1,773 research outputs found
Sprachliche Anforderungen an Übergängen von Schule und Beruf am Beispiel des Einzelhandels
Sprachliche Kompetenzen wirken sich maßgeblich auf die berufliche Handlungskompetenz aus. Der systematische Aufbau von berufsbezogenen Sprach- bzw. Registerkompetenzen fängt bereits bei der Berufswahl an und nicht erst mit dem Eintritt in die Berufsschule. Allerdings ist der parallele Wissens- und Spracherwerb für den erfolgreichen Berufsweg in den abgebenden und abnehmenden Schulformen noch nicht hinreichend verzahnt. Dafür wäre eine durchgängige Sprachbildung und -förderung in beruflichen Übergangs- und Orientierungssituationen notwendig, um die Schüler*innen in ihren beruflichen Orientierungsprozessen passgenauer unterstützen zu können. Im Rahmen des Aufsatzes wird eine Analyse durchgeführt, die aufzeigt, dass es an dieser bislang mangelt bzw. dass diese nur implizit Erwähnung findet
The relationship between lameness prevalence and pasture access in 659 dairy herds in Germany
Lameness in dairy cows is an expression of pain most likely originating from a claw disorder, causing impaired animal wellbeing and substantial economic losses for farmers. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of access to pasture, time spent on pasture, and season on farm level lameness prevalence. The survey was part of a cross-sectional observational study, in which farms in three regions of Germany (North, East and South) were visited by study veterinarians. On each farm (total: 659, N: 240, E: 247, S: 172), management data were recorded, and cows were scored for locomotion, according to Sprecher. Median farm-level lameness prevalence (Score 3/5 or higher) was 29.4% (IQR: 18.7% - 42.0%), and 8.2% (IQR: 3.7% - 14.0%) for severe lameness (Score 4/5 or higher). Farm-level lameness prevalence continuously decreased with increasing time spent on pasture (up to approximately 10 hours per cow per day). On farms that did not offer their cows access to pasture lameness prevalence did not show a seasonal variation. On farms where cows had pasture access for up to three hours per day lameness prevalence peaked in autumn. In contrast, on farms offering their cows access to pasture beyond three hours per day the peak of lameness was observed in spring. Our results revealed that even short periods of pasture access of at least two hours per cow and day (on average per year) are beneficial for the locomotion of dairy cows
Fibroblast growth factor receptors 1 and 2 in keratinocytes control the epidermal barrier and cutaneous homeostasis
Loss of FGFRs results in skin abnormalities due to activation of keratinocytes and epidermal T cells
Specificity, propagation, and memory of pericentric heterochromatin
The cell establishes heritable patterns of active and silenced chromatin via interacting factors that set, remove, and read epigenetic marks. To understand how the underlying networks operate, we have dissected transcriptional silencing in pericentric heterochromatin (PCH) of mouse fibroblasts. We assembled a quantitative map for the abundance and interactions of 16 factors related to PCH in living cells and found that stably bound complexes of the histone methyltransferase SUV39H1/2 demarcate the PCH state. From the experimental data, we developed a predictive mathematical model that explains how chromatin-bound SUV39H1/2 complexes act as nucleation sites and propagate a spatially confined PCH domain with elevated histone H3 lysine 9 trimethylation levels via chromatin dynamics. This "nucleation and looping" mechanism is particularly robust toward transient perturbations and stably maintains the PCH state. These features make it an attractive model for establishing functional epigenetic domains throughout the genome based on the localized immobilization of chromatin-modifying enzymes
Specificity, propagation, and memory of pericentric heterochromatin
The cell establishes heritable patterns of active and silenced chromatin via interacting factors that set, remove, and read epigenetic marks. To understand how the underlying networks operate, we have dissected transcriptional silencing in pericentric heterochromatin (PCH) of mouse fibroblasts. We assembled a quantitative map for the abundance and interactions of 16 factors related to PCH in living cells and found that stably bound complexes of the histone methyltransferase SUV39H1/2 demarcate the PCH state. From the experimental data, we developed a predictive mathematical model that explains how chromatin-bound SUV39H1/2 complexes act as nucleation sites and propagate a spatially confined PCH domain with elevated histone H3 lysine 9 trimethylation levels via chromatin dynamics. This "nucleation and looping" mechanism is particularly robust toward transient perturbations and stably maintains the PCH state. These features make it an attractive model for establishing functional epigenetic domains throughout the genome based on the localized immobilization of chromatin-modifying enzymes
Pedestrian Crowd Management Experiments: A Data Guidance Paper
Understanding pedestrian dynamics and the interaction of pedestrians with
their environment is crucial to the safe and comfortable design of pedestrian
facilities. Experiments offer the opportunity to explore the influence of
individual factors. In the context of the project CroMa (Crowd Management in
transport infrastructures), experiments were conducted with about 1000
participants to test various physical and social psychological hypotheses
focusing on people's behaviour at railway stations and crowd management
measures. The following experiments were performed: i) Train Platform
Experiment, ii) Crowd Management Experiment, iii) Single-File Experiment, iv)
Personal Space Experiment, v) Boarding and Alighting Experiment, vi) Bottleneck
Experiment and vii) Tiny Box Experiment. This paper describes the basic
planning and implementation steps, outlines all experiments with parameters,
geometries, applied sensor technologies and pre- and post-processing steps. All
data can be found in the pedestrian dynamics data archive.Comment: 58 pages, 19 figures, under review Collective Dynamic
Nachgefragt: 25 Fragen und Antworten zum Stand des Wissens rund um Öko-Landbau und Bio-Lebensmittel - Argumentationsleitfaden zum Ökologischen Landbau für Multiplikatoren
„Ist Bio denn wirklich gesünder?“ Dies ist nur eine der vielen Fragen, die immer wieder gestellt werden, wenn es um Ökologischen Landbau und Bio-Lebensmittel geht. Und: Sie werden mit dem wachsenden Bio-Markt und der zunehmenden Beliebtheit seiner Produkte immer häufiger, immer kritischer und nach wie vor oftmals vorurteilsbeladen und polemisch gestellt.
Dieser Argumentationsleitfaden will die Diskussion versachlichen. Auf dem Stand des Wissens stellt er die Vorzüglichkeit der ökologischen Lebensmittelwirtschaft sachlich, fundiert und übersichtlich dar und benennt ebenso Bereiche, bei denen noch Defizite und somit Handlungsbedarf besteht. Damit werden Fragestellungen aufgegriffen, die in der gesellschaftlichen Auseinandersetzung um die biologische Lebensmittelwirtschaft immer wieder zu Diskussionen und Auseinandersetzungen führen.
Zu den Themenfeldern Grundlagen, Erzeugung, Verarbeitung, Vermarktung, Qualität, Umweltwirkungen sowie ökologische Lebensmittelwirtschaft und Gesellschaft werden 25 Fragen so beantwortet, dass die wichtigsten Gesichtspunkte zu der jeweiligen Frage „auf einen Blick“ in einer logischen Argumentationskette zur Verfügung stehen. Quellenverweise ermöglichen es, einzelne Sachverhalte zu vertiefen.
Damit ist der Argumentationsleitfaden ein wichtiges Instrument für Journalisten und Politiker, die Fragen zur ökologischen Lebensmittelwirtschaft haben, sich schnell und doch umfassend zu informieren. Ebenso soll der Leitfaden für die Multiplikatoren der Branche, wie Verbandsvertreter oder Ausbilder, eine Hilfe in der täglichen Arbeit sein. Sei es, um sich auf eine Podiumsdiskussion vorzubereiten, einem Pressevertreter weiterführende Quellen nennen zu können oder um bei der Verkäuferschulung Antworten auf häufig gestellte Kundenfragen besprechen zu können
Mobile phone use, behavioural problems and concentration capacity in adolescents : a prospective study
The aim of this study is to prospectively investigate whether exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF) emitted by mobile phones and other wireless communication devices is related to behavioural problems or concentration capacity in adolescents. The HERMES (Health Effects Related to Mobile phonE use in adolescentS) study sample consisted of 439 Swiss adolescents aged 12-17 years. Behavioural problems were assessed using the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ), concentration capacity of the adolescents was measured by means of a standardized computerized cognitive test named FAKT. Cross-sectional and longitudinal (1year of follow-up) analyses were performed to investigate possible associations between behavioural problems and concentration capacity and different exposure measures: self-reported and operator-recorded wireless communication device use, cumulative RF-EMF brain and whole body dose and measured personal RF-EMF exposure. In the cross-sectional analyses behavioural problems were associated with several self-reported wireless device use measures but not operator-recorded mobile phone use measures, concentration capacity was associated with several self-reported and operator-recorded exposures. The longitudinal analyses point towards absence of associations. The lack of consistent exposure-response patterns in the longitudinal analyses suggests that behavioural problems and concentration capacity are not affected by the use of wireless communication devices or RF-EMF exposure. Information bias and reverse causality are likely explanations for the observed cross-sectional findings
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