191 research outputs found

    Modulation of enzyme activities and expression of genes related to primary and secondary metabolism in response to UV-B stress in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.)

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    Abstract Exposure to UV-B at ambient or enhanced levels is known to trigger a variety of responses in all living organisms, including higher plants. Here we show that in Cucumis sativus L. UV-B radiation affects enzyme activity of key oxydative pentose phosphate pathway (OPPP) enzymes glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6P-DH) and 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (6-PGlu-DH), of key phenolic compounds enzyme phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL) as well as erythrose-4-phosphate, tryptophan and tyrosine levels. Furthermore, we found an increased activity of antioxidant enzymes such as peroxidase (POX) and catalase (CAT) in treated plants, with respect to the controls. In order to confirm the biochemical results, we isolated total RNA from both controls and UV-B treated plants to be used for gene expression analysis. We demonstrated that UV-B increases the gene expression level of peroxidase (POX), catalase (CAT) and phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL). Finally, our results are useful for understanding protective..

    Anthocyanins: Biosynthesis, distribution, ecological role, and use of biostimulants to increase their content in plant foods—a review

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    In the past century, plant biostimulants have been increasingly used in agriculture as innovative and sustainable practice. Plant biostimulants have been mainly investigated as potential agents able to mitigate abiotic stress. However, few information is available about their ability to influence fruit quality or change fruit phytochemical composition. In particular, very little is known about their effects on anthocyanin synthesis and accumulation. Due to the increasing demand of consumers for healthier foods with high nutraceutical values, this review tries to fill the gap between anthocyanin content and biostimulant application. Here, we elucidate the chemical structure, biosynthetic pathway, plant distribution, and physiological role of anthocyanins in plants. Moreover, we discuss the potential implications for human health derived from the consumption of foods rich in these molecules. Finally, we report on literature data concerning the changes in anthocyanin content and profile after the application of biostimulant products on the most common anthocyanin-containing foods

    Melatonin and phytomelatonin: Chemistry, biosynthesis, metabolism, distribution and bioactivity in plants and animals—an overview

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    , Abstract: Melatonin is a ubiquitous indolamine, largely investigated for its key role in the regulation of several physiological processes in both animals and plants. In the last century, it was reported that this molecule may be produced in high concentrations by several species belonging to the plant kingdom and stored in specialized tissues. In this review, the main information related to the chemistry of melatonin and its metabolism has been summarized. Furthermore, the biosynthetic pathway characteristics of animal and plant cells have been compared, and the main differences between the two systems highlighted. Additionally, in order to investigate the distribution of this indolamine in the plant kingdom, distribution cluster analysis was performed using a database composed by 47 previously published articles reporting the content of melatonin in different plant families, species and tissues. Finally, the potential pharmacological and biostimulant benefits derived from the administration of exogenous melatonin on animals or plants via the intake of dietary supplements or the application of biostimulant formulation have been largely discussed

    Chemical Profile and Biological Activity of Cherimoya (Annona cherimola Mill.) and Atemoya (Annona atemoya) Leaves

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    Annona cherimola (Cherimoya) and Annona atemoya (Atemoya) are tropical plants known for their edible fruit. Scientific data suggest that their leaves, used in traditional medicine in the form of teas or infusions without evidence of toxicity, contain several bioactive compounds. However, only Annona muricata among all the Annona species is currently used in the nutraceutical field, and its dried leaves are marketed for tea preparation. In this work, we explored the nutraceutical potential of Atemoya and Cherimoya leaves, by evaluating their chemical profile and functional properties. Phytochemical analyses showed large amounts of phenolic compounds, in particular proanthocyanidins, and identified 18 compounds, either flavonoids or alkaloids. Concerning biological activity, we found antioxidative properties correlated with polyphenols, and antiproliferative activity against HeLa and HepG2 cell lines correlated with alkaloids. The obtained results demonstrate the potential use of Annona cherimola leaves for the preparation of dietary supplements aimed to promote the physiological redox balance. Moreover, the varietal comparison suggests that two commercial cultivars (Campas and White) and the local Torre 1, better suit this purpose. On the other hand, among the studied cultivars, Campas and Torre 1 are also the richest in alkaloids and, in consideration of the anti-proliferative properties of their extracts, dietary supplements based on these cultivars might also have chemo-preventive effects

    Chemical profile and biological activity of cherimoya (Annona cherimola Mill.) and atemoya (Annona atemoya) leaves

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    Annona cherimola (Cherimoya) and Annona atemoya (Atemoya) are tropical plants known for their edible fruit. Scientific data suggest that their leaves, used in traditional medicine in the form of teas or infusions without evidence of toxicity, contain several bioactive compounds. However, only Annona muricata among all the Annona species is currently used in the nutraceutical field, and its dried leaves are marketed for tea preparation. In this work, we explored the nutraceutical potential of Atemoya and Cherimoya leaves, by evaluating their chemical profile and functional properties. Phytochemical analyses showed large amounts of phenolic compounds, in particular proanthocyanidins, and identified 18 compounds, either flavonoids or alkaloids. Concerning biological activity, we found antioxidative properties correlated with polyphenols, and antiproliferative activity against HeLa and HepG2 cell lines correlated with alkaloids. The obtained results demonstrate the potential use of Annona cherimola leaves for the preparation of dietary supplements aimed to promote the physiological redox balance. Moreover, the varietal comparison suggests that two commercial cultivars (Campas and White) and the local Torre 1, better suit this purpose. On the other hand, among the studied cultivars, Campas and Torre 1 are also the richest in alkaloids and, in consideration of the anti-proliferative properties of their extracts, dietary supplements based on these cultivars might also have chemo-preventive effects
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