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    ABSTRACT: A cross-sectional survey on intestinal parasites was conducted in Jiren Elementary & Junior Secondary School, Jirnrna. A total of 301 stool specimens were collected by systematic random sampling from a total of 1626 population. The stools were examined for ova and parasites by direct saline suspension (wet mount) method. The result showed high prevalence rate of parasitic infection (68.4%). A total of 10 species were identified among which Ascaris lumbricoides was the leading (52.2%) followed by Triclluris trichiura (18.6%), while Schistosoma mansoni was the least (0.3 % ) .No statistically significant difference was seen in the prevalence rate of intestinal parasites by sex, (p>0.01). However, there is significant association between water source for drinking and parasitoses, (p < 0.01), where, unprotected source of water favouring infection of all infected. Most of the infected children (92.2%) were asymptomatic. It is suggested that affective PHC strategies, such as health education in schools, expansion of school health services and chemotherapy with broad spectrum anti- helrninthics should be (implimented). [Ethiop. i. Health Dev. 1994;8(1):37-41

    The NATA code: Theory and analysis, volume 1

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    A computer program for calculating quasi-one-dimensional gas flow in axisymmetric and two-dimensional nozzles and rectangular channels is presented. Flow is assumed to start from a state of thermochemical equilibrium at a high temperature in an upstream reservoir. The program provides solutions based on frozen chemistry, chemical equilibrium, and nonequilibrium flow with finite reaction rates. Electronic nonequilibrium effects can be included using a two-temperature model. An approximate laminar boundary layer calculation is given for the shear and heat flux on the nozzle wall. Boundary layer displacement effects on the inviscid flow are considered also. Chemical equilibrium and transport property calculations are provided by subroutines. The code contains precoded thermochemical, chemical kinetic, and transport cross section data for high-temperature air, CO2-N2-Ar mixtures, helium, and argon. It provides calculations of the stagnation conditions on axisymmetric or two-dimensional models, and of the conditions on the flat surface of a blunt wedge. The primary purpose of the code is to describe the flow conditions and test conditions in electric arc heated wind tunnels

    The NATA code; theory and analysis. Volume 2: User's manual

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    The NATA code is a computer program for calculating quasi-one-dimensional gas flow in axisymmetric nozzles and rectangular channels, primarily to describe conditions in electric archeated wind tunnels. The program provides solutions based on frozen chemistry, chemical equilibrium, and nonequilibrium flow with finite reaction rates. The shear and heat flux on the nozzle wall are calculated and boundary layer displacement effects on the inviscid flow are taken into account. The program contains compiled-in thermochemical, chemical kinetic and transport cross section data for high-temperature air, CO2-N2-Ar mixtures, helium, and argon. It calculates stagnation conditions on axisymmetric or two-dimensional models and conditions on the flat surface of a blunt wedge. Included in the report are: definitions of the inputs and outputs; precoded data on gas models, reactions, thermodynamic and transport properties of species, and nozzle geometries; explanations of diagnostic outputs and code abort conditions; test problems; and a user's manual for an auxiliary program (NOZFIT) used to set up analytical curvefits to nozzle profiles

    The NATA code; theory and analysis. Volume 3: Programmer's manual

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    The present, third volume of the final report is a programmer's manual for the code. It provides a listing of the FORTRAN 4 source program; a complete glossary of FORTRAN symbols; a discussion of the purpose and method of operation of each subroutine (including mathematical analyses of special algorithms); and a discussion of the operation of the code on IBM/360 and UNIVAC 1108 systems, including required control cards and the overlay structure used to accommodate the code to the limited core size of the 1108. In addition, similar information is provided to document the programming of the NOZFIT code, which is employed to set up nozzle profile curvefits for use in NATA

    A Multidisciplinary Attempt at Understanding the Violence in Mexico

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    Mexico has been living with a level of violence that was unimaginable only a short time ago. Why and how has Mexico arrived at this dramatic increase in violence? The goal of this study is to reflect on this question through several disciplines. The idea is to collect and contrast sufficient information from the most varied fields of knowledge, including culture and art, as well as social sciences. This is done with the ambition that all these factors will help us to understand the reasons for this terrible and complex Mexican reality.Â

    The United Nations in the Balance

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    Die Balanced Scorecard als strategisches Management-Instrument einer Medizinischen Fakultät

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    Aufbauend auf der Bewegung des New Public Managements und der Darstellung des Grundlagen des Konzepts der Balanced Scorecard nach KAPLAN und NORTON wird systematisch die Notwendigkeit zur Entwicklung einer Balanced Scorecard für Medizinischen Fakultäten hergeleitet. Den zunehmenden Steuerungs- und Führungsbedarf deckt die Balanced Scorecard durch die Unterstützung im Strategieumsetzungsprozess. Seine Stärke liegt in der Berücksichtigung von mehreren Perspektiven und der Vereinigung von monetären und nicht-monetären Elementen, die gerade die Verhältnisse in öffentlichen Einrichtungen widerspiegeln. Es wird gezeigt, dass die bestehenden Balanced Scorecards in den Bereichen der Krankenversorgung und der Hochschule als Ausgangsbasis für die Entwicklung dienen können, aber die Auseinandersetzung mit der besonderen Situation in Medizinischen Fakultäten nicht ersetzen kann. Von diesen Überlegungen ausgehend wird ein Konzept für eine Balanced Scorecard in Medizinischen Fakultäten entwickelt


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    Cownose rays, Rhinoptera bonasus, are considered voracious predators on mollusks and have been implicated in the consumption of commercially important species of shellfish on the East Coast. Digestive tracts of the 32 rays collected for this study from Pamlico Sound, NC and Chesapeake Bay, VA contained pieces of partially-digested tissue, well-digested tissue and fluid (chyme), and very small shell fragments which made identification to the species level nearly impossible. Visual content analysis of the stomach yielded 80.78% average unknown total tissue by weight and in spiral valves the total average unknown tissue was 94.39% by weight. Shell fragments were found in digestive tracts of specimens collected by bowfishing and haul seine (4.54% and 3.02% averages by weight, respectively). Tissue identifiable as bivalve was found in stomachs from cownose rays (> 90 cm disc width) collected by bowfishing. Fish parts were found in digestive tracts of cownose rays collected by haul seine but not by bowfishing or cast net (10.24% average by weight in stomachs and 2.53% average by weight in spiral valves). To provide a solution to the difficulty of identification of digestive tract contents by visual methods, molecular identification techniques, using the sequence of the cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) gene, were applied to a variety of samples to determine the presence of key bivalve species of commercial and ecological importance in North Carolina and Chesapeake Bay. Species chosen were Atlantic bay scallop (Argopecten irradians concentricus), Baltic macoma clam (Macoma balthica), cross-barred venus clam (Chione cancellata), Eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica), hard clam (Mercenaria mercenaria), soft shell clam (Mya arenaria), and stout tagelus clam (Tagelus plebieus). Species-specific primers were designed from the COI sequences for each bivalve species. Primers were designed to amplify polymerase chain reaction (PCR) products of differing sizes that were distinguishable from the other species of interest. Based on the primer design, multiplexing of several species in one reaction was possible, reducing testing time and cost. Results indicated that cownose rays in Chesapeake Bay ate stout tagelus clams and soft shell clams. Baltic macoma positives were most likely cross-amplification with stout tagelus DNA and further work is required to test for Baltic macoma clams without cross-amplification. There was no evidence of commercially important bivalves (hard clams, oysters, and bay scallops) being consumed by the rays in this study. Ontogenetic shifts in prey were difficult to determine based on uneven sample sizes, but large adult females (disc width over 90 cm) were found with a large proportion of stout tagelus clams in their digestive tracts. All young-of-year (YOY) individuals were male and caught in North Carolina. The sample size was small (n = 3) but the YOY individuals did not eat any of the species tested for in this study. Further sampling over an extended period of time and locations is required to confirm these results. Best-use practices of tissue extraction, manipulation, and handling techniques are discussed to help inform methodologies for forensic testing on marine species.  M.S