70 research outputs found

    Driving Results Through Social Networks: How Top Organizations Leverage Networks for Performance and Growth

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    Design Variable Upright for FSAE

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    Import 05/08/2014Bakalářská práce se zabývá návrhem a konstrukčním řešením přední těhlice s nastavitelnou geometrii pro zjištění potřebných dat k samotnému návrhu finální přední těhlice formule SAE. V úvodní části práce je rozbor pravidel Formule SAE a popsán podvozek automobilu. V dalších kapitolách jsou vypsány požadavky pro variabilní těhlici a vlastní konstrukční řešení. V předposlední kapitole jsou vypočteny zatěžující síly a kontrola variabilních prvku těhlice pomocí metody MKP. Nakonec závěr s doporučeními pro její další vývoj.The bachelor thesis deals with the design and construction of the front upright with an adjustable geometry to determine the necessary data to the actual draft of the final front upright of Formula SAE. In the introductory of the thesis, rules of the Formula SAE have been described and the car chassis have been analyzed. Other chapters develop requirements for variable upright and the original design solution. Loading forces and control of variable elements of the upright have been calculated using the FEM in the penultimate chapter followed by conclusion with recommendations for its further development.340 - Katedra výrobních strojů a konstruovánívelmi dobř

    Experimental investigation of cutting forces in high-feed milling of titanium alloy

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    Titanium super alloys are often used in the chemical and aerospace industries, especially because of financial savings. resulting primarily from cheaper operation of equipment. Machinability of titanium alloys is more difficult than that of other metals. In addition, the low thermal conductivity causes the alloy to stick to the cuffing edge of the cutting tool, thereby causing it to become dull faster. The article deals with the experimental evaluation of cutting forces and the design of suitable cutting parameters for the machining of the UNS R56260 titanium alloy with high-feed milling technology. Testing was carried out in climb and conventional milling under different cutting conditions. The cutting components of forces Fx, Fy, Fz were measured and evaluated. The results of the measurements were processed into a graphical form and suitable cutting conditions were designed in terms of the acting cutting forces.Web of Science141958

    Design of Racing Car Wheel Hub

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá konstrukčním návrhem zadní těhlice vozu Formula Student Vector 03. V úvodní části je rešerše témat týkajících se návrhu těhlice, pravidel Formula Student, podvozku, geometrie zavěšení kol, technologie výroby těhlic a popisu stávající techniky. Z poznatků jsou stanoveny základní požadavky na těhlice, výpočty zatěžujících sil na vozidlo v daných stavech jízdy a vytvořeny vstupy pro pevnostní výpočet v softwarovém prostředí. Návrh je tvořen schématem sestavy těhlice, základním modelem a poté výsledným optimalizovaným modelem. Výsledkem je kompletní dokumentace pro výrobu zadních těhlic vozu Vector 03. Diplomová práce je ukončena závěrem s poznatky při navrhování těhlice a doporučením pro další vývoj.Master thesis deals with the design of rear upright of Formula Student car, Vector 03. In the first part is a study of topics relating to design of upright, Formula Student rules, suspension, suspension geometry, technology of uprights manufacturing and description of present technique. There is list of boundary requirements to uprights from knowledge, calculations of load forces affected to vehicle during riding conditions and inputs for strenght calculation in software in the next part. The design cosists of scheme of the upright assembly, base model and then final optimalised model. Complete documentation for Vector 03 rear uprights manufacturing is the outcome. Master thesis is finished by conclusion with knowledge of upright designing and recommendation for future development.342 - Institut dopravyvýborn

    Prezentace bankovního a telekomunikačního sektoru na Google+

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    Příspěvek se zaměřuje na charakteristiku přítomnosti vybraných zástupců bankovního a telekomunikačního sektoru na sociální síti Google+. V první části je charakterizován zkoumaný soubor, následně jsou jednotlivé profily popsány z pohledu míry, způsobu jejich využití a také vystupování zástupců společnosti. V druhé části článku jsou diskutovány vybrané příspěvky významných osob na Google+ vztahující se ke zkoumaným sektorům. Byl zjištěn rozdíl ve způsobu používání profilů společnostmi a to jak ve frekvenci tvorby příspěvků, způsobu vystupování, tak i ve formě reakce na kritické příspěvky a komentáře. Zároveň byl na příkladech příspěvků významných osob popsán stav, kdy reakce zástupce společnosti přispěla k další eskalaci konfliktu a jeho šíření sociální sítí

    Influence of scanning strategy parameters on residual stress in the SLM process according to the Bridge Curvature Method for AISI 316L stainless steel

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    The present paper deals with the investigation and comparison of the influence of scanning strategy on residual stress in the selective laser melting (SLM) process. For the purpose of the experiment, bridge geometry samples were printed by a 3D metal printer, which exhibited tension after cutting from the substrate, slightly bending the samples toward the laser melting direction. Samples were produced with the variation of process parameters and with a change in scanning strategy which plays a major role in stress generation. It was evaluated using the Bridge Curvature Method (BCM) and optical microscopy. At the end, a recommendation was made.Web of Science137art. no. 165

    Topological optimization of the Formula Student bell crank

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    This paper focuses on the topological optimization of the Formula Student bell crank. Modern trends in designing are weight reduction, and due to this, also reduction of fuel consumption. Topological optimization allows modification of the shape of the component in respect to the strength demand and the boundary conditions of component loading. The topological optimization software with respect to computational methods is used. This software accomplishes several interactions and evaluates the optimal one. Topologically optimized component manufacturing is usually done by 3D printing. In this article, the authors follow the development of a topologically optimized bell crank, choice of printing material (metallic powder), and description of its design development and geometrical shape smoothing step by step - from the very first design to the final topologically optimized model. The design also takes into consideration the production technology by metallic powder 3D printing and post-processing, which cannot be realized without CNC machining and clamping jigs.Web of Science20192968296

    Residual stress build-up in aluminum parts fabricated with SLM technology using the bridge curvature method

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    In metal 3D printing with Selective Laser Melting (SLM) technology, due to large thermal gradients, the residual stress (RS) distribution is complicated to predict and control. RS can distort the shape of the components, causing severe failures in fabrication or functionality. Thus, several research papers have attempted to quantify the RS by designing geometries that distort in a predictable manner, including the Bridge Curvature Method (BCM). Being different from the existing literature, this paper provides a new perspective of the RS build-up in aluminum parts produced with SLM using a combination of experiments and simulations. In particular, the bridge samples are printed with AlSi10Mg, of which the printing process and the RS distribution are experimentally assessed with the Hole Drilling Method (HDM) and simulated using ANSYS and Simufact Additive. Subsequently, on the basis of the findings, suggestions for improvements to the BCM are made. Throughout the assessment of BCM, readers can gain insights on how RS is built-up in metallic 3D-printed components, some available tools, and their suitability for RS prediction. These are essential for practitioners to improve the precision and functionality of SLM parts should any post-subtractive or additive manufacturing processes be employed.Web of Science1517art. no. 605

    Comprehensive view of topological optimization scooter frame design and manufacturing

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    The combination of topology optimization (TO) and 3D printing has revolutionized the way components are designed and fabricated. In view of this, this manuscript presents a TO workflow considering the frame of a scooter. In particular, TO is employed to redesign the scooter frame based on a commercial one. The topologically optimized frame is then fabricated with stainless steel 316L utilizing the selective laser melting (SLM) method. In particular, technical obstacles encountered during the process and according solutions are recorded. Given the herein notes, readers who are working with the two technologies can anticipate the technical problems and deliver more effective solutions should any of them arise.Web of Science137art. no. 120

    Abrasive surface finishing on SLM 316L parts fabricated with recycled powder

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    Improving the surface roughness quality of 3D printed components, especially metallic ones, which are fabricated from the selective laser melting (SLM) method, has drawn enormous attention from the research community. It should be noted that various studies on this topic have reported that precise surface roughness results can be obtained with various techniques that are indeed not cost-effective. Differing itself from these studies, this manuscript investigates an economical solution for fabricating and surface treating SLM components. Specifically, the inspected specimens were printed with recycled 316L stainless steel powder and treated solely with two abrasive surface finishing methods. In the manuscript, two scanning strategies namely meander and stripes, and three types of surfaces were investigated. Subsequently, their 2D and 3D surface roughness results were elaborated. After the proposed herein abrasive treatment, 3D surface roughness arithmetical mean height of a surface (Sa) value of 0.9 mu m can be achieved.Web of Science116art. no. 286