19 research outputs found

    Early oral contraceptive use and breast cancer among premenopausal women : Final report from a study in Southern Sweden

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    In southern Sweden during the 1960s, women began to use oral contraceptives (OCs) extensively at a young age. This case-control study investigates the relationship between the use of OCs and breast cancer development in women in southern Sweden diagnosed in the early 1980s. The risk for breast cancer after OC use among premenopausal women was modeled, after adjustment was made for age, age at menarche, and age at first full-term pregnancy or parity. Both the duration of OC use before 25 years of age and commencement of OC use at a young age were associated with a significant increase in the risk of breast cancer as well as a significant trend. The duration of OC use before the first full-term pregnancy was associated with an increased risk of breast cancer, but it did not show a significant trend. The total duration of OC use was wealdy, but not significantly, associated with breast cancer development. The odds ratio for women starting OC use before 20 years of age was 5.8 [95% confidence interval (CI), 2.6-12.8]; for women using OCs for >5 years before age 25, it was 5.3 (95% CI, 2.1-13.2); and for women using OCs for ≥8 years before first full-term pregnancy, it was 2.0 (95% CI, 0.8-4.7). In multivariate analyses including the different measurements of OC use, only starting age of OC use was significantly associated with breast cancer. The exposure-response relationship between duration of OC use and risk of breast cancer depended on the age at first use of OCs. Given a fixed duration of OC use, the risk increased with younger starting age of OC use. The findings point to the importance of the early reproductive years as risk determinants for breast cancer after OC use

    What's new in target volume definition for radiologists in ICRU Report 71? How can the ICRU volume definitions be integrated in clinical practice?

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    The optimal definition of the size, shape and location of gross tumour volume is one of the most important steps in the planning of radiation therapy, and necessitates a proper understanding of the procedure from both the oncologic radiologist and the radiation oncologist. This overview reports on the different terms and concepts that have been recommended in the ICRU Reports for this purpose; the latest Report 71 focuses on both previously given recommendations, and especially on electron beam therapy. This paper also highlights some of the problems that are encountered in the use of the International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements (ICRU) recommendations in clinical practice, and at the interface between the radiation oncologist and the diagnostic oncologist

    Invasive cutaneous malignant melanoma in Sweden, 1990-1999 - A prospective, population-based study of survival and prognostic factors

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    BACKGROUND. The objective of the current study was to compile prospective, population-based data on cutaneous invasive melanomas in Sweden during the period from 1990 to 1999, to describe and analyze survival data and prognostic factors, and to make comparisons with previously published Swedish and international data. METHODS. Twelve thousand five hundred thirty-three patients, which included 97% of all registered melanomas in Sweden, were included and described. Among these, 9515 patients with clinical Stage I and II melanoma were included in an analysis of survival and in a univariate analysis, and 6191 patients were included in a multivariate analysis of prognostic factors. RESULTS. There was no significant change in melanoma incidence during 1990-1999. Favorable prognostic factors were found, especially in younger and female patients, resulting in a relative 5-year survival rate of 91.5%. In the multivariate analysis, significant factors that had a negative effect on survival were Clark level of invasion, Breslow thickness, ulceration, older patient age, trunk location, greatest tumor dimension, nodular histogenetic type, and male gender. CONCLUSIONS. During the period from 1990 to 1999, the 5-year survival of patients with malignant melanoma in Sweden was better compared with the previously reported rates in published, population-based studies from Sweden, probably as a result of better secondary prevention due to better knowledge and awareness by both patients and the medical profession. The more favorable prognostic factors and the change in melanoma location found in younger patients, compared with earlier reports, may reflect changes in clothing as well as tanning habits; however, a decrease also was found in Clark Level II and thin melanomas for the same patient group. The authors concluded that further improvements can be achieved with better access to health care and with the use of early melanoma detection campaigns. (C) 2004 American Cancer Society

    Measuring cancer prevalence in Europe: the EUROPREVAL project

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    Cancer prevalence is the proportion of individuals in a population who at some stage during their lifetime have been diagnosed with cancer, irrespective of the date of diagnosis. Cancer prevalence statistics have generally been provided by a limited number of well established cancer registries that have been in existence for several decades. The advent of systematic follow-up of life status of incident cases and the availability of new statistical methodologies, now makes it possible for registries established during the 1970s or 1980s to provide prevalence data. The main problems encountered in the estimation of prevalence are the inclusion of: (i) cases lost to follow-up; (ii) cases known only from their death certificate; (iii) cases diagnosed before the start of registration; and (iv) the treatment of multiple tumours and migrations. The main aim of this paper was to review these problems and discuss, through the experience gained with EUROPREVAL, how they can be overcome. A method is presented for the calculation of prevalence of all cancers combined in the populations covered by the 45 cancer registries participating in EUROPREVAL. Prevalence of cancer is estimated to be 2% on average, with the highest values (3%) in Sweden and the lowest in Eastern Europe, with a minimum of approximately 1% in Poland

    Reduced mortality for women with mammography-detected breast cancer in east Denmark and south Sweden

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    The 5-year relative survival from breast cancer in Denmark is 10 percentage points lower than in Sweden. This difference has been demonstrated previously as being caused partly by more involved lymph nodes and larger tumours in Denmark. Sweden has had nationwide mammography-screening coverage since 1991, whereas this is still in its infancy in Denmark. In the search for an explanation for the remaining survival difference, patient delay was a likely candidate. This study compared patient delay and mammography-detection between two national regions. Data on patient delay and mammography were obtained from hospital records from 1989 and 1994, and analysed using Cox proportional hazard analysis of death within the first 5 years, with the factors age, country, delay/mammography detection and established patho-anatomic variables. A comparison of patient delay and mammography detection in 1989 and 1994 showed more mammography-detected tumours in south Sweden and more women with long delay in east Denmark. Mammography detection, but not long patient delay, had a significant effect on the death hazard when adjusting for patho-anatomic risk factors. The hazard ratio was not eliminated in 1989, but in 1994, the hazard ratio between east Denmark and south Sweden was reduced from 1.3 to 1.1. In conclusion, patient delay did not appear to have any effect on 5-year survival when adjusting for patho-anatomic factors, but tumour detection by mammography affected survival favourably and partly explained the survival difference between east Denmark and south Sweden. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Oral-Contraceptive Use and the Risk of Breast Cancer

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    To the Editor: The study on oral-contraceptive use and the risk of breast cancer from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (Aug. 14 issue)1 seems to be reassuring for oral-contraceptive users. But, as stated in the editorial by Shapiro in the same issue,2 there are some weak points that need further elucidation. We have found a highly increased risk of breast cancer among young (teenage) oral-contraceptive users in southern Sweden.3 From incidence figures for Sweden, an increase in premenopausal breast cancer can be seen to have started in about 1975,