3,295 research outputs found

    Ethical implications of onto-epistemological pluralism in relation to entropy,

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    From the epistemological posture that we present in this work we sustain the following thesis:-That as subjects we constitute the world we live in through one of the possible conceptual frameworks.-Our cognitive and social practices construct the world in a certain manner, which makes us responsible for the way this world is constituted

    Design and manufacturing of master alloys for sintering activation in high performance structural parts

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    Nowadays, the development of high performance structural parts, is limited by the fact that the alloying systems are being modifying by requirements associated to envorimental guideline as well as to the increase in the price of raw materials. The use of masteralloys allows to activate the mass transport processes during sintering with a minimum modification of final composition (low cost) acting on densification, and hence, on final properties. The research group of “Powder Technology” from Carlos III University, has a wide experience and qualification on the design of new alloying systems and in manufacturing the powders by atomization and mechanical alloying techniques. The Group is looking for companies interested in technical cooperation or manufacturing agreement

    Pluralidad de conocimientos y sistemas complejos

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    In this paper, I defend an epistemological pluralism that moves away from universal and absolute rationality, as well as from a radical and arbitrary relativism, where any criterion is valid for decision making. Such epistemological pluralism maintains that subjects know the world in which they live according to different conceptual schemes. We posit a notion of truth linked to the justification process and practical effectiveness. Then we present the importance of traditional knowledge in the socio-ecological field and relative to complex systems. Finally, we explain the relevance of epistemic equity between traditional and scientific knowledges in order to anticipate consequences and to make decisions less uncertain

    El perspectivismo de Nietzsche en relación con el pluralismo onto-epistemológico

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    In this paper we discuss whether the thesis of Nietzsche’s perspectivism, from an interpretation, could be read in keys of onto-epistemological pluralism. For this, we begin by exposing Nietzsche’s questioning of the notion of rational truth, as well as the universalist and transcendental positions linked to this concept. In the second section we expose some of the main theses of American pragmatism and show that perspectivism is not close to this current of thought. Finally, we present the proposal of ontological and epistemological pluralism and we refer to why Nietzsche’s perspectivism could be articulated with this position and why not

    Enhancing social media engagement by the hospitality industry: The power of customer experience dimensions

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    The purpose of this study is to explore how publications on social media related to hotel experience influence key customer purchasing behaviour variables, thereby extending research concerning guests' decision-making processes by demonstrating empirically that attachment is a mediating variable between engagement and booking intention. The study also aims to identify the type of online publications focused on hotel experiential dimensions that offers the best results in terms of users' affective responses. Based on a panel survey of 1279 potential hotel guests conducted in January 2021, a multi-group model shows that interactions with social media content improve brand attachment and booking intention. In addition, the experiential dimensions have a moderating effect. Publications that refer to localization produce better outcomes than those produced by guest mentions and ambience. These results suggest guidance for hotel managers regarding communication strategies for social media based on experience cues, interaction and the establishment of emotional bonds with potential customers

    Fairtrade coffee consumption in Spain: Employing dual attitudes and construal level theory to draw insights on the ethical purchasing gap

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    As a contribution to the debate about Fair Trade contributions to the United Nations Sustainability Development Goals, this article investigates Spanish shoppers’ behaviour towards Fairtrade coffee. Although consumers generally state that they purchase fairly traded products, the market shares of most of them remain low, a phenomenon known as the ethical purchasing gap. Our review identifies a gap in extant literature to draw insights on the ethical purchasing gap, utilising two existing theories: attitudes and construal level as appropriate theoretical framework. The first theory highlights the duality of individuals’ attitudes towards an object: explicit attitudes are accessible to the consumers, whereas implicit attitudes are the ones they cannot recall, but nonetheless affect behaviour. The second theory examines the influence of low-level construal (concrete, specific) or high-level construal (general) information on decision-making. A three-stage experiment took place in two sessions in a large university in Madrid in order to apply these two theories. It was based on an online survey on explicit attitudes and purchase intention, and an Implicit Association Test (IAT) to identify implicit attitudes. It was run two weeks apart to capture three points of time effects. The results reveal that, despite exposure to different stimuli, implicit attitudes remain stable along three points of time. The average difference in purchase intentions was positive for low-level construal and negative for high-level construal. Explicit attitudes were not influenced by the exposure to the stimuli. No correlation was found between purchase intentions and implicit or explicit attitudes. These findings have useful managerial implications for both Fair Trade practitioners and academics

    Nuevos horizontes en marketing: Relaciones intensas entre consumidor y marca

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    En este trabajo se exponen primero los principales avances en la disciplina de marketing en relación a los retos de investigación señalados por el Marketing Science Institute. Posteriormente, se aborda el tema de relaciones afectivas entre consumidor y marca. Se exponen los principales conceptos desde un punto de vista crítico con la investigación académica actual, destacándose la necesidad de formar equipos multidisciplinares de investigación que ayuden a las empresas a tomar decisiones y a entender las nuevas necesidades de los consumidores en el nuevo entorno de relaciones generado por las redes sociale

    Experiences of University Students Learning Languages at Academies

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    [EN]The purpose of this study is to analyse the experience of university students who have been learning or currently learn a language in an academy. In order to do so, I will conduct face-to-face interviews with the participants. The method of qualitative research used throughout this project will be Grounded Theory. Through this method, the theory will be induced from the data once the interviews are conducted. By this, I intended to get to know the current reality regarding this topic, as well as discovering how the university students function when they want to learn a foreign language. The conclusions from this study are clear: firstly, students do not consider any other options but attending language classes at an academy when they think about learning a language; secondly, academies are important for the students, but they are not the key factor of their language learning process; and finally, the longer students attend classes, the better they feel their competence in that language is.[EU]Lan honen helburua akademia batean hizkuntzaren bat ikasten ari diren (edota ikasi izan duten) unibertsitate ikasleen esperientziak aztertzea da. Horretarako, parte-hartzaileei aurrez aurreko elkarrizketak egingo dizkiet. Proiektu honetan zehar erabilitako metodo kualitatiboa laginketa teorikoa delakoa izan da. Metodo honen bitartez, teoria jasotako laginagatik induzituko da, behin elkarrizketak egin eta gero. Honen bitartez, auzi honen inguruko errealitatea eta hizkuntza bat ikasterako orduan unibertsitate ikasleen jokamoldeak ezagutu nahi izan dira. Ikerketa honetan atera diren ondorioak honakoak izan dira: lehenik, ikasleek akademia batera jotzea besterik ez dute pentsatzen hizkuntza bat ikasi nahi dutenean; bigarrenik, akademiak garrantzitsuak dira ikasleentzat baina ez dira beraien hizkuntza ikaskuntza-prozesuaren gakoa; azkenik, zenbat eta denbora gehiago pasa klaseetara joaten, ordun eta hizkuntza konpetentzia altuagoa dutela diote

    Inter-motherboard Memory Scheduling

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    Exploring the performance benefits of applying memory scheduling beyond the motherboardSerrano Gómez, M. (2009). Inter-motherboard Memory Scheduling. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/14163Archivo delegad