2,899 research outputs found

    The measurement postulates of quantum mechanics are operationally redundant

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    Understanding the core content of quantum mechanics requires us to disentangle the hidden logical relationships between the postulates of this theory. Here we show that the mathematical structure of quantum measurements, the formula for assigning outcome probabilities (Born's rule) and the post-measurement state-update rule, can be deduced from the other quantum postulates, often referred to as "unitary quantum mechanics", and the assumption that ensembles on finite-dimensional Hilbert spaces are characterised by finitely many parameters. This is achieved by taking an operational approach to physical theories, and using the fact that the manner in which a physical system is partitioned into subsystems is a subjective choice of the observer, and hence should not affect the predictions of the theory. In contrast to other approaches, our result does not assume that measurements are related to operators or bases, it does not rely on the universality of quantum mechanics, and it is independent of the interpretation of probability.Comment: This is a post-peer-review, pre-copyedit version of an article published in Nature Communications. The final authenticated version is available online at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41467-019-09348-

    Entropy, majorization and thermodynamics in general probabilistic theories

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    In this note we lay some groundwork for the resource theory of thermodynamics in general probabilistic theories (GPTs). We consider theories satisfying a purely convex abstraction of the spectral decomposition of density matrices: that every state has a decomposition, with unique probabilities, into perfectly distinguishable pure states. The spectral entropy, and analogues using other Schur-concave functions, can be defined as the entropy of these probabilities. We describe additional conditions under which the outcome probabilities of a fine-grained measurement are majorized by those for a spectral measurement, and therefore the "spectral entropy" is the measurement entropy (and therefore concave). These conditions are (1) projectivity, which abstracts aspects of the Lueders-von Neumann projection postulate in quantum theory, in particular that every face of the state space is the positive part of the image of a certain kind of projection operator called a filter; and (2) symmetry of transition probabilities. The conjunction of these, as shown earlier by Araki, is equivalent to a strong geometric property of the unnormalized state cone known as perfection: that there is an inner product according to which every face of the cone, including the cone itself, is self-dual. Using some assumptions about the thermodynamic cost of certain processes that are partially motivated by our postulates, especially projectivity, we extend von Neumann's argument that the thermodynamic entropy of a quantum system is its spectral entropy to generalized probabilistic systems satisfying spectrality.Comment: In Proceedings QPL 2015, arXiv:1511.0118

    The agent architecture InteRRaP : concept and application

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    One of the basic questions of research in Distributed Artificial Intelligence (DAI) is how agents have to be structured and organized, and what functionalities they need in order to be able to act and to interact in a dynamic environment. To cope with this question is the purpose of models and architectures for autonomous and intelligent agents. In the first part of this report, InteRRaP, an agent architecture for multi-agent systems is presented. The basic idea is to combine the use of patterns of behaviour with planning facilities in order to be able to exploit the advantages both of the reactive, behaviour-based and of the deliberate, plan-based paradigm. Patterns of behaviour allow an agent to react flexibly to changes in its environment. What is considered necessary for the performance of more sophisticated tasks is the ability of devising plans deliberately. A further important feature of the model is that it explicitly represents knowledge and strategies for cooperation. This makes it suitable for describing high-level interaction among autonomous agents. In the second part of the report, the loading-dock domain is presented, which has been the first application the InteRRaP agent model has been tested with. An automated loading-dock is described where the agent society consists of forklifts which have to load and unload trucks in a shared, dynamic environment

    On the representation of temporal knowledge

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    The growing interest in an adequate modelling of time in Artificial Intelligence has given rise to the research discipline of Temporal Reasoning (TR). Due to different views, different approaches towards TR such as PL1, modal logics or Allen\u27s intervall logic have been investigated. It was realized at an early stage that each of this approaches has some strong points whereas it suffers from certain drawbacks. Thus recently, a number of research activities have emerged aiming at a combination of the classical paradigms for representing time. In the first part of this paper, we present an overview of the most important approaches to the integration of temporal knowledge into logic programming. In the second part, we present the CRONOLOG temporal logic programming language which has been developed to cover the quintessence of the approaches presented before. The third part of the paper describes TRAM, which it is an extension of CRONOLOG to a temporal knowledge representation system. Using TRAM it is possible to represent knowledge depending on time and to reason about this knowledge. TRAM has been conceptually based on a combination of modal logics with Allen\u27s interval logic. We present the Extended Modal Logics (EML) which establishes the theoretical framework for TRAM. We define an operational semantics and a horizontal compilation scheme for TRAM

    The resource theory of informational nonequilibrium in thermodynamics

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    We review recent work on the foundations of thermodynamics in the light of quantum information theory. We adopt a resource-theoretic perspective, wherein thermodynamics is formulated as a theory of what agents can achieve under a particular restriction, namely, that the only state preparations and transformations that they can implement for free are those that are thermal at some fixed temperature. States that are out of thermal equilibrium are the resources. We consider the special case of this theory wherein all systems have trivial Hamiltonians (that is, all of their energy levels are degenerate). In this case, the only free operations are those that add noise to the system (or implement a reversible evolution) and the only nonequilibrium states are states of informational nonequilibrium, that is, states that deviate from the maximally mixed state. The degree of this deviation we call the state's nonuniformity; it is the resource of interest here, the fuel that is consumed, for instance, in an erasure operation. We consider the different types of state conversion: exact and approximate, single-shot and asymptotic, catalytic and noncatalytic. In each case, we present the necessary and sufficient conditions for the conversion to be possible for any pair of states, emphasizing a geometrical representation of the conditions in terms of Lorenz curves. We also review the problem of quantifying the nonuniformity of a state, in particular through the use of generalized entropies. Quantum state conversion problems in this resource theory can be shown to be always reducible to their classical counterparts, so that there are no inherently quantum-mechanical features arising in such problems. This body of work also demonstrates that the standard formulation of the second law of thermodynamics is inadequate as a criterion for deciding whether or not a given state transition is possible.Comment: 51 pages, 9 figures, Revised Versio

    Cooperative transportation scheduling : an application domain for DAI

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    A multiagent approach to designing the transportation domain is presented. The MARS system is described which models cooperative order scheduling within a society of shipping companies. We argue why Distributed Artificial Intelligence (DAI) offers suitable tools to deal with the hard problems in this domain. We present three important instances for DAI techniques that proved useful in the transportation application: cooperation among the agents, task decomposition and task allocation, and decentralised planning. An extension of the contract net protocol for task decomposition and task allocation is presented; we show that it can be used to obtain good initial solutions for complex resource allocation problems. By introducing global information based upon auction protocols, this initial solution can be improved significantly. We demonstrate that the auction mechanism used for schedule optimisation can also be used for implementing dynamic replanning. Experimental results are provided evaluating the performance of different scheduling strategies

    Unifying control in a layered agent architecture

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    In this paper, we set up a unifying perspective of the individual control layers of the architecture InteRRaP for autonomous interacting agents. InteRRaP is a pragmatic approach to designing complex dynamic agent societies, e.g. for robotics Müller & Pischel and cooperative scheduling applications Fischer et al.94. It is based on three general functions describing how the actions an agent commits to are derived from its perception and from its mental model: belief revision and abstraction, situation recognition and goal activation, and planning and scheduling. It is argued that each InteRRaP control layer - the behaviour-based layer, the local planning layer, and the cooperative planning layer - can be described by a combination of different instantiations of these control functions. The basic structure of a control layer is defined. The individual functions and their implementation in the different layers are outlined. We demonstrate various options for the design of interacting agents within this framework by means of an interacting robots application. The performance of different agent types in a multiagent environment is empirically evaluated by a series of experiments

    Atomistic perspective of long lifetimes of small skyrmions at room temperature

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    The current development to employ magnetic skyrmions in novel spintronic device designs has led to a demand for room temperature-stable skyrmions of ever smaller size. We present extensive studies on skyrmion stability in atomistic magnetic systems in two- and three-dimensional geometries. We show that for materials described by the same micromagnetic parameters, the variation of the atomistic exchange between different neighbors, the stacking order, and the number of layers of the atomic lattice can significantly influence the rate of the thermally activated decay of a skyrmion. These factors alone are important considerations, but it is shown that their combination can open up novel avenues of materials design in the search for sub-10nm skyrmions, as their lifetime can be extended by several orders of magnitude

    Antiskyrmions stabilized at interfaces by anisotropic Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction

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    Chiral magnets are an emerging class of topological matter harbouring localized and topologically protected vortex-like magnetic textures called skyrmions, which are currently under intense scrutiny as a new entity for information storage and processing. Here, on the level of micromagnetics we rigorously show that chiral magnets cannot only host skyrmions but also antiskyrmions as least-energy configurations over all non-trivial homotopy classes. We derive practical criteria for their occurrence and coexistence with skyrmions that can be fulfilled by (110)-oriented interfaces in dependence on the electronic structure. Relating the electronic structure to an atomistic spin-lattice model by means of density-functional calculations and minimizing the energy on a mesoscopic scale applying spin-relaxation methods, we propose a double layer of Fe grown on a W(110) substrate as a practical example. We conjecture that ultrathin magnetic films grown on semiconductor or heavy metal substrates with C2vC_{2v} symmetry are prototype classes of materials hosting magnetic antiskyrmions.Comment: 20 pages (11 pages + 9 pages supplementary material