Omawiane tre艣ci zosta艂y zilustrowane przyk艂adami z opracowanych materia艂贸w elektronicznych do nauczania na odleg艂o艣膰 techniki rolniczej oraz w oparciu o do艣wiadczenia w pracy dydaktycznej z wykorzystaniem platformy edukacyjnej konsorcjum pi臋ciu uczelni lubelskich.The purpose of the work is to present the rules regarding preparation of teaching materials used during remote teaching of Agricultural Engineering. The authors raise the issue of copyrights, teacher's competence and the rules regarding compensation of labour expenditure for e-learning implementation. The discussed content was illustrated with examples from developed electronic materials for remote teaching of agricultural engineering, and on the grounds of experience gained during didactic work using educational platform of a consortium of five universities from Lublin

    Wskaznik twardosci tkanki korzeni burakow cukrowych

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    Badano wska藕nik twardo艣ci tkanek korzeni burak贸w cukrowych metod膮 wt艂aczania kulki. Wska藕nik twardo艣ci wykazywa艂 wyra藕n膮 zmienno艣膰 w zale偶no艣ci od rodzaju badanej tkanki, dawki nawoz贸w azotowych, odmiany i warunk贸w przechowywania, co 艣wiadczy o jego przydatno艣ci do oceny jako艣ci technicznej korzeni.Paper presents the results of testing the hardness index in selected zones of sugar beet roots. The measurements were made using Kabid-Press kP 15012 laboratory hardness tester. Hardness index determines the relationship between testing load and spherical area of indenter ball impression. The hardness index value showed evident variance depending on examined tissue (phloem, parenchyma, peel), beet cultivar, storage conditions and applied nitrogen fertilization, what confirmed its usefulness to evaluating technological quality of sugar beet roots

    Metoda wyznaczania wspolczynnika Poissona korzeni burakow cukrowych

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    Wykonano statyczn膮 pr贸b臋 艣ciskania w warunkach jednoosiowego i tr贸osiowego stanu napr臋偶e艅 i zastosowano uog贸lnione prawo Hooka do obliczania wsp贸艂czynnika Poissona. Stwierdzono zmienno艣膰 wsp. Poissona w zale偶no艣ci od przebiegu wi膮zek 艂ykodrzewnych.In order to estimate the Poisson coefficient of a sugar beet root, a static compression test was performed on INSTRON machine. Transverse deformations of samples were measured with a micrometric screw and with an extensometer. The influence of root storage time, nitrogen fertilization level, and root spheres on changes of the value of the Poisson coefficient was investigated. In the next stage of the study, a static compression test was performed paralelly in conditions of uni- and triaxial stress state stresses (free samples and samples placed in cylinders). To calculate the Poisson coefficient, generated Hook's law was used. The results obtained are reasonable and dependent on the direction of phloem- xylem tissues in the root in relation to the direction of loading

    Relaksacja naprezen w korzeniach burakow cukrowych

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    Wykonano badania relaksacji napr臋偶e艅 w korzeniu buraka cukrowego i okre艣lono wp艂yw pr臋dko艣ci obci膮偶ania i sposobu zamocowania pr贸bek na parametry mechaniczne standardowego modelu reologicznego.To meet the construction requirements for sugar beet harvesting and processing machines the knowledge of sugar beet mechanical properties is essential. For that reason stress relaxation of sugar beet root tissue was investigated on the Instron 1253 strength tester. Standard 3-parameter rheological model was applied to quantitative description of uniaxial compression phenomena. As a result of experiment an equation of stress relaxation curve was obtained and technical parameters, such as elastic relaxation modulus, modulus of elasticity, viscosity coefficient and time-constant, were calculated. For methodical reasons the effect loading rate and sample fixing on mechanical parameters were also determinated. Statistical analysis showed close agreement between experimental and theoretical results proved by low error of fitting the curves and high correlation coefficient

    Model reologiczny tkanki korzenia buraka cukrowego

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    Badano przebiegi krzywych relaksacji napr臋偶enia i pe艂zania tkanki korzenia burak贸w cukrowych. U偶yto trzyparametrowego modelu reologicznego do opisu stanu tkanki w trakcie bada艅. Obliczono mechaniczne parametry modelu dla r贸偶nych stref korzeni.To determine mechanical properties of sugar beet root tissue the stress relaxation and creep phenomenon were investigated using universal Instrom 6022 apparatus. The experiment was performed for roots of PN Mono 1 variety, in 3 measuring zones of different location in the root and different wooden bundles arrangement. For mathematical description of these phenomena the equations of three-parameter, standard rheological model were applied and the model parameters were calculated by means of least square method. The mathematical parameters of beet root tissue are different in upper and lower part of root due to its untypical, diversified anatomical structure. Low matching error and high correlation coefficient testify to the significant consistence of experimental and theoretical results

    Wytrzyma艂o艣膰 mechaniczna korzeni burak贸w cukrowych

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    Wyznaczono granic臋 wytrzyma艂o艣ci biologicznej tkanki korzenia buraka na podstawie warto艣ci napr臋偶e艅 niszcz膮cych i energii p臋kni臋cia. Obserwowano mikroskopem skaningowym rodzaj uszkodze艅 tkanki.The resistance to compression is the feature of tissue which allows the evaluation of the root concerning its resistance to mechanical damage. The limit of biological resistance is determined by breaking stress and energy of fracture assigned by a static compression test. During the investigations these parameters were determined according to the measurement zones. The object of research was the roots PN Mono 1 variety. The lowest resistance to compression has been found in the lower part of the root, where the oldest strips of sieve and wood tissue bundles are predominant. The observation of damaged tissue of sugar beet roots was performed by using scanning microscope. The experiment allowed to determine the character of damage to the root tissue

    Conventional coefficient of elasticity for sugar beet roots

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    Crop quality evaluation as an element of verification of the quality management system in sugar beet production

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    W trzech gospodarstwach wprowadzono elementy Systemu Zarz膮dzania Jako艣ci膮 w produkcji burak贸w cukrowych. Okre艣lono skuteczno艣膰 ci膮g艂ego doskonalenia procesu nawo偶enia poprzez ocen臋 zawarto艣ci sacharozy i melasotwor贸w w korzeniach. W obu latach bada艅, zastosowane modyfikacje w nawo偶eniu pozwoli艂y uzyska膰 zwy偶k臋 zawarto艣ci sacharozy i obni偶y膰 zawarto艣膰 melasotwor贸w.Effects of implementing the quality management system in three sugar beet farms have been compared on the basis of a two-year survey. The content of sucrose and melassigenic substances in roots has been the measure of efficiency of the continuous fertilisation improvement process. In both years of the survey, modifications of fertilising contributed to an increase of the sucrose content and a substantial reduction of melassigenic substances content