58 research outputs found

    Comparison of some probabilistic methods for analyzing slope stability problem

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    Abstract The study aims at comparing the results of different probabilistic methods such as the perturbation method, Spectral Stochastic Finite Element Method (SSFEM

    Computer-Assisted Generation of Patterns and Virtual Reality Techniques for Fashion Design

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    We present a methodology for the design of aesthetic patterns and their visualization on virtual clothes. Generated patterns are directly mapped on the dress of a virtual mannequin. Furthermore, patterns sets may be interactively mapped on the virtual dress using a specific 3D interaction technique called Back-and-Forth. Pattern generation involves different mathematical approaches such as iterated function systems (IFS) and nonlinear trajectory models. Both model parameters and color space exploration is performed through a simple user interface. This work contributes to promote both computer assistance in the context of mass customization for fashion design

    The Olive Mills Waste Water (OMW) as an Organic Amendment for Controlling Wind Erosion in Southern Tunisia by Improving the Soil Surface Structure

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    Abstract: Spraying OMW on poor sandy soils in the olive orchards induces increasing of the organic matter content, the formation of aggregates and improving the soil structure stability. Hence, OMW can be an alternative and effective way to control this polluting sewage. Since 1995 a field experiment is running in an olive plot in chammakh-Zarzis, south Tunisia, where rates of 50, 100 and 200 m 3 of OMW were sprayed yearly on 1 ha fields with 16 olives trees per ha. Data collected in 2006 showed an increase in organic matter content from originally 0.06 to 1.27 %, an increase in the amount of aggregates > 2 mm to 34%, and an increase in the threshold friction velocity for deflation to 12 m sec -1 for the 200 m 3 ha -1 application

    Pore-scale Modeling of Viscous Flow and Induced Forces in Dense Sphere Packings

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    We propose a method for effectively upscaling incompressible viscous flow in large random polydispersed sphere packings: the emphasis of this method is on the determination of the forces applied on the solid particles by the fluid. Pore bodies and their connections are defined locally through a regular Delaunay triangulation of the packings. Viscous flow equations are upscaled at the pore level, and approximated with a finite volume numerical scheme. We compare numerical simulations of the proposed method to detailed finite element (FEM) simulations of the Stokes equations for assemblies of 8 to 200 spheres. A good agreement is found both in terms of forces exerted on the solid particles and effective permeability coefficients

    Le tourisme saharien au sud-est tunisien, menace ou vecteur de développement durable des zones marginales

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    Le tourisme saharien au sud-est tunisien, menace ou vecteur de développement durable des zones marginales

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    Southern Tunisia patrimony: to restore properly and develop durably, vector of local development

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    National audienceLe dĂ©veloppement du patrimoine architectural peut avoir des consĂ©quences Ă©conomiques Ă©tendues. Les travaux de conservation et de restauration des ksours, utilisant des technologies traditionnelles et agricoles peuvent mobiliser Ă  la fois une main d'oeuvre spĂ©cialisĂ©e dans les travaux publics et l'artisanat. Les ksours, une fois restaurĂ©s et rĂ©habilitĂ©s, gĂ©nĂšrent Ă  leur tour de l'emploi dans le cadre de leur fonctionnement, leur maintenance et l'animation indirecte des ressources patrimoniales. Le tourisme culturel, mĂȘme s'il n'en est pas le seul Ă©lĂ©ment, peut contribuer Ă  une nouvelle dynamique du dĂ©veloppement durable. Les deux volets du schĂ©ma concernent d'une part une lĂ©gislation adĂ©quate en vue de la classification des monuments historiques existants ainsi que leur plan de sauvegarde et d'autre part une politique de dĂ©veloppement du patrimoine culturel - inclus dans le dĂ©veloppement touristique sans toutefois le dĂ©naturer et sans perdre sa valeur architecturale originelle. Le dĂ©veloppement durable doit ĂȘtre une rĂ©ponse transversale aux problĂšmes Ă©conomiques, sociaux et Ă©cologiques

    Quelle alternative pour le développement des zones défavorisées en Tunisie ?

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    National audienceSouthern Tunisian regions benefited from several projects and programs of agricultural development demonstrating the determination of authorities to develop these discriminated regions. These projects are set up in the framework of the integrated rural development programme that aims at giving an impulse to the economic activity in the region and at managing its resources in a sustainable manner. Despite these actions, several dry regions are still isolated even though they are characterized by a very important wealth that can be enhanced. The innovation and the enhancement of this local wealth seem an interesting and essential solution for the development of these difficult areas. The region of BĂ©ni KhĂ©dache, in the South-East, is actually an example of these discriminated regions, confronted with several difficulties to follow the development pace but characterized by a very rich local wealth. This work aims at showing that the enhancement of the local heritage by local stakeholders can promote the sustainable development of these areas, from en economic, social and even environmental point of view. This local enhancement can be seen as an alternative for the development of this region.Le Sud est de la Tunisie a bĂ©nĂ©ficiĂ© de plusieurs projets et programmes de dĂ©veloppement agricole qui montrent la dĂ©termination des pouvoirs publics Ă  dĂ©velopper ces rĂ©gions dĂ©favorisĂ©es. Ces projets font partie du programme de dĂ©veloppement rural intĂ©grĂ© qui vise Ă  donner une impulsion Ă  l'activitĂ© Ă©conomique dans la rĂ©gion et Ă  gĂ©rer ses ressources de maniĂšre durable. MalgrĂ© ces actions, plusieurs rĂ©gions arides sont toujours enclavĂ©es mĂȘme si elles peuvent ĂȘtre caractĂ©risĂ©es par d'importantes richesses Ă  mettre en valeur. La rĂ©gion de BĂ©ni KhĂ©dache du sud est tunisien en est un exemple. Cet article essaie de montrer que la valorisation du patrimoine local par les acteurs locaux constitue en elle-mĂȘme un moteur pour le dĂ©veloppement local durable de la zone aussi bien du point de vue Ă©conomique que social et environnemental. Une telle valorisation devient une alternative pour le dĂ©veloppement de cette rĂ©gion

    La valorisation du patrimoine et nouvelles alternatives pour un développement local durable dans le Sud-est tunisien

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    International audienceThe enhancement of local heritage can pave the way to the economic, social and environmental development of land-locked regions. Such an option becomes an alternative for local development. The South-east is one of the less favoured and underprivileged areas of Tunisia, facing several difficulties to keep up with the current development trends, but characterized by a very rich local heritage. The innovation and promotion of this local heritage by the tourism industry, the multifunctionality of agriculture and the organisation of local players can provide a solution to support the development of this territory.La valorisation du patrimoine est un vecteur de développement local des territoires enclavés aussi bien sur le plan économique et social qu'environnemental. Cette mesure devient une alternative de développement. La région sud-est tunisienne est l'une des zones défavorisées de la Tunisie, confrontée à plusieurs difficultés pour suivre le mode de développement, mais caractérisée par une richesse locale trÚs abondante. L'innovation et la valorisation touristique de cette richesse locale, la multifonctionnalité de l'agriculture locale et l'organisation des acteurs locaux sont une solution pour le développement de ce territoire
