138 research outputs found

    The Role of Health Education on Breast Cancer awareness among University of Calabar Female Undergraduates

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    The study sought to determine the role of health education on breast cancer awareness among University of Calabar female undergraduates. To achieve the purpose of the study, three hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. Related literature was reviewed, while a survey research design was adopted for the study. Appropriately develop and validated instrument: Awareness and Breast Cancer Disease reduction Questionnaire was validated with acceptable reliability indices. The research instrument was administered to 152 University of Calabar female undergraduates. The resulting data was analyzed using chi-squared (X²) statistical technique. The results showed that breast cancer awareness significantly affect individual’s knowledge of the symptoms and risk factors of breast cancer, as well as their practice of breast self-examination. Most importantly the result showed that Health Education has a positive significant role in the reduction of breast cancer. In conclusion, it was recommended among others that more of this kind of study should be carried out regularly to educate student about their health, and health education as a subject be adopted as a core subject in our schools curriculum. Also Government and Non-governmental organizations should organize seminars, health awareness talk shows and campaign on other health related issues. Keywords: Health Education, Breast cancer awareness, Breast-self examination, Symptoms and risk factors

    Malignant Melanoma in an Albino

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    Oculocutaneous albinism is a rare autosomal recessive disorder characterised by generalised depigmentation, photophobia, decreased visual acuity, and nystagmus. Malignant melanoma is rare in patients with albinism. We report a case of a large advanced fumigating tumour on the right forearm of a male Nigerian albino diagnosed clinically as squamous cell carcinoma but histological proven to be melanoma.Keywords: Albinism, malignant melanoma, skin

    Prevalence Of Dog Bites In A Rural Community: A 15 Year Review Of Cases In Okoyong, Cross River State, Nigeria

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    This retrospective study was undertaken to assess the prevalence of dog bites in Comprehensive Health Centre, Okoyong south-south Nigeria. Eleven cases of dog bite were recorded out of a total of 25,000 patients seen during a fifteen- year period (1990-2004). This gives a prevalence of 44 per 100,000 population. The age of the patients ranged from 16 to 43 years, with a mean of 27.1+ 8.3. Male to female ratio was 1:0.8. The treatment of patients consisted of analgesics, antibiotics, tetanus toxoid and antitetanus serum. We did not have any recorded case of rabies, in spite of the fact that none of the patients had rabies vaccination nor antirabies immunoglobulin. All the patients reported late to hospital, the mean duration before presentation being 10.23 days. The follow up was extremely poor as most patients never reported for follow up after the initial treatment as outpatient or discharge following admission. We conclude that the prevalence of dog bites in this health centre is low (0.04%).We recommend more comprehensive community-based studies to adequately assess the burden of this problem. Current regulations on the management of dog bites should be strictly followed by the attending medical personnel. KEY WORDS: Okoyong, Dog bites, Prevalence

    Giant simple hepatic cyst: a case report and review of relevant literature

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    Background: Giant cysts of the liver are uncommon. Symptoms are related primarily to the mass effect of the enlarging cyst.Objective: To highlight the challenges of management of giant simple hepatic cyst in a resource limited setting.Case report: Presented is a 58-year-old seamstress with a 5-year history of an enlarging abdominal mass with easy satiety. Surgery revealed an exophytic giant simple hepatic cyst arising from liver segment IV that drained 4.6 litres of serous fluid.Conclusion: Simple hepatic cyst can attain giant dimensions and should be considered in the differential diagnosis of intra- abdominal masses.Keywords: Laparotomy, giant hepatic cyst, drainage, wide excisio

    Dermatofibrosarcoma Protuberance

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    Background:Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberance (DFSP) is a relatively uncommon soft tissue neoplasm with intermediate to low grade malignancy, rarely metastasizing to regional lymph node or distant site but with proclivity for local recurrence due to inadequate resection. Methods:We evaluated the clinical histories and treatment outcomes of five consecutive patients who had histologic diagnosis of DFSP in the University of Calabar Teaching Hospital between 2000 and 2004. Results:The five cases reported had histologic diagnosis, sought for after excision. The male: female ratio was 2:3 with an age range of 17-35 years (mean, 26.6 years). Two of the lesions involved the neck and the other three sites involved were the anterior chest wall, groin and proximal thigh. Three of the lesions were recurrent. Conclusion: DFSP is an uncommon tumour, painless, cutaneous and multilobulated lesions should arouse the suspicion of this tumour. Early presentation, pre-operative histologic diagnosis and postoperative evaluation of resection margins would enhance the goal of ensuring adequate excision for improved outcome.Introduction: Protub\ue9rance dermatofibrosarcome (DFSP) neoplasme parties charnues r\ue9lativement peu commun avec une moyenne au niveau de la malignit\ue9 base, rarement m\ue9tastazing \ue0 la lymphe ou si\ue8ge \ue0 distance mais avec le penchant pour une r\ue9cidive locale attribuable \ue0 la resection inad\ue9quate. M\ue9thodes: Nous avons \ue9tudi\ue9 des histoires cliniques et des r\ue9sultats du traitement des cinq patients cons\ue9qutif qui avaient eu un diagnostic histologique de (DFSP) dans le centre hospitalier universitaire du Calabar entre 2000 et 2004. R\ue9sultats: Les cinq cas rapport\ue9s avaient des diagnostiques histologiques, cherch\ue9 apr\ue8s l'excision. La proportion sexe masculin : sexe f\ue9minin \ue9tait 2 :3 avec une \ue2ge moyenne de 17-35 ans (moyen, 26,6 ans). Deux (40%) de la l\ue9sions ont impliqu\ue9 le cou et les trois autres (60%) si\ue8ges concern\ue9s, \ue9taient paroi de la poitrine ant\ue9rieure, l'aine et cuisse proximale. Trois (60%) des l\ue9sions \ue9taient r\ue9currentes. Conclusion: DFSP est une tumeur peu commun, sans douleur, cutaneuse et l\ue9sion multilobulate devront provoquer un soup\ue7on de cette tumeur. Pr\ue9sentation pr\ue9coce diagnostique histologique pr\ue9op\ue9ratoire, et \ue9valuation postop\ue9ratoire des marges de la r\ue9section vont renforcer l'objectif d'assurer \ue9xicion ad\ue9quate pour une am\ue9lioration du r\ue9sulta

    Combined Methanolic Leaf Extracts of Vernonia amygdalina and Gongronema latifolium Improves Sperm Parameter Impairment and Testicular Damage in STZ Induced Diabetic Wistar Rats

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    The effects of  methanolic leaf extracts of Vernonia amygdalina (VA) and Gongronema latifolium (GL) on the histology and DNA of the testes, and the sperm parameters of streptozocin (STZ) induced diabetic rats were investigated in this study. 18 male albino rats which were divided into three groups of six rats each were used for this work: A (Normal control) and B (Diabetic control) received tap water, C received combined extract of VA and GL, (400mg/kg twice daily, 200mg/kg each extract). Groups B &C animals were induced for diabetes by intraperitoneal injection of 45mg/kg of Streptozocin, reconstituted in 0.1M sodium citrate buffer. Following sacrifice, the testes and semen were collected for histopathological studies and semen analysis respectively. The results revealed normal testes with prominent seminiferous tubules, containing germ cells at various stages of development and spermatozoa in group A. In group B, there were signs of degeneration in the seminiferous tubules (STs), destruction of germ cells, spermatozoa and Leydig cells. In group C, the testes showed normal STs with Sertoli cells, Leydig cells, germ cells and spermatozoa, suggestive of a possible regeneration. Feulgen’s reaction showed damage to the DNA of the testes in group B which was almost completely reversed in group C. Semen analysis revealed reduced sperm count, high percentage of abnormal forms and high percentage of spermatozoa with retarded motility in group B compared to group A. In group C, there was marked improvement in all the parameters. Keywords: Diabetes mellitus, sperm parameters, testicular damage, Vernonia amygdalina, Gongronema latifoliu

    Surface Mixed Layer Profile of Physical and Biogeochemical Variables in the Subpolar North-West and -East Atlantic Ocean: A Data-Model Comparison Study

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    This paper presents a study of physical and biogeochemical variables using numerical model and mixed layer oceanographic data from a 2 - 3 year in situ measurements in the Northwestern and Northeastern sites of the Atlantic Ocean. Model outputs are presented and indicated that very good estimates may be obtained. The outputs showed considerable agreement in reproducing seasonal distributions of pCO2, pCO2-T, pCO2-nonT, mixed layer temperature, and chlorophyll-a in both winter and summer, and therefore provide useful physical and theoretical understanding of their biogeochemistry. The model pCO2 indicated a distinct temporal variability with seasonal changes coinciding with the change in sea surface temperature. It also provides an agreement that there is a strong seasonal cycle of mixed layer parameters filliped by nonthermal and physical factors. As an outgrowth of this work, the pCO2 model outputs affirm the North Atlantic Ocean capacity as an important oceanographic sink for anthropogenic carbon dioxid
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