5 research outputs found

    Gastric stem cells promote inflammation and gland remodeling in response to Helicobacter pylori via Rspo3-Lgr4 axis

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    Helicobacter pylori is a pathogen that colonizes the stomach and causes chronic gastritis. Helicobacter pylori can colonize deep inside gastric glands, triggering increased R-spondin 3 (Rspo3) signaling. This causes an expansion of the "gland base module," which consists of self-renewing stem cells and antimicrobial secretory cells and results in gland hyperplasia. The contribution of Rspo3 receptors Lgr4 and Lgr5 is not well explored. Here, we identified that Lgr4 regulates Lgr5 expression and is required for H. pylori-induced hyperplasia and inflammation, while Lgr5 alone is not. Using conditional knockout mice, we reveal that R-spondin signaling via Lgr4 drives proliferation of stem cells and also induces NF-κB activity in the proliferative stem cells. Upon exposure to H. pylori, the Lgr4-driven NF-κB activation is responsible for the expansion of the gland base module and simultaneously enables chemokine expression in stem cells, resulting in gland hyperplasia and neutrophil recruitment. This demonstrates a connection between R-spondin-Lgr and NF-κB signaling that links epithelial stem cell behavior and inflammatory responses to gland-invading H. pylori

    R-spondin-YAP axis promotes gastric oxyntic gland regeneration and Helicobacter pylori-associated metaplasia in mice

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    The stomach corpus epithelium is organized into anatomical units that consist of glands and pits and contain different specialized secretory cells. Acute and chronic injury of the corpus are associated with characteristic changes of cellular differentiation and proliferation. Processes that control cellular differentiation under homeostatic conditions and upon injury are not well understood. R-spondin 3 (Rspo3) is a Wnt signalling enhancer secreted by gastric stromal cells, which controls stem cell homeostasis in different organs. Here we investigated the function of Rspo3 in the corpus during homeostasis, acute injury, and H. pylori infection.Using organoid culture and conditional mouse models, we demonstrate that RSPO3 is a critical driver of secretory cell differentiation in the corpus gland towards parietal and chief cells, while its absence promoted pit cell differentiation. Acute loss of chief and parietal cells induced by high dose tamoxifen - or merely the depletion of LGR5+ chief cells - caused an upregulation of RSPO3 expression, which was required for the initiation of a coordinated regenerative response via the activation of yes-associated protein (YAP) signaling. This response enabled a rapid recovery of the injured secretory gland cells. However, in the context of chronic H. pylori infection, the R-spondin-driven regeneraton was maintained long-term, promoing severe glandular hyperproliferation and the development of premalignant metaplasia

    Establishment of gastrointestinal assembloids to study the interplay between epithelial crypts and their mesenchymal niche

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    The cellular organization of gastrointestinal crypts is orchestrated by different cells of the stromal niche but available in vitro models fail to fully recapitulate the interplay between epithelium and stroma. Here, we establish a colon assembloid system comprising the epithelium and diverse stromal cell subtypes. These assembloids recapitulate the development of mature crypts resembling in vivo cellular diversity and organization, including maintenance of a stem/progenitor cell compartment in the base and their maturation into secretory/absorptive cell types. This process is supported by self-organizing stromal cells around the crypts that resemble in vivo organization, with cell types that support stem cell turnover adjacent to the stem cell compartment. Assembloids that lack BMP receptors either in epithelial or stromal cells fail to undergo proper crypt formation. Our data highlight the crucial role of bidirectional signaling between epithelium and stroma, with BMP as a central determinant of compartmentalization along the crypt axis

    R-spondin-3 induces secretory, antimicrobial Lgr5+ cells in the stomach

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    Wnt signalling stimulated by binding of R-spondin (Rspo) to Lgr-family members is crucial for gastrointestinal stem cell renewal. Infection of the stomach with Helicobacter pylori stimulates increased secretion of Rspo by myofibroblasts, leading to an increase in proliferation of Wnt-responsive Axin2(+)Lgr5(-) stem cells in the isthmus of the gastric gland and finally gastric gland hyperplasia. Basal Lgr5(+) cells are also exposed to Rspo3, but their response remains unclear. Here, we demonstrate that-in contrast to its known mitogenic activity-Rspo3 induces differentiation of basal Lgr5(+) cells into secretory cells that express and secrete antimicrobial factors, such as intelectin-1, into the lumen. The depletion of Lgr5(+) cells or the knockout of Rspo3 in myofibroblasts leads to hypercolonization of the gastric glands with H. pylori, including the stem cell compartment. By contrast, systemic administration or overexpression of Rspo3 in the stroma clears H. pylori from the gastric glands. Thus, the Rspo3-Lgr5 axis simultaneously regulates both antimicrobial defence and mucosal regeneration