10 research outputs found

    A foszfatidilglicerol szerepe fotoszintetikus membránok szerkezetének kialakításában = The essential role of phosphatidylglycerol in the formation of photosynthetic membrane structure

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    A negatív töltéssel rendelkező lipidek közül a foszfatidilglicerol (PG) jelentős szerepet tölt be. 1. Létrehoztuk egy FG szintézisben gátolt Synechocytis PCC6803 mutánst melyben megnéztük a CP43 kapcsolódását a kettes fotokémiai rendszer reakció centrumához. Ezt a mutánst egy, a fénybegyűjtő rendszer nélküli mutánssal hoztuk létre, a cdsA gén inaktiválásával. Megállapítottuk, hogy az FG kiürülés hatására a CP43 fehérje bekötődése gátolt. Megállapítottuk, hogy az FG kiürülés csökkenti a cianobaktérium sejtek oxigénfejlesztő képességét. 2. Megállapítottuk, hogy az FG kiürülés megváltoztatja a fotoszintetikus membrán felszíni töltését. 3. Az FG molekulák hatására bekövetkező fotoszintetikus aktivitást a reakció centrumok megváltozása okozza. A reakció centrumok fényérzékennyé vállnak. Ez ellen a sejtek megnövekedett karotin tartalommal védekeznek. A myxoxantin és az echinenon mennyisége nő meg. 4. A Syenechococcus PCC PCC7942 cdsA mutáns létrehozásával igazoltuk, hogy az FG molekulák szerepe a fotoszintetikus szervezetekben általánosítható. Megállapítottuk, hogy az FG kiürülés a különböző törzseken különböző mértékben hat. 5 Az FG molekulák kiürülésének hatására bekövetkező stressz elleni protekció a karotinoid molekulák megjelenése fotoszintetikus reakció centrumokbanmellett megfigyeltük azt is, hogy az FG molekulák zsírsav összetétele megváltozik. A molekulák átalakulását tömegspektometriásan igazoltuk. Az eredményeinket egy áttekintő cikkünkben foglaltuk össze. | Among the negatively charged lipids phosphatidylglycerol (PG) plays an important role. We used transformable cyanobacterial strains.1n We used a Phycobilisome-less mutant of Synechocytis PCC6803 was transformed with inactivated cdsA and the synthesis of PG was blocked. Binding of CP43 to the reaction center complex was investigated. The oxygen evolving activity of mutant was reduced. 2. The PG-depletion affected the surface charge of membranes. 3. PG-depletion induced sensitivity of cells which was compensated by elevated carotenoid content, mainly myxoxanthophyll and echinenone. 4. We generated Syenechococcus PCC PCC7942 cdsA mutant with which we could generalize the importance of PG in photosynthetic organizms. However, we could observe slight differencein different mutant. 5. Westudied PG remodeling by mas spectrometry

    The Medicago truncatula nodule‐specific cysteine‐rich peptides, NCR343 and NCR‐new35 are required for the maintenance of rhizobia in nitrogen‐fixing nodules

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    In the nodules of IRLC legumes, including Medicago truncatula, nitrogen-fixing rhizobia undergo terminal differentiation resulting in elongated and endoreduplicated bacteroids specialized for nitrogen fixation. This irreversible transition of rhizobia is mediated by host produced nodule-specific cysteine-rich (NCR) peptides, of which c. 700 are encoded in the M. truncatula genome but only few of them have been proved to be essential for nitrogen fixation. We carried out the characterization of the nodulation phenotype of three ineffective nitrogen-fixing M. truncatula mutants using confocal and electron microscopy, monitored the expression of defence and senescence-related marker genes, and analysed the bacteroid differentiation with flow cytometry. Genetic mapping combined with microarray- or transcriptome-based cloning was used to identify the impaired genes. Mtsym19 and Mtsym20 mutants are defective in the same peptide NCR-new35 and the lack of NCR343 is responsible for the ineffective symbiosis of NF-FN9363. We found that the expression of NCR-new35 is significantly lower and limited to the transition zone of the nodule compared with other crucial NCRs. The fluorescent protein-tagged version of NCR343 and NCR-new35 localized to the symbiotic compartment. Our discovery added two additional members to the group of NCR genes essential for nitrogen-fixing symbiosis in M. truncatula

    Vertical and horizontal distributions of microbial abundances and enzymatic activities in propylene glycol affected soils

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    The natural microbial activity in the unsaturated soil is vital for protecting groundwater in areas where high loads of biodegradable contaminants are supplied to the surface, which usually is the case for airports using aircraft de-icing fluids (ADF) in the cold season. Horizontal and vertical distributions of microbial abundance were assessed along the western runway of Oslo Airport (Gardermoen, Norway) to monitor the effect of ADF dispersion with special reference to the component with the highest chemical oxygen demand (COD), propylene glycol (PG). Microbial abundance was evaluated by several biondicators: colony forming units (CFU) of some physiological groups (aerobic and anaerobic heterotrophs and microscopic fungi), most probable numbers (MPN) of PG-degraders, selected catabolic enzymatic activities (fluorescein diacetate (FDA) hydrolase, dehydrogenase and ??-glucosidase). High correlations were found between the enzymatic activities and microbial counts in vertical soil profiles. All microbial abundance indicators showed a steep drop in the first meter of soil depth. The vertical distribution of microbial abundance can be correlated by a decreasing exponential function of depth. The horizontal trend of microbial abundance (evaluated as total aerobic CFU, MPN of PG-degraders, FDA hydrolase activity) assessed in the surface soil at an increasing distance from the runway is correlated negatively with the PG and COD loads, suggesting the relevance of other chemicals in the modulation of microbial growth. The possible role of potassium formate, component of runway de-icers, has been tested in the laboratory by using mixed cultures of Pseudomonas spp., obtained by enrichment with a selective PG medium from soil samples taken at the most contaminated area near the runway. The inhibitory effect of formate on the growth of PG-degraders is proven by the reduction of biomass yield on PG in the presence of formate

    NAD1 controls defense-like responses in Medicago truncatula symbiotic nitrogen fixing nodules following rhizobial colonization in a BacA-independent manner

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    Legumes form endosymbiotic interaction with host compatible rhizobia, resulting in the development of nitrogen-fixing root nodules. Within symbiotic nodules, rhizobia are intracellularly accommodated in plant-derived membrane compartments, termed symbiosomes. In mature nodule, the massively colonized cells tolerate the existence of rhizobia without manifestation of visible defense responses, indicating the suppression of plant immunity in the nodule in the favur of the symbiotic partner. Medicago truncatula DNF2 (defective in nitrogen fixation 2) and NAD1 (nodules with activated defense 1) genes are essential for the control of plant defense during the colonization of the nitrogen-fixing nodule and are required for bacteroid persistence. The previously identified nodule-specific NAD1 gene encodes a protein of unknown function. Herein, we present the analysis of novel NAD1 mutant alleles to better understand the function of NAD1 in the repression of immune responses in symbiotic nodules. By exploiting the advantage of plant double and rhizobial mutants defective in establishing nitrogen-fixing symbiotic interaction, we show that NAD1 functions following the release of rhizobia from the infection threads and colonization of nodule cells. The suppression of plant defense is self-dependent of the differentiation status of the rhizobia. The corresponding phenotype of nad1 and dnf2 mutants and the similarity in the induction of defense-associated genes in both mutants suggest that NAD1 and DNF2 operate close together in the same pathway controlling defense responses in symbiotic nodules