66 research outputs found

    Pulsed-field ablation for the treatment of left atrial reentry tachycardia.

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    BACKGROUND We describe our initial experience using a multipolar pulsed-field ablation catheter for the treatment of left atrial (LA) reentry tachycardia. METHODS We included all patients with LA reentry tachycardia treated with PFA at our institution between September 2021 and March 2022. The tachycardia mechanism was identified using 3D electro-anatomical mapping (3D-EAM). Subsequently, a roof line, anterior line, or mitral isthmus line was ablated as appropriate. Roof line ablation was always combined with LA posterior wall (LAPW) ablation. Positioning of the PFA catheter was guided by a 3D-EAM system and by fluoroscopy. Bidirectional block across lines was verified using standard criteria. Additional radiofrequency ablation (RFA) was used to achieve bidirectional block as necessary. RESULTS Among 22 patients (median age 70 (59-75) years; 9 females), we identified 27 LA reentry tachycardia: seven roof dependent macro-reentries, one posterior-wall micro-reentry, twelve peri-mitral macro-reentries, and seven anterior-wall micro-reentries. We ablated a total of 20 roof lines, 13 anterior lines, and 6 mitral isthmus lines. Additional RFA was necessary for two anterior lines (15%) and three mitral isthmus lines (50%). Bidirectional block was achieved across all roof lines, 92% of anterior lines, and 83% of mitral isthmus lines. We observed no acute procedural complications. CONCLUSION Ablation of a roof line and of the LAPW is feasible, effective, and safe using this multipolar PFA catheter. However, the catheter is less suited for ablation of the mitral isthmus and the anterior line. A focal pulsed-field ablation catheter may be more effective for ablation of these lines. This study shows the feasibility to ablate linear lesions with a multipolar pulsed-field ablation catheter. 27 left atrial reentry tachycardia were treated in 22 patients

    IL-2 Stimulated but Not Unstimulated NK Cells Induce Selective Disappearance of Peripheral Blood Cells: Concomitant Results to a Phase I/II Study

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    In an ongoing clinical phase I/II study, 16 pediatric patients suffering from high risk leukemia/tumors received highly purified donor natural killer (NK) cell immunotherapy (NK-DLI) at day (+3) +40 and +100 post haploidentical stem cell transplantation. However, literature about the influence of NK-DLI on recipient's immune system is scarce. Here we present concomitant results of a noninvasive in vivo monitoring approach of recipient's peripheral blood (PB) cells after transfer of either unstimulated (NK-DLI(unstim)) or IL-2 (1000 U/ml, 9–14 days) activated NK cells (NK-DLI(IL-2 stim)) along with their ex vivo secreted cytokine/chemokines. We performed phenotypical and functional characterizations of the NK-DLIs, detailed flow cytometric analyses of various PB cells and comprehensive cytokine/chemokine arrays before and after NK-DLI. Patients of both groups were comparable with regard to remission status, immune reconstitution, donor chimerism, KIR mismatching, stem cell and NK-DLI dose. Only after NK-DLI(IL-2 stim) was a rapid, almost complete loss of CD56(bright)CD16(dim/−) immune regulatory and CD56(dim)CD16(+) cytotoxic NK cells, monocytes, dendritic cells and eosinophils from PB circulation seen 10 min after infusion, while neutrophils significantly increased. The reduction of NK cells was due to both, a decrease in patients' own CD69(−) NCR(low)CD62L(+) NK cells as well as to a diminishing of the transferred cells from the NK-DLI(IL-2 stim) with the CD56(bright)CD16(+/−)CD69(+)NCR(high)CD62L(−) phenotype. All cell counts recovered within the next 24 h. Transfer of NK-DLI(IL-2 stim) translated into significantly increased levels of various cytokines/chemokines (i.e. IFN-γ, IL-6, MIP-1β) in patients' PB. Those remained stable for at least 1 h, presumably leading to endothelial activation, leukocyte adhesion and/or extravasation. In contrast, NK-DLI(unstim) did not cause any of the observed effects. In conclusion, we assume that the adoptive transfer of NK-DLI(IL-2 stim) under the influence of ex vivo and in vivo secreted cytokines/chemokines may promote NK cell trafficking and therefore might enhance efficacy of immunotherapy

    IL-27 Regulates IL-18 Binding Protein in Skin Resident Cells

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    IL-18 is an important mediator involved in chronic inflammatory conditions such as cutaneous lupus erythematosus, psoriasis and chronic eczema. An imbalance between IL-18 and its endogenous antagonist IL-18 binding protein (BP) may account for increased IL-18 activity. IL-27 is a cytokine with dual function displaying pro- and anti-inflammatory properties. Here we provide evidence for a yet not described anti-inflammatory mode of action on skin resident cells. Human keratinocytes and surprisingly also fibroblasts (which do not produce any IL-18) show a robust, dose-dependent and highly inducible mRNA expression and secretion of IL-18BP upon IL-27 stimulation. Other IL-12 family members failed to induce IL-18BP. The production of IL-18BP peaked between 48–72 h after stimulation and was sustained for up to 96 h. Investigation of the signalling pathway showed that IL-27 activates STAT1 in human keratinocytes and that a proximal GAS site at the IL-18BP promoter is of importance for the functional activity of IL-27. The data are in support of a significant anti-inflammatory effect of IL-27 on skin resident cells. An important novel property of IL-27 in skin pathobiology may be to counter-regulate IL-18 activities by acting on keratinocytes and importantly also on dermal fibroblasts
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