539 research outputs found

    A Damage Mechanics Approach to Life Prediction for a Salt Structure

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    Excavated rooms in natural bedded salt formations are being considered for use as repositories for nuclear waste. It is presumed that deformation of the rooms by creep will lead to loss of structural integrity and affect room life history and seal efficiency. At projected repository temperatures, two possible fracture mechanisms in salt are creep-induced microcracking in triaxial compression and cleavage in tension. Thus, an accurate prediction of room life and seal degradation requires a reliable description of the creep and damage processes. While several constitutive models that treat either creep or fracture in salt are available in the literature, very few models have considered creep and damage in a coupled manner. Previously, Munson and Dawson formulated a set of creep equations for salt based on the consideration of dislocation mechanisms in the creep process. This set of creep equations has been generalized to include continuum, isotropic damage as a fully coupled variable in the response equation. The extended model has been referred to as the Multimechanism Deformation Coupled Fracture (MDCF) model. A set of material constants for the creep and damage terms was deduced based on test data for both clean and argillaceous salt. In this paper, the use of the MDCF model for establishing the failure criteria and for analyzing the creep response of a salt structure is demonstrated. The paper is divided into three parts. A summary of the MDCF model is presented first, which is followed by an evaluation of the MDCF model against laboratory data. Finally, finite-element calculations of the creep and damage response of a salt structure are presented and compared against in-situ field measurements

    Development of a model to predict the water retention curve using basic geotechnical properties

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    RĂ©sumĂ©: La courbe de rĂ©tention d’eau (CRE) est devenue une fonction clĂ© pour dĂ©finir le comportement non saturĂ© des sols et d'autres matĂ©riaux meubles. Dans beaucoup de cas, il peut ĂȘtre trĂšs utile d'avoir une Ă©valuation de la CRE dans les pr emiĂšres phases d’un projet, lorsque peu ou pas de rĂ©sultats d'essais sont disponibles. Des modĂšles prĂ©dictifs, basĂ©s sur les propriĂ©tĂ©s gĂ©otechniques de base, peuvent aussi ĂȘtre utilisĂ©s pour Ă©valuer comment le changement des paramĂštres (en termes de porositĂ© ou de granulomĂ©trie) affecte la CRE. Dans cet article, les auteurs prĂ©sentent un ensemble d'Ă©quations dĂ©veloppĂ©es pour prĂ©dire la relation entre la teneur en eau volumique Ξ (et le degrĂ© de saturation S r correspondant) et la succion ψ . Le modĂšle proposĂ© pour la prĂ©diction de la CRE est une version modifiĂ©e du modĂšle de KovĂĄcs (1981), qui fait une distinction entre la rĂ©tention d’eau due aux forces capillaires et celle par adhĂ©sion. Ce jeu d'Ă©quations est donnĂ© avec des relations complĂ©mentaires dĂ©veloppĂ©es pour des applications spĂ©cifiques sur des matĂ©riaux granulaires et sur des sols (argileux) plastiques/c ohĂ©rents. Il est montrĂ© que le modĂšle constitue un moyen simple et pratique pour estimer la courbe de rĂ©tention d’eau Ă  partir des propriĂ©tĂ©s gĂ©otechniques de base. Une discussion suit sur les capacitĂ©s et les limitations du modĂšle. ---------- Abstract: The water retention curve (WRC) has become a key material function to define the unsaturated behavior of soils and of other particulate media. In many instances, it can be very useful to have an estimate of the WRC early in a project, when little or no test results are available. Predictive models, based on easy to obtain geotechnical prope rties, can also be employed to evaluate how changing parameters (e.g. porosity or grain size) affect the WRC. In this paper, the authors present a general set of equations developed for predicting the relationship between volumetric water content Ξ (and the corresponding degree of saturation S r ) and suction ψ . The proposed WRC model is a modified version of the KovĂĄcs (1981) model, which makes a distinction between water retention due to capillary forces and retention by adhesion. The complete set of equations is given together with complementary relationships developed for specific applications on granular materials and on plastic/cohesive (clayey) soils. It is shown that the model provides a simple and practical means to estimate the water retention curve from basic properties. A discussion follows on the capabilities and limitations of the model

    A black‐box automated approach to calibrate numerical simulations and optimize cover design: Application to a flow control layer constructed on an experimental waste rock pile

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    Mining operations often produce large volumes of waste rock to access economically valuable mineralized zones. Waste rock is usually stored in surface piles, the construction and reclamation of which represent a challenge for the industry. A flow control layer (FCL) made of crushed waste rock or sand and constructed on top of each waste rock bench could contribute to control water infiltration, thus improving waste rock pile stability and limiting contamination. An experimental waste rock pile was built and instrumented at the Tio mine (Rio Tinto Fer et Titane, Canada) to evaluate the performance of an FCL in field conditions. Large infiltration tests and rainfall monitoring were carried out, and measured outflow and water contents were used to calibrate numerical simulations. However, data were noisy and sometimes incomplete, and the models were difficult to calibrate. A new automated calibration approach was therefore proposed. An algorithm was developed to automate the numerical simulation calibration, using a black-box method that involves solving an optimization problem on a function without an analytic form. The approach was applied on measurements obtained from large-scale infiltration tests and validated using 2 yr of field monitoring data. Finally, the automated approach was adapted to optimize the design of the FCL, and an optimal design (material properties and layer thickness) was recommended based on local climate conditions. The proposed automated method could contribute to reduce the bias induced by manual calibration and allows for rapid multivariable calibration and optimization for a broad spectrum of mine waste cover system applications

    Impacts of Remote Physical Exercises on Functional Status and Mobility among Community-Dwelling Pre-Disabled Seniors during the Covid-19 Lockdown

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    peer reviewedObjectives: To assess whether remote physical exercise interventions helped maintain function in daily life, level of physical activities, basic mobility and frailty status in pre-disabled seniors during the first Covid-19 lockdown. Design: This is an interventional study conducted from May 2020 to May 2021. Setting: Community-dwelling older adults in 2 Canadian cities. Participants: 84 pre-disabled seniors. Intervention: 12-week physical exercise programs (1 hour/ 3 times/ week) in kinesiologist-guided groups using Zoom or phone-supervised individual booklet-based home-program (n=44) vs. Control (usual life habits; n=40). Measurements: Functional status in daily activities (OARS scale); Daily level of aerobic (TAPA-1) and strengthening/flexibility (TAPA-2) physical activities; Basic mobility abilities (SPPB: balance, lower limbs strength, walking speed; Timed Up-and-Go) and Frailty (SOF index) were assessed at baseline and at 3, 6, 9 and 12-month follow-ups. Results: The participants’ mean age was 78.5 ± 7.2 and 76.5 % were women. There was a group * time effect for the OARS scale (p=0.02), the TAPA-1 (p=0.06) and the TAPA-2 (p=0.007) scores. For these outcomes, scores significantly improved during the first 3 months of follow-up and then stabilised in the intervention group whereas they remained constant in the control group over time. There was an overall time effect for the SPPB (p=0.004), the 4-m walking speed (p=0.02) and for the SOF index (p=0.004), with no between-group differences. Finally, no effect was observed for the TUG. Conclusion: Remote home-based physical exercise interventions and monitoring during the first Covid-19 lockdown seemed to have helped maintain seniors’ level of physical activities without impacting on basic mobility abilities. Further studies are needed to identify parameters of remote exercise programs that can improve daily function and mobility in this population

    Synthesis of Polyhydroxylated Pyrano-Pyrrole Derivatives from Carbohydrate Precursors

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    The efficient synthesis of novel polyhydroxy‐tetrahydropyrano‐pyrroles from acetylenic carbohydrate precursors in three to four steps is described. The methodology involves, as key steps, the ring contraction of pyridazine intermediates obtained by an inverse‐demand Diels–Alder reaction and subsequent intramolecular lactonization
