89 research outputs found

    Grain-size trends associated with sediment transport patterns in Cadiz Bay (southwest Iberian Peninsula)

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    En la zona infralitoral y de plataforma interna, las tendencias en los parámetros granulométricos permiten caracterizar ambientes antiguos y modernos, e identificar trayectorias de transporte de sedimentos mediante el análisis de las distribuciones granulométricas y el análisis factorial multivariante. En la bahía de Cádiz, las tendencias observadas en los parámetros granulométricos están controladas por los aportes de sedimentos finos, la configuración de la costa y las trayectorias de transporte en suspensión debidas a las corrientes de reflujo mareal. La asimetría es el parámetro principal en la identificación de tendencias granulométricas. Se han determinado tres tendencias que caracterizan los ambientes sedimentarios presentes: a) asimetrías muy positivas y distribuciones muy leptocúrticas indican un alto grado de madurez textural y retrabajamiento; b) tendencias hacia asimetrías negativas caracterizan ambientes intermareales de playa y permiten localizar ambientes paleolitorales; c) distribuciones simétricas y mal seleccionadas trazan las trayectorias permanentes de precipitación de sedimentos finos, mientras asimetrías más positivas, aumento del tamaño de grano y mejor selección marcan la extensión ocasional de las plumas de materia en suspensión.On the inner continental shelf and coastal environments, grain-size trends make it possible to characterise ancient and modern environments, and to identify net sediment transport patterns, using grain-size distributions and factorial multivariate analysis. In Cadiz Bay, grain-size trends are controlled by the contribution of fine sediments, coastal morphology and the suspended transport pathways due to the ebb-currents. The main parameter able to identify grain-size trends is skewness. Three trends were determined to characterise present-day sedimentary environments: a) very positively skewed sediments with leptokurtic distributions belong to deposits with a high degree of textural maturity and reworking; b) negatively skewed sediments characterise intertidal environments (foreshore), and also make it possible to localise palaeolittoral environments; c) symmetrical and poorly sorted distributions indicate the permanent fine-settling pathways, whereas positively skewed, coarser and better-sorted sediments point to the occasional extension of suspended matter plumes.Instituto Español de Oceanografí

    Utility of heavy minerals distribution and granulometric analyses in the study of coastal dynamics: Application to the littoral between Sanlúcar de Barrameda and Rota (Cadiz, southwest Iberian Peninsula)

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    The present paper deals with grain size and heavy minerals distribution in the sandy coastal sediments of the littoral between the cities of Sanlúcar de Barrameda and Rota. We have related these distributions to the predominant southward littoral drift and the possible source contributions, mostly represented by the Guadalquivir and Guadalete Rivers. The littoral studied is composed of fine sand in the northern sector and medium sand in its central and southern sectors. Heavy minerals were identified using X-ray analysis: the most abundant in the study area are epidote and garnet. We found that their concentrations and sizes decrease from north to south according to the coastal drift, whereas the grain morphology and the mineralogical component generally remain constant.Este trabajo trata de las distribuciones granulométrica y de minerales pesados de los sedimentos arenosos del tramo de litoral comprendido entre las ciudades de Sanlúcar de Barrameda y Rota (suroeste de la península Ibérica). Se han relacionado dichas distribuciones con la deriva litoral predominante hacia el Sur y con las fuentes de aporte de sedimentos constituidas por los ríos Guadalquivir y Guadalete. El litoral estudiado se caracteriza por arena fina en su parte norte y arena media en su parte central y meridional. Los minerales pesados se han identificado mediante rayos X: los más abundantes en el área estudiada son epidota y granate. Se ha deducido cómo sus concentraciones y tamaños disminuyen de norte a sur de acuerdo con la deriva litoral, manteniéndose el conjunto mineralógico y la morfología de los granos constante.Instituto Español de Oceanografí


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    Introduction. Problematic engagement in online video gaming has been considered recently in the appendix of the DSM-5. Underpinning psychological factors are yet to be clarified, mostly in adult populations. We present data from two studies investigating links between motives to play and impulsivity in one hand and excessive gaming in another hand. Methods. Online studies have been conducted on adult gamers in France (n = 516) and Switzerland (n = 1057). Problematic engagement has been assessed in France by DSM-IV-TR adapted substance dependence criteria (DAS) and by IAT in Switzerland. Motivations have been investigated using Yee's model. Impulsivity has been evaluated using respectively BIS-10 and UPPS-P. The French sample has been compared to heroin users and to healthy controls regarding impulsivity. In the Swiss study, cluster analysis has been conducted to identify subgroups of players regarding their engagement in-game, their motivations to play and their impulsivity. Results. DAS has been found to be predicted by BIS high scores as well as by competition and advancement. Problematic gamers presented higher levels of impulsivity than controls but less than heroin dependents. Three of five clusters were identified to be problematic and linked to high levels of impulsivity, achievement and escapism. Conclusion. Achievement motives to play and high impulsivity have been linked to problematic engagement in online videogames in two different samples evaluated by two different methods. Addiction to online gaming showed a difference in impulsivity traits with substance dependence and healthy controls and subgroups of problem gamers has been characterized. These data could help to design tailored treatments for excessive online gamer

    Screening and assessment tools for gaming disorder: A comprehensive systematic review

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    The inclusion of gaming disorder (GD) as an official diagnosis in the ICD-11 was a significant milestone for the field. However, the optimal measurement approaches for GD are currently unclear. This comprehensive systematic review aimed to identify and evaluate all available English-language GD tools and their corresponding evidence. A search of PsychINFO, PsychArticles, ScienceDirect, Scopus, Web of Science, and Google Scholar identified 32 tools employed in 320 studies (N = 462,249 participants). The evaluation framework examined tools in relation to: (1) conceptual and practical considerations; (2) alignment with DSM-5 and ICD-11 criteria; (3) type and quantity of studies and samples; and (4) psychometric properties. The evaluation showed that GD instrumentation has proliferated, with 2.5 tools, on average, published annually since 2013. Coverage of DSM-5 and ICD-11 criteria was inconsistent, especially for the criterion of continued use despite harm. Tools converge on the importance of screening for impaired control over gaming and functional impairment. Overall, no single tool was found to be clearly superior, but the AICA-Sgaming, GAS-7, IGDT-10, IGDS9-SF, and Lemmens IGD-9 scales had greater evidential support for their psychometric properties. The GD field would benefit from a standard international tool to identify gaming-related harms across the spectrum of maladaptive gaming behaviors.Peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio


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    Chemical and behavioral addictions are highly prevalent in our societies. Nevertheless, studies investigating a large panel of addictive behaviors in a community sample are lacking from the current literature on the topic. The aim of the current study is to explore addictive behaviors prevalence, characteristics, and interrelations in a sample of French speaking adults from the general population. Both substances (alcohol, tobacco, cannabis, drugs) and behaviors (gambling, Internet, buying, sport, work, mobile phone, eating) were considered. Several features of these addictive behaviors (involved in the triggering of the behaviors) were considered, namely, frequency, loss of control, hedonic aspects, craving, impact upon the daily living, and emotional contexts. 770 subjects answered to the online survey. Descriptive results will be presented for each conducts and their related features (prevalence, comorbidities, specific characteristics associated with each addictive behaviors). Our study thus provides a detailed overview of the current conducts' prevalence along with their co-occurrences. It also sheds some lights on how these behaviors may have an impact upon the daily living, and eventually turn into problematic behaviors. A particular emphasis is set on some behavioral conducts, like Internet gaming which is particularly salien

    Continental shelf zones influenced by the suspended matter flows coming from Cadiz Bay

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    Due to the diversity of environments and hydrodynamics in Cadiz Bay, it is of interest to study the dynamics of sedimentary exchange between the coastal zones and continental shelf. The most abundant clay minerals on the floor of the continental shelf and Cadiz Bay, and in the particulate matter in suspension, are: illite, smectite, kaolinite + chlorite, and the interstratified clay minerals illite-smectite. The average concentration of suspended matter is 6.5 mg/l, the lowest (1.37 mg/l) being found on the inner shelf and in the inner zones of the bay less affected by currents and surge. The highest values (14 mg/l) are found in the outer bay, consistent with the distribution of muddy facies on the sea floor. The flow paths have been established from the local variations in the mineralogical associations found at the sampling stations, and by means of the alignments of the lowest values of the factor loadings at those stations most affected by the flows. The mineralogical similarity of the components of the clay fraction is related to the mixing action undergone by the components of the suspended matter reaching the bay from various sources, probably produced by the continuous action of the tidal ebb currents flowing from the inner sectors of the bay towards the continental shelf.El estudio de la dinámica de intercambio sedimentario entre las zonas litorales y la plataforma continental es de gran interés en el caso de la bahía de Cádiz, debido a su diversidad de ambientes y situaciones hidrodinámicas. Los minerales de la arcilla más abundantes en los fondos de la plataforma y la bahía, y en la materia en suspensión, son ilita, esmectita, caolinita + clorita e interestratificados ilita-esmectita. La concentración de materia sólida en suspensión indica un contenido promedio de 6,5 mg/l, apareciendo los mínimos (1,37 mg/l) en la plataforma interna y en zonas internas de la bahía no afectadas por corrientes y oleaje. Los valores más altos se dan en la bahía externa (14 mg/l), de acuerdo con la distribución de facies fangosas en el fondo. Las trayectorias de los flujos salientes se han establecido a partir de las variaciones locales de las asociaciones mineralógicas en las diferentes estaciones de muestreo, alineándose los valores más bajos de los factores en las estaciones más afectadas por la acción de los flujos. La similitud mineralógica de los componentes de la fracción arcilla en todos los ambientes se debe a la mezcla de componentes de la materia en suspensión que, desde diferentes fuentes, llegan a la bahía, y es favorecida por la acción de la corriente de reflujo mareal desde el sector más interno de la bahía a la plataforma continental.Instituto Español de Oceanografí

    Factores de control de la dinámica sedimentaria en el frente litoral de la Bahía de Cádiz

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    En la bahía de Cádiz, al SO de la Península Ibérica, se diferencian dos sectores: una bahía externa de carácter arenoso, bien conectada con mar abierto y la plataforma, donde la fracción fina está restringida a zonas frente a desembocaduras de ríos y caños mareales o bajo la influencia de flujos de turbidez. Otra es la bahía interna, más abrigada que la anterior y caracterizada por la presencia de ambientes mareales y fondo fangoso. Los dos sectores están comunicados por el estrecho de Puntales, que es esencial para la renovación del agua de la bahía interna y para el suministro de materia en suspensión a la externa. El régimen de mareas es mesomareal, con amplitud máxima de 3.7 m y media de 2.18 m. El oleaje tipo sea presenta enfrentamiento levante-poniente con dominio de la componente Este, mientras que el de tipo swell está por la componente Oeste. Las corrientes litorales están controladas por el oleaje y fisiografía de la costa y el fondo. La orientación dominante de la costa de NNO a SSE, hace que se reciba de cara el oleaje del SO. Esta dirección está interceptada por segmentos ENE a OSO, que le dan un aspecto escalonado que condiciona la dinámica sedimentaria y la ubicación de la desembocadura de ríos y ambientes de depósito

    A multiproxy study distinguishes environmental change from diagenetic alteration in the recent sedimentary record of the inner Cadiz Bay (SW Spain)

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    In this study, we reconstruct the recent environmental evolution of the inner Cadiz Bay using sedimentary records reaching back as far as AD 1700. We report lithological descriptions of the sediments and extensive mineralogical and geochemical analyses. An extraction technique that identifies different Fe phases provides an assessment of diagenetic alteration, which allows an estimation of the original organic matter inputs to the inner Cadiz Bay. Downcore variations in Corg/N ratios, δ13Corg and δ15N are related to changes in organic matter sources and the trophic state of the water column. The downcore records of selected trace metals (e.g. Pb, Zn and Cu) are interpreted to reflect changes in heavy metal pollution in the bay, while records of other elements (e.g. Mn and P) are likely overprinted by diagenetic alteration. Major environmental shifts took place during the 20th century, when the population around Cadiz Bay increased exponentially. Increases in sediment accumulation rates, organic matter inputs and heavy metal contents, in parallel with increases in δ13Corg and δ15N over this period, are interpreted as direct effects of the increasing anthropogenic influence in the area. The results of this study suggest that multiproxy approaches and detailed consideration of diagenetic overprinting are required to reconstruct past environmental conditions from coastal sediments

    Problematic gaming behaviour and health-related outcomes: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    This systematic review and meta-analysis aimed to investigate the interplay between problematic gaming behaviour and health-related outcomes at different developmental stages. A total of 50 empirical studies met the specified inclusion criteria, and a meta-analysis using correlation coefficients was used for the studies that reported adverse health implications regarding the impact of problematic gaming behaviour on depression, anxiety, obsessive–compulsive disorder and somatisation. Overall, the results suggested that problematic gaming behaviour is significantly associated with a wide range of detrimental health-related outcomes. Finally, the limitations of this review alongside its implications were discussed and considered for future research