21 research outputs found

    SN 2018bsz: a Type I superluminous supernova with aspherical circumstellar material

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    We present a spectroscopic analysis of the most nearby Type I superluminous supernova (SLSN-I), SN 2018bsz. The photometric evolution of SN 2018bsz has several surprising features, including an unusual pre-peak plateau and evidence for rapid formation of dust ≳200 d post-peak. We show here that the spectroscopic and polarimetric properties of SN 2018bsz are also unique. While its spectroscopic evolution closely resembles SLSNe-I, with early O II absorption and C II P Cygni profiles followed by Ca, Mg, Fe, and other O features, a multi-component Hα profile appearing at ∼30 d post-maximum is the most atypical. The Hα is at first characterised by two emission components, one at ∼+3000 km s−1 and a second at ∼ − 7500 km s−1, with a third, near-zero-velocity component appearing after a delay. The blue and central components can be described by Gaussian profiles of intermediate width (FWHM ∼ 2000–6000 km s−1), but the red component is significantly broader (FWHM ≳ 10 000 km s−1) and Lorentzian. The blue Hα component evolves towards a lower-velocity offset before abruptly fading at ∼ + 100 d post-maximum brightness, concurrently with a light curve break. Multi-component profiles are observed in other hydrogen lines, including Paβ, and in lines of Ca II and He I. Spectropolarimetry obtained before (10.2 d) and after (38.4 d) the appearance of the H lines shows a large shift on the Stokes Q – U plane consistent with SN 2018bsz undergoing radical changes in its projected geometry. Assuming the supernova is almost unpolarised at 10.2 d, the continuum polarisation at 38.4 d reaches P ∼ 1.8%, implying an aspherical configuration. We propose that the observed evolution of SN 2018bsz can be explained by highly aspherical, possibly disk-like, circumstellar material (CSM) with several emitting regions. After the supernova explosion, the CSM is quickly overtaken by the ejecta, but as the photosphere starts to recede, the different CSM regions re-emerge, producing the peculiar line profiles. Based on the first appearance of Hα, we can constrain the distance of the CSM to be less than ∼6.5 × 1015 cm (430 AU), or even lower (≲87 AU) if the pre-peak plateau is related to an eruption that created the CSM. The presence of CSM has been inferred previously for other SLSNe-I, both directly and indirectly. However, it is not clear whether the rare properties of SN 2018bsz can be generalised for SLSNe-I, for example in the context of pulsational pair instability, or whether they are the result of an uncommon evolutionary path, possibly involving a binary companion

    Core-collapse supernova subtypes in luminous infrared galaxies

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    The fraction of core-collapse supernovae (CCSNe) occurring in the central regions of galaxies is not well constrained at present. This is partly because large-scale transient surveys operate at optical wavelengths, making it challenging to detect transient sources that occur in regions susceptible to high extinction factors. Here we present the discovery and follow-up observations of two CCSNe that occurred in the luminous infrared galaxy (LIRG) NGC 3256. The first, SN 2018ec, was discovered using the ESO HAWK-I/GRAAL adaptive optics seeing enhancer, and was classified as a Type Ic with a host galaxy extinction of AV = 2.1−0.1+0.3 mag. The second, AT 2018cux, was discovered during the course of follow-up observations of SN 2018ec, and is consistent with a subluminous Type IIP classification with an AV = 2.1 ± 0.4 mag of host extinction. A third CCSN, PSN J10275082−4354034 in NGC 3256, was previously reported in 2014, and we recovered the source in late-time archival Hubble Space Telescope imaging. Based on template light curve fitting, we favour a Type IIn classification for it with modest host galaxy extinction of AV = 0.3−0.3+0.4 mag. We also extend our study with follow-up data of the recent Type IIb SN 2019lqo and Type Ib SN 2020fkb that occurred in the LIRG system Arp 299 with host extinctions of AV = 2.1−0.3+0.1 and AV = 0.4−0.2+0.1 mag, respectively. Motivated by the above, we inspected, for the first time, a sample of 29 CCSNe located within a projected distance of 2.5 kpc from the host galaxy nuclei in a sample of 16 LIRGs. We find, if star formation within these galaxies is modelled assuming a global starburst episode and normal IMF, that there is evidence of a correlation between the starburst age and the CCSN subtype. We infer that the two subgroups of 14 H-poor (Type IIb/Ib/Ic/Ibn) and 15 H-rich (Type II/IIn) CCSNe have different underlying progenitor age distributions, with the H-poor progenitors being younger at 3σ significance. However, we note that the currently available sample sizes of CCSNe and host LIRGs are small, and the statistical comparisons between subgroups do not take into account possible systematic or model errors related to the estimated starburst ages.</p

    Photometric and spectroscopic evolution of the interacting transient at 2016jbu(Gaia16cfr)

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    We present the results from a high-cadence, multiwavelength observation campaign of AT 2016jbu (aka Gaia16cfr), an interacting transient. This data set complements the current literature by adding higher cadence as well as extended coverage of the light-curve evolution and late-time spectroscopic evolution. Photometric coverage reveals that AT 2016jbu underwent significant photometric variability followed by two luminous events, the latter of which reached an absolute magnitude of MV ∼-18.5 mag. This is similar to the transient SN 2009ip whose nature is still debated. Spectra are dominated by narrow emission lines and show a blue continuum during the peak of the second event. AT 2016jbu shows signatures of a complex, non-homogeneous circumstellar material (CSM). We see slowly evolving asymmetric hydrogen line profiles, with velocities of 500 km s-1 seen in narrow emission features from a slow-moving CSM, and up to 10 000 km s-1 seen in broad absorption from some high-velocity material. Late-time spectra (∼+1 yr) show a lack of forbidden emission lines expected from a core-collapse supernova and are dominated by strong emission from H, He i, and Ca ii. Strong asymmetric emission features, a bumpy light curve, and continually evolving spectra suggest an inhibit nebular phase. We compare the evolution of H α among SN 2009ip-like transients and find possible evidence for orientation angle effects. The light-curve evolution of AT 2016jbu suggests similar, but not identical, circumstellar environments to other SN 2009ip-like transients

    Progenitor, environment, and modelling of the interacting transient AT 2016jbu (Gaia16cfr)

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    We present the bolometric light curve, identification and analysis of the progenitor candidate, and preliminary modelling of AT 2016jbu (Gaia16cfr). We find a progenitor consistent with a ∼22-25 M⊙ yellow hypergiant surrounded by a dusty circumstellar shell, in agreement with what has been previously reported. We see evidence for significant photometric variability in the progenitor, as well as strong Hα emission consistent with pre-existing circumstellar material. The age of the environment, as well as the resolved stellar population surrounding AT 2016jbu, supports a progenitor age of >10 Myr, consistent with a progenitor mass of ∼22 M⊙. A joint analysis of the velocity evolution of AT 2016jbu and the photospheric radius inferred from the bolometric light curve shows the transient is consistent with two successive outbursts/explosions. The first outburst ejected material with velocity ∼650 km s-1, while the second, more energetic event ejected material at ∼4500 km s-1. Whether the latter is the core collapse of the progenitor remains uncertain. We place a limit on the ejected 56Ni mass of <0.016 M⊙. Using the Binary Population And Spectral Synthesis (BPASS) code, we explore a wide range of possible progenitor systems and find that the majority of these are in binaries, some of which are undergoing mass transfer or common-envelope evolution immediately prior to explosion. Finally, we use the SuperNova Explosion Code (SNEC) to demonstrate that the low-energy explosions within some of these binary systems, together with sufficient circumstellar material, can reproduce the overall morphology of the light curve of AT 2016jbu

    Minutes-duration optical flares with supernova luminosities

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    In recent years, certain luminous extragalactic optical transients have been observed to last only a few days1. Their short observed duration implies a different powering mechanism from the most common luminous extragalactic transients (supernovae), whose timescale is weeks2. Some short-duration transients, most notably AT2018cow (ref. 3), show blue optical colours and bright radio and X-ray emission4. Several AT2018cow-like transients have shown hints of a long-lived embedded energy source5, such as X-ray variability6,7, prolonged ultraviolet emission8, a tentative X-ray quasiperiodic oscillation9,10 and large energies coupled to fast (but subrelativistic) radio-emitting ejecta11,12. Here we report observations of minutes-duration optical flares in the aftermath of an AT2018cow-like transient, AT2022tsd (the ‘Tasmanian Devil’). The flares occur over a period of months, are highly energetic and are probably nonthermal, implying that they arise from a near-relativistic outflow or jet. Our observations confirm that, in some AT2018cow-like transients, the embedded energy source is a compact object, either a magnetar or an accreting black hole

    SN 2020cpg: an energetic link between Type IIb and Ib supernovae

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    S.J. Prentice is supported by H2020 ERC grant no. 758638. J.J. Teffs is funded by the consolidated STFC grant no. R27610. This paper is based in part on observations collected at the European Southern Observatory (ESO) under ESO programme 1103.D-0328(J). T.W. Chen acknowledges the European Union Funding under Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant no. H2020-MSCA-IF-2018-842471. L. Galbanywas funded by the European Union'sHorizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant no. 839090. This work has been partially supported by the Spanish grant no. PGC2018-095317-B-C21 within the European Funds for Regional Development (FEDER). M. Gromadzki is supported by the Polish National Science Center (NCN) MAESTRO grant no. 2014/14/A/ST9/00121. T. M uller-Bravo was funded by the CONICYT PFCHA/DOCTORADOBECAS CHILE/2017-72180113. M. Nicholl is supported by a Royal Astronomical Society Research Fellowship. Thiswork makes use of observations obtained by the Las Cumbres Observatory global telescope network. The LCO team is supported by NSF grant nos AST-1911225 and AST-1911151. Based in part on observations made with the Liverpool Telescope operated on the island of La Palma by Liverpool John Moores University in the Spanish Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos of the Institutode Astrofisica de Canarias with financial support from the UK Science and Technology Facilities Council. The data presented here were obtained in part with ALFOSC, which is provided by the Instituto de As-trofisica de Andalucia (IAA) under a joint agreement with the University of Copenhagen and NOTSA, with observation having been made with the Nordic Optical Telescope, operated at the Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos, La Palma, Spain, of the Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias. This work has made use of data from the Asteroid Terrestrial-impact Last Alert System (ATLAS) project. ATLAS is primarily funded to search for near earth asteroids through NASA grant nos NN12AR55G, 80NSSC18K0284, and 80NSSC18K1575; by-products of the NEO search include images and catalogues from the survey area. The ATLAS science products have been made possible through the contributions of the University of Hawaii Institute for Astronomy, the Queen's University Belfast, and the Space Telescope Science Institute. Based on observations collected at the European Organisation for Astronomical Research in the Southern Hemisphere, Chile, as part of ePESSTO+(the advanced Public ESO Spectroscopic Survey for Transient Objects Survey). ePESSTO + observations were obtained under ESO programme ID 1103.D-0328 (PI: Inserra). LCO data have been obtained via OPTICON proposals (IDs: SUPA2020B-002 SUPA2020A-001 OPTICON 20A/015 and OPTICON 20B/003). The OPTICON project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant no. 730890.Stripped-envelope supernovae (SE-SNe) show a wide variety of photometric and spectroscopic properties. This is due to the different potential formation channels and the stripping mechanism that allows for a large diversity within the progenitors outer envelope compositions. Here, the photometric and spectroscopic observations of SN 2020cpg covering ∼130 d from the explosion date are presented. SN 2020cpg (z = 0.037) is a bright SE-SNe with the B-band peaking at MB = −17.75 ± 0.39 mag and a maximum pseudo-bolometric luminosity of Lmax = 6.03 ± 0.01 × 1042 erg s−1. Spectroscopically, SN2020cpg displays a weak high- and low-velocity H α feature during the photospheric phase of its evolution, suggesting that it contained a detached hydrogen envelope prior to explosion. From comparisons with spectral models, the mass of hydrogen within the outer envelope was constrained to be ∼0.1 M . From the pseudo-bolometric light curve of SN 2020cpg a 56Ni mass of MNi ∼ 0.27 ± 0.08M was determined using an Arnett-like model. The ejecta mass and kinetic energy of SN 2020cpg were determined using an alternative method that compares the light curve of SN 2020cpg and several modelled SE-SNe, resulting in an ejecta mass of Mejc ∼ 5.5 ± 2.0 M and a kinetic energy of EK ∼ 9.0 ± 3.0 × 1051 erg. The ejected mass indicates a progenitor mass of 18−25 M . The use of the comparative light curve method provides an alternative process to the commonly used Arnett-like model to determine the physical properties of SE-SNe.H2020 ERC 758638UK Research & Innovation (UKRI)Science & Technology Facilities Council (STFC) R27610European Southern Observatory (ESO) 1103.D-0328(J)European Commission H2020-MSCA-IF-2018-842471 839090 730890 PGC2018-095317-B-C21Polish National Science Center (NCN) MAESTRO 2014/14/A/ST9/00121CONICYT PFCHA/DOCTORADOBECAS CHILE/2017-72180113Royal Astronomical Society Research FellowshipNational Science Foundation (NSF) AST-1911225 AST-1911151UK Research & Innovation (UKRI)Science & Technology Facilities Council (STFC)National Aeronautics & Space Administration (NASA) NN12AR55G 80NSSC18K0284 80NSSC18K1575ESO programme 1103.D-032

    SN 2023emq: a probable flash-ionised Ibn supernova

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    SN 2023emq is a fast-evolving transient initially classified as a rare Type Icn supernova (SN), interacting with a H- and He-free circumstellar medium (CSM) around maximum light. Subsequent spectroscopy revealed the unambiguous emergence of narrow He lines, confidently placing SN 2023emq in the more common Type Ibn class. Photometrically SN 2023emq has several uncommon properties regardless of its class, including its extreme initial decay (faster than &gt; 90% of Ibn/Icn SNe) and sharp transition in the decline rate from 0.18 mag/d to 0.05 mag/d at +20 d. The bolometric light curve can be modelled as CSM interaction with 0.31M_Sun of ejecta and 0.13M_Sun of CSM, with 0.009M_Sun of nickel, as expected of fast interacting SN. Furthermore, broad-band polarimetry at +8.7 days (P = 0.55+/-0.30%) is consistent with high spherical symmetry. A discovery of a transitional Icn/Ibn SN would be unprecedented and would give valuable insights into the nature of mass loss suffered by the progenitor just before death, but we favour an interpretation that the emission lines in the classification spectrum are flash ionisation features commonly seen in young SNe the first days after the explosion. However, one of the features (5700 {\AA}) is significantly more prominent in SN 2023emq than in the few flash-ionised Type Ibn SNe and in that regard the SN is more similar to Icn SNe possibly implying continuum of properties between the two classes

    SN 2020zbf: A fast-rising hydrogen-poor superluminous supernova with strong carbon lines

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    International audienceSN 2020zbf is a hydrogen-poor superluminous supernova at z=0.1947z = 0.1947 that shows conspicuous C II features at early times, in contrast to the majority of H-poor SLSNe. Its peak magnitude is MgM_{\rm g} = 21.2-21.2 mag and its rise time (24\lesssim 24 days from first light) place SN 2020zbf among the fastest rising SLSNe-I. Spectra taken from ultraviolet (UV) to near-infrared wavelengths are used for the identification of spectral features. We pay particular attention to the C II lines as they present distinctive characteristics when compared to other events. We also analyze UV and optical photometric data, and model the light curves considering three different powering mechanisms: radioactive decay of Ni, magnetar spin-down and circumstellar material interaction (CSM). The spectra of SN 2020zbf match well with the model spectra of a C-rich low-mass magnetar model. This is consistent with our light curve modelling which supports a magnetar-powered explosion with a MejM_{\rm ej} = 1.5 MM_\odot. However, we cannot discard the CSM-interaction model as it also may reproduce the observed features. The interaction with H-poor, carbon-oxygen CSM near peak could explain the presence of C II emission lines. A short plateau in the light curve, around 30 - 40 days after peak, in combination with the presence of an emission line at 6580 Å can also be interpreted as late interaction with an extended H-rich CSM. Both the magnetar and CSM interaction models of SN 2020zbf indicate that the progenitor mass at the time of explosion is between 2 - 5 MM_\odot. Modelling the spectral energy distribution of the host reveals a host mass of 108.7^{8.7}MM_\odot, a star-formation rate of 0.240.12+0.41^{+0.41}_{-0.12}MM_\odot yr1^{-1} and a metallicity of \sim 0.4 ZZ_\odot

    Photometric study of the late-time near-infrared plateau in Type Ia supernovae

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    We present an in-depth study of the late-time near-infrared plateau in Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia), which occurs between 70 and 500 d. We double the existing sample of SNe Ia observed during the late-time near-infrared plateau with new observations taken with the Hubble Space Telescope, Gemini, New Technology Telescope, the 3.5-m Calar Alto Telescope, and the Nordic Optical Telescope. Our sample consists of 24 nearby SNe Ia at redshift &lt; 0.025. We are able to confirm that no plateau exists in the Ks band for most normal SNe Ia. SNe Ia with broader optical light curves at peak tend to have a higher average brightness on the plateau in J and H, most likely due to a shallower decline in the preceding 100 d. SNe Ia that are more luminous at peak also show a steeper decline during the plateau phase in H. We compare our data to state-of-the-art radiative transfer models of nebular SNe Ia in the near-infrared. We find good agreement with the sub-Mch model that has reduced non-thermal ionization rates, but no physical justification for reducing these rates has yet been proposed. An analysis of the spectral evolution during the plateau demonstrates that the ratio of [Fe ii] to [Fe iii] contribution in a near-infrared filter determines the light curve evolution in said filter. We find that overluminous SNe decline slower during the plateau than expected from the trend seen for normal SNe Ia.</p