87 research outputs found

    Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC): Development and Use

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    Much of health care is nursing care. There are about 2.2 million Registered Nurses in the United States and approximately 4.5 million nurses worldwide (AJN, 1994, Leininger, 1990). As the largest group of health care professionals, nurses work in a variety of places and have a variety of roles. Although nursing care is crucial to the welfare of health care recipients, the impact of nursing care is nearly invisible and basic questions as to the contributions of nurses remain. What is it that nurses do? Do these actions of nurses make a difference to the quality of care received? Could the increased use of particular nursing actions result in the prevention of some medical conditions, the reduction of complications, or the enhancement of health and wellbeing? Are some nursing actions just as effective but less costly than tne actions of other health providers? With the advent of computerized health care information systems and the increased use of large data sets for the study of health care effectiveness, these questions are more timely than ever. A classification of interventions performed by nurses is essential to the systematic documentation and study of nursing care

    Direct and indirect nursing care time in an Intensive Care Unit

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    OBJECTIVE: to identify the direct and indirect nursing care time in an Intensive Care Unit. METHOD: a descriptive/exploratory study conducted at a private hospital. The Nursing Activities Score classification system was used to estimate the direct care time, and electronic health records were used to estimate the indirect care time. The data were collected from March to June 2011. RESULTS: the findings indicate that the average nursing care time was 29.5 hours, consisting of 27.4 hours of direct care and 2.1 hours of indirect care per patient/day. The nursing care time was higher on weekends and holidays, with predominant use of electronic medical records at night. CONCLUSION: ascertaining nursing care times will contribute to a quantitative evaluation of human resources, assisting in the determination of workloads and workforce size

    Retrospective study of the implementation of the nursing process in a health area

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    OBJECTIVES: to analyze when the nursing process began to be used in the public and private healthcare centers of Gipuzkoa (Basque Country), and when both NANDA-I nursing diagnoses and the NIC-NOC terminologies were incorporated into this process. METHOD: a retrospective study was conducted, based on the analysis of nursing records that were used in the 158 studied centers. RESULTS: the specific data provided showed that in Gipuzkoa, the nursing process began to be used in the 1990s. As for NANDA-I nursing diagnoses, they have been used since 1996, and the NIC-NOC terminologies has been used since 2004. CONCLUSION: it was concluded that public centers are the ones which, generally speaking, first began with the nursing methodology, and that in comparison to the United States and Canada, the nursing process started to be used about 20 years later, NANDA-I nursing diagnoses around 15 years later, and the NIC-NOC terminologies, around six years later

    Nursing Intervention Classifications (NIC) validated for patients at risk of pressure ulcers

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    OBJECTIVE: to validate the Nursing Intervention Classifications (NIC) for the diagnosis 'Risk of Impaired Skin Integrity' in patients at risk of pressure ulcers (PU). METHOD: the sample comprised 16 expert nurses. The data was collected with an instrument about the interventions and their definitions were scored on a Likert scale by the experts. The data was analyzed statistically, using the calculation of weighted averages (WA). The study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee (56/2010). RESULTS: nine interventions were validated as 'priority' (WA &#8805;0.80), among them Prevention of PU (MP=0.92); 22 as 'suggested' (WA >0.50 and OBJETIVO: validar las intervenciones de la clasificación de enfermería NIC para el diagnóstico Riesgo de Integridad de la Piel Perjudicada en pacientes en riesgo de úlcera por presión (UP). MÉTODO: la muestra fue compuesta por 16 enfermeras experts. Los datos colectados en instrumento con las intervenciones, su definición y una escala Likert puntuada por las experts. Los datos analizados estadísticamente, utilizándose cálculo de media ponderada (MP). Estudio aprobado en Comité de Ética e Investigación (56/2010). RESULTADOS: se validaron nueve intervenciones como prioritarias (MP &#8805;0,80), entre ellas Prevención de UP (MP=0,92); 22 como sugeridas (MP >0,50 OBJETIVO: validar as intervenções da classificação de enfermagem NIC para o diagnóstico Risco de Integridade da Pele Prejudicada, em pacientes em risco de úlcera por pressão (UP). MÉTODO: a amostra foi composta por 16 enfermeiras experts. Os dados foram coletados em instrumento contendo a caracterização das participantes, além de uma tabela com as intervenções e a definição de cada uma delas, bem como uma escala Likert que foi pontuada pelas experts. Os dados foram analisados estatisticamente, utilizando-se cálculo de média ponderada (MP). O estudo foi aprovado em Comitê de Ética e Pesquisa (56/2010). RESULTADOS: validaram-se nove intervenções como prioritárias (MP &#8805;0,80), dentre elas prevenção de UP (MP=0,92); 22 como sugeridas (MP>0,50 e <0,80) e 20 foram descartadas (MP&#8804;0,50). CONCLUSÕES: a prevenção da UP perpassa pela implementação de intervenções específicas e relacionadas aos fatores de risco ao desenvolvimento da lesão, com implicações na prática, ensino e pesquisa de enfermagem

    Use of the nursing process at public and private centers in a health area

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    AIM: to analyze whether the nursing process method is used at public and private centers in the health area Gipuzkoa (Basque Country) and, if yes, to analyze in the framework of which model and how it is used. METHOD: cross-sectional study, based on the analysis of the nursing records used at the 158 centers studied. RESULTS: the nursing process is applied at 98% of the centers. It is applied at all public and 18 out of 21 private centers. Virginia Henderson's model is the most used to apply it, and most centers use nursing diagnoses, the NIC-NOC terminology and standardized care plans. CONCLUSION: the use of the nursing process is widespread in Gipuzkoa, with greater use at public than at private centers.OBJETIVO: analizar si la metodología del proceso de enfermería se utiliza en los centros públicos y privados del área de salud de Gipuzkoa (País Vasco) y, en caso de utilizarse, analizar bajo qué modelo enfermero y de qué manera se utiliza. MÉTODO: estudio transversal, basado en el análisis de los registros de enfermería que utilizan los 158 centros estudiados. RESULTADOS: el proceso de enfermería se aplica en el 98% de los centros estudiados. Se aplica en todos los centros públicos y en 18 de los 21 centros privados. El modelo de Virginia Henderson es el más utilizado para aplicarlo, y el uso de los diagnósticos enfermeros, de la terminología NOC-NIC y de los planes de cuidados estandarizados es mayoritario. CONCLUSIÓN: se concluye que el uso del proceso de enfermería está extendido en Gipuzkoa, y su uso es mayor en los centros públicos que en los privados.OBJETIVO: analisar se a metodologia do processo de enfermagem é utilizada nos serviços públicos e privados do distrito de saúde de Gipuzkoa (País Basco) e, caso seja, analisar sob qual modelo de enfermagem e de que maneira é utilizada. MÉTODO: estudo transversal, baseado na análise dos registros de enfermagem usados pelos 158 serviços estudados. RESULTADOS: o processo de enfermagem aplica-se em 98% dos serviços estudados. É aplicado em todos os serviços públicos e em 18 dos 21 serviços privados. O modelo de Virginia Henderson é o mais utilizado para aplicá-lo, e o uso dos diagnósticos de enfermagem, da terminologia NOC-NIC e dos protocolos de cuidados padronizados é majoritário. CONCLUSÃO: conclui-se que o uso do processo de enfermagem está disseminado em Gipuzkoa, e que seu uso é maior nos serviços públicos do que nos privados

    Therapeutic Listening as a health intervention strategy: an integrative review

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    Objective To investigate and evaluate the available evidence in the literature regarding the use of Therapeutic Listening as a health intervention strategy. Method Integrative review conducted on the following databases PubMed, CINAHL, The Cochrane Library, EMBASE, LILACS and APA PsycNET without restrictions of year or type of study. The keywords were combined in different ways to ensure extensive search of primary studies. Results Among the 15 studies on Therapeutic Listening, 33% addressed the effect of training on listening skills, 27% focused on the efficacy of listening as an intervention, 20% explored the experiences lived by the subjects regarding listening and 20% discussed various aspects of listening. Conclusion Most studies have strong to moderate level of evidence, although addressing different aspects related to Therapeutic Listening, they have in common the need for recognition of skills on the part of health professionals, to develop an effective process of listening

    Nursing Interventions Classitication (NIC) Ed.6

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