7 research outputs found

    Determinación de la intensidad y el gasto calórico de la actividad física durante el recreo escolar en niños y niñas de primaria

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    La obesidad infantil y el sobrepeso son un problema mundial de salud pública. La actividad física (AF) durante el recreo escolar puede ayudar a disminuir este problema. Por ello, el objetivo principal del estudio fue conocer el gasto calórico y la intensidad de las actividades físicas que se realizan durante el tiempo de recreo escolar en los niños y las niñas de primaria. Participaron 212 alumnos de nivel primaria de 4, 5 y 6 año (110 niños y 102 niñas) de diferentes escuelas de Ciudad Juárez (Chihuahua, México). El tiempo, la cantidad y la intensidad de la AF durante el recreo se registró por acelerometría. Se registraron además el peso, la estatura, la presión arterial y se calculó el índice de masa corporal (IMC). La capacidad aerobia se estimó por medio del test de course navette. Los resultados mostraron que el IMC promedio de 19.8 de los niños se encuentra en el rango de sobrepeso, el IMC promedio de las niñas de 19.5 se encuentra en la clasificación de normal. El consumo de oxígeno máximo fue diferente entre los grupos, mayor en los niños, pero ambos se encuentran dentro de los parámetros saludables. Las niñas y los niños tienen afinidad por actividades de distinta intensidad durante el recreo, mayor porcentaje de tiempo de AF ligera en niñas y mayor porcentaje de tiempo de AF moderada en niños. A pesar de ello, el gasto calórico en el recreo no presentó diferencia significativa entre los niños y niñasChildhood obesity and overweight are a global public health problem. Physical activity (PA) during school recess can help decrease this problem. Therefore, the main objective of the study was to know caloric use and the intensity of the physical activities that are carried out during the school recess in primary school children. 212 primary students of 4, 5 and 6 years (110 boys and 102 girls) from different schools of Ciudad Juárez (Chihuahua, Mexico) participated. Time, quantity and intensity of PA during the recess was recorded by accelerometry. Weight, height and blood pressure was also recorded and the body mass index (BMI) was calculated. The aerobic capacity was estimated through the course navette test. The results showed that the average BMI of 19.8 boys were in the range of overweight, the average BMI of 19.5 girls were in the normal classification. The maximum oxygen consumption was different between the groups, higher in the boys, but both are within the health parameters. Boys and girls have affinity for activities of different intensity during the recess, girls have a higher percentage of light PA time and boys have a higher percentage of moderate PA time. In spite of this the caloric expenditure during the recess did not show a significative difference between boys and girls

    Effects of a moderate intake of beer on markers of hydration after exercise in the heat: a crossover study

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    Background: Exercise in the heat causes important water and electrolytes losses through perspiration. Optimal rehydration is crucial to facilitate the recuperation process after exercise. The aim of our study was to examine whether a moderate beer intake as part of the rehydration has any negative effect protocol after a short but dehydrating bout of exercise in the heat.Methods: Sixteen active male (VO2max, 56 ± 4 mL/kg/min), were included in a crossover study and performed a dehydrating exercise (≤1 h running, 60 %VO2max) twice and 3 weeks apart, in a hot laboratory setting (35 ± 1 °C, humidity 60 ± 2 %). During the two hours following the exercise bouts participants consumed either mineral water ad-libitum (W) or up to 660 ml regular beer followed by water ad-libitum (BW). Body composition, hematological and serum parameters, fluid balance and urine excretion were assessed before, after exercise and after rehydration.Results: Body mass (BM) decreased (both ~ 2.4 %) after exercise in both trials. After rehydration, BM and fat free mass significantly increased although BM did not return to baseline levels (BM, 72.6 ± 6.7 to 73.6 ± 6.9; fat free mass, 56.9 ± 4.7 to 57.5 ± 4.5, no differences BW vs W). Beer intake did not adversely affect any measured parameter. Fluid balance and urine excretion values did not differ between the rehydration strategies.Conclusions: After exercise and subsequent water losses, a moderate beer (regular) intake has no deleterious effects on markers of hydration in active individuals.This study was partially supported by the “Centro de Información Cerveza y Salud” (n° C-2534-00)

    Determinación de la intensidad y el gasto calórico de la actividad física durante el recreo escolar en niños y niñas de nivel primaria

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    La obesidad infantil y el sobrepeso son un problema mundial de salud pública. La actividad física (AF) durante el recreo escolar puede ayudar a disminuir este problema. Por ello, el objetivo principal del estudio fue conocer el gasto calórico y la intensidad de las actividades físicas que se realizan durante el tiempo de recreo escolar en los niños y las niñas de primaria. Participaron 212 alumnos de nivel primaria de 4, 5 y 6 año (110 niños y 102 niñas) de diferentes escuelas de Ciudad Juárez (Chihuahua, México). El tiempo, la cantidad y la intensidad de la AF durante el recreo se registró por acelerometría. Se registraron además el peso, la estatura, la presión arterial y se calculó el índice de masa corporal (IMC). La capacidad aerobia se estimó por medio del test de course navette. Los resultados mostraron que el IMC promedio de 19.8 de los niños se encuentra en el rango de sobrepeso, el IMC promedio de las niñas de 19.5 se encuentra en la clasificación de normal. El consumo de oxígeno máximo fue diferente entre los grupos, mayor en los niños, pero ambos se encuentran dentro de los parámetros saludables. Las niñas y los niños tienen afinidad por actividades de distinta intensidad durante el recreo, mayor porcentaje de tiempo de AF ligera en niñas y mayor porcentaje de tiempo de AF moderada en niños. A pesar de ello, el gasto calórico en el recreo no presentó diferencia significativa entre los niños y niñas.</p

    Effect of Mindfulness on the Stress–Recovery Balance in Professional Soccer Players during the Competitive Season

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    Professional athletes are subjected to constant stress that often leads them to exceed their capacities and lose their homeostasis, which without a proper recovery program can lead to injury, chronic fatigue, and overtraining. This work examines the effect of six weeks of a psychological intervention called Mindful Sports Performance Enhancement (MSPE), on the stress&ndash;recovery balance in professional soccer players during a competitive season. Methods: The RESTQ-76 Sport psychometric questionnaire and heart rate variability (HRV) were used as psychometric and physiological evaluation methods. Under a longitudinal case&ndash;control study and having complied with bioethical procedures, 42 professional soccer players (22 control without treatment and 20 experimental), age 17 &plusmn; 1 year, weight 63 &plusmn; 11 kg, and height 172 &plusmn; 7 cm, were analyzed. Results: RESTQ-76 Sport increased the stress&ndash;recovery balance and global recovery (p &lt; 0.5), but decreased global stress. The stress&ndash;recovery balance values measured by the nonlinear indicators of the HRV: SD1, SD2, SS, and S:PS, were not modified. Conclusions: Six weeks of MSPE improves the stress&ndash;recovery balance in third-division professional soccer players during the competitive season, reduces stress, and increases recovery. These positive effects were not observed in the nonlinear indicators of the HRV: SD1, SD2, SS, and S:PS

    Métodos de evaluación del equilibrio estático y dinámico en niños de 8 a 12 años

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    Balance is one of the fundamental motor skills for daily activities and sports learning, so strengthening it from early stages of childhood results in better physical performance, as well as it favors their preference towards engaging in non-sedentary activities. Objective: To analyze the current methodologies employed to evaluate static and dynamic balance in children without disability aged eight to 12 years old. Method: Studies published between 2000 and 2019, written in English and Spanish, with typical or regular children between 8 and 12 years of age as samples, presenting full texts, and using static and / or dynamic balance evaluation methodologies were included. Keywords were used as follows: Balance and / or balance; balance and / or training, balance and / or evaluation. The studies were classified into: evaluation of static balance, dynamic balance, and studies that combine dynamic and static balance. Results: Eighteen studies met the inclusion criteria for the review. Twelve studies made use of instruments that evaluated the static and dynamic balance, four the static balance, and two the dynamic balance. Conclusions: balance evaluation batteries are still widely used due to their easy implementation and require few materials for their application. However, balance assessment platforms are increasingly used due to their great reliability and speed in obtaining results.El equilibrio es una de las capacidades motrices, fundamentales para las actividades diarias y el aprendizaje deportivo, por lo que su fortalecimiento desde las etapas tempranas del niño redunda en un mejor desempeño físico y favorece su gusto por involucrarse en actividades no sedentarias. Objetivo: Analizar las metodologías actuales para evaluar el equilibrio estático y dinámico en niños de ocho a 12 años sin discapacidad. Método: Fueron incluidos los estudios publicados entre 2000 y 2019, escritos en inglés y en español, donde participaban niños típicos o regulares, entre 8 y 12 años de edad, textos completos y que utilizaron una metodología de evaluación del equilibrio estático y/o dinámico con las palabras claves: Equilibrio y/o balance; equilibrio y/o entrenamiento, equilibrio y/o evaluación. Los estudios se clasificaron en: evaluación del equilibrio estático, equilibrio dinámico y estudios que conjuntan equilibrio dinámico y estático. Resultados: Dieciocho estudios cumplieron los criterios de inclusión para la revisión. Doce estudios hicieron uso de instrumentos que evaluaron el equilibrio estático y dinámico, cuatro el equilibrio estático y dos el dinámico. Conclusiones: Las baterías de evaluación del equilibrio siguen siendo muy utilizadas debido a su fácil realización y requerir pocos materiales para su aplicación. Sin embargo, las plataformas de evaluación del equilibrio son cada vez más utilizadas debido a su gran confiabilidad y rapidez en la obtención de los resultados

    Evaluation methods of static and dynamic balance in children aged 8 to 12 years old

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    Balance is one of the fundamental motor skills for daily activities and sports learning, so strengthening it from early stages of childhood results in better physical performance, as well as it favors their preference towards engaging in non-sedentary activities. Objective: To analyze the current methodologies employed to evaluate static and dynamic balance in children without disability aged eight to 12 years old. Method: Studies published between 2000 and 2019, written in English and Spanish, with typical or regular children between 8 and 12 years of age as samples, presenting full texts, and using static and / or dynamic balance evaluation methodologies were included. Keywords were used as follows: Balance and / or balance; balance and / or training, balance and / or evaluation. The studies were classified into: evaluation of static balance, dynamic balance, and studies that combine dynamic and static balance. Results: Eighteen studies met the inclusion criteria for the review. Twelve studies made use of instruments that evaluated the static and dynamic balance, four the static balance, and two the dynamic balance. Conclusions: balance evaluation batteries are still widely used due to their easy implementation and require few materials for their application. However, balance assessment platforms are increasingly used due to their great reliability and speed in obtaining result