10 research outputs found

    Umsetzung unterrichtsintegrierter Sprachförderung im Mathematikunterricht der Grundschule: Eine Fallstudie

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    Mit der vorliegenden Studie wurde die Umsetzung einer sprachsensibel geplanten Unterrichtsreihe zum Thema Rechendreiecke in einer dritten und einer vierten Klasse einer Regelgrundschule untersucht. Im Fokus stand dabei vor allem das Mikro-Scaffolding als Mittel zur Sprachförderung (Gibbons, 2002). Analysiert wurden vor allem die Art der Umsetzung des Mikro-Scaffolding und potenzielle Unterschiede der Umsetzung bei von den Lehrkräften als sprachlich schwach beziehungsweise stark eingeschätzten Schüler*innen. Darüber sollten Hinweise auf die Umsetzung der Adaptivität des Mikro-Scaffolding gefunden werden. Die Lehrkräfte in der vorliegenden Studie hatten im Vorfeld über zwei Jahre lang an einer umfangreichen Weiterbildung zu den Sprachförderprinzipien des Scaffolding teilgenommen und waren außerdem maßgeblich an der Planung der untersuchten Unterrichtsreihe beteiligt. Die qualitativen Ergebnisse zeigen, dass eine große Varianz in der Umsetzung der Scaffolding-Sprachförderprinzipien besteht, die höchstwahrscheinlich stark geprägt ist von individuellen Einflussfaktoren. Es zeigte sich außerdem, dass die Sprachförderprinzipien von den zwei beobachteten Lehrkräften nicht vollumfänglich implementiert wurden. Lücken zeigen sich vor allem hinsichtlich der zwei Sprachförderprinzipien Anregung zur Nutzung der Fach- und Bildungssprache auf Wort- und Satzebene sowie Verdeutlichen der Relevanz. Abschließend wird diskutiert, welche Faktoren die Umsetzungstreue der Fortbildungsinhalte in sprachförderliches Verhalten beeinflusst haben

    App-Based Coaching to Prevent Addictive Behaviors among Young Adults

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    Abstract: Background: Vocational students have an increased risk to engage in health-risk behaviors compared to same-aged peers. To date, evidence-based digital prevention approaches that address multiple health-risk behaviors are rare. Method: The randomized-controlled trial (RCT) “Prevention of at-risk substance and Internet use disorders among vocational students” (PARI) investigates the efficacy of an app-based prevention approach compared to a waitlist-control condition. The aim is to prevent substance-related and behavioral addictions and improve life skills. An existing app (ready4life) was adapted under consideration of focus groups with teachers, prevention experts, and students. A Delphi expert group rated the quality of the approach. The efficacy of the modified ready4life app is currently being tested in a RCT. The proactive recruitment takes place in German vocational schools. After participating in an app-based screening (T0), participants get individualized feedback and will be cluster-randomized per class to the intervention group (IG; n=1.250) or control group (CG; n=1.250). The IG chooses two out of six modules: Social competence, stress management, cannabis, tobacco, alcohol, social media/gaming. The CG receives information on how to improve health behaviors. Follow-ups are conducted after 6 months (T1) and 12 months (T2). Conclusion: This RCT provides data on a multibehavioral prevention approach for vocational students. Final results are expected in 2023

    Implementation of academic language training in primary schools. A mixed methods study with teachers involved in BiSS

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    In der vorliegenden Studie wurden Lehrkräfte aus drei Grundschulverbünden, die sich im Rahmen des BMBF-geförderten Projektes Bildung in Sprache und Schrift (kurz BiSS) gebildet haben, in einem Mixed-Methods-Design mit Hilfe eines (1) Ad-Hoc-Fragebogens (N = 44) und (2) Vignetten- Interviews (n = 13) zur Umsetzung und zu einflussnehmenden Faktoren für die Umsetzung von Scaffolding im Unterricht befragt. Die Auswertung der quantitativen Daten zeigt, dass die Lehrkräfte Scaffolding häufig zur Erfassung des sprachlichen Lernstands der Schülerinnen und Schüler einsetzen und nur selten eine Bedarfsermittlung in Form einer Analyse sprachlicher Anforderungen einer Unterrichtsreihe vornehmen. Die regressionsanalytischen Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Varianz in der unterrichtlichen Umsetzung des Scaffolding durch vier Faktoren erklärt wird: (1) wahrgenommener Profit für die Kinder durch die Lehrkraft, (2) Zeitaufwand, (3) Einstellung der Eltern und (4) das Selbstwirksamkeitserleben der Lehrkräfte im Bereich der Sprachförderkompetenz. Die qualitativen Ergebnisse bestätigen die Befunde aus den Regressionsanalysen, geben den multidirektionalen Zusammenhang mit weiteren Faktoren (u. a. der Rolle der Schulleitung) zu erkennen und zeigen verbundspezifische Varianzen in der Umsetzung von Scaffolding. Außerdem verdeutlichen sie, dass eine tiefgehende Verankerung dieser Form der fachintegrierten Sprachförderung noch aussteht. (DIPF/Orig.)In this paper it was examined how BiSS primary schoolteachers implement scaffolding and which factors are influencing this implementation. The study is based on a mixed methods design, which included an (1) ad-hoc-questionnaire (N = 44) and (2) vignetten-interviews (n = 13). The quantitative data show that the teachers use scaffolding frequently to assess the students´ current verbal skills while checking the linguistic demands of their lessons less often. Regression analyses show that four predictors explained the variance of the implementation of scaffolding (1) how the teacher perceives the children’s profit, (2) the expenditure of time, (3) parents´ attitude, and (4) teachers´ perceived self-efficacy concerning their language promotion skills. Qualitative data confirm the results of the regression Analysis, disclose the multidirectional connection with further predictors (e.g., the role of school principals) and demonstrate broad variations in implementation of scaffolding strategies. Data also illustrate that the necessary implementation of scaffolding has not been reached yet. (DIPF/Orig.

    The Perceived Stress Scale 2&2: a two-factorial German short version of the Perceived Stress Scale

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    Background!#!Stress is among the leading causes for diseases. The assessment of subjectively perceived stress is essential for resilience research. While the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) is a widely used questionnaire, a German short version of the scale is not yet available. In the current study, we developed such a short version using a machine learning approach for item reduction to facilitate the simultaneous optimization of multiple psychometric criteria.!##!Method!#!We recruited 1,437 participants from an online panel, who completed the German long version of the PSS along with measures of mental health and resilience. An ant-colony-optimization algorithm was used to select items, taking reliability, and construct validity into account. Findings on validity were visualized by psychological network models.!##!Results!#!We replicated a bifactor structure for the long version of the PSS and derived a two-factor German short version of the PSS with four items, the PSS-2&2. Its factors helplessness and self-efficacy showed differential associations with mental health indicators and resilience-related factors, with helplessness being mainly linked to mental distress.!##!Conclusion!#!The valid and economic short version of the PSS lends itself to be used in future resilience research. Our findings highlight the importance of the two-factor structure of the PSS short versions and challenge the validity of commonly used one-factor models. In cases where the general stress factor is of interest, researchers should use the longer versions of the PSS that allow for the interpretation of total scores, while the PSS-2&2 allows of an economic assessment of the PSS factors helplessness and self-efficacy

    The Perceived Stress Scale 2&2: A Two-Factorial German Short Version of the Perceived Stress Scale

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    Background/Objective: Stress is among the leading causes for diseases. The assessment of subjectively perceived stress is essential for resilience research. While the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) is a widely used questionnaire, a German short version of the scale is not yet available. In the current study, we developed such a short version using a machine learning approach for item reduction to facilitate the simultaneous optimization of multiple criteria. Method: We recruited 1,437 participants from an online panel, who completed the German long version of the PSS along with measures of mental health and resilience. An ant-colony-optimization algorithm was used to select items, taking reliability and construct validity into account. Findings on validity were visualized by psychological network models. Results: We found a two-factor structure for the long version of the PSS and derived a two-factor German short version of the PSS with four items, the PSS-2&2. Its factors helplessness and self-efficacy showed differential associations, with helplessness being mainly linked to mental distress. Discussion: The valid and economic short version of the PSS lends itself to be used in future resilience research. Our findings highlight the importance of the two-factor structure of the PSS and challenge commonly used one-factor short versions

    App-Based Coaching to Prevent Addictive Behaviors among Young Adults

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    Background: Vocational students have an increased risk to engage in health-risk behaviors compared to same-aged peers. To date, evidence-based digital prevention approaches that address multiple health-risk behaviors are rare. Method: The randomized-controlled trial (RCT) 'Prevention of at-risk substance and Internet use disorders among vocational students' (PARI) investigates the efficacy of an app-based prevention approach compared to a waitlist-control condition. The aim is to prevent substance-related and behavioral addictions and improve life skills. An existing app (ready4life) was adapted under consideration of focus groups with teachers, prevention experts, and students. A Delphi expert group rated the quality of the approach. The efficacy of the modified ready4life app is currently being tested in a RCT. The proactive recruitment takes place in German vocational schools. After participating in an app-based screening (T0), participants get individualized feedback and will be cluster-randomized per class to the intervention group (IG; n=1.250) or control group (CG; n=1.250). The IG chooses two out of six modules: Social competence, stress management, cannabis, tobacco, alcohol, social media/gaming. The CG receives information on how to improve health behaviors. Follow-ups are conducted after 6 months (T1) and 12 months (T2). Conclusion: This RCT provides data on a multibehavioral prevention approach for vocational students. Final results are expected in 2023

    Quellen- und Literaturverzeichnis

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