12 research outputs found

    Low-level gas multicounter for C-14 dating of small samples: Electronic, numerical and shielding optimisation

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    Up to 14 methane samples can be dated simultaneously in our compact gas multicounter. Sample detectors are 10 ml (NTP) in volume each. They are made of copper and linked to form two 7 detector rigid assemblies which are filled in situ. Monitoring of the counting conditions is enabled through multichannel analysis of the cosmic pulse height spectrum, which shows the changes in gas amplification due to impurities or leakage. HV is set (and adjusted) automatically using the cosmic peak. All individual events are stored on disc, including pulse height (PH), risetime (RT) (both 256 Ch), time of arrival (TA), detector identification, anticoincidence status and elapsed and live time. Software programs analyse and validate data. Numerical discrimination and manipulations of counting parameters can be performed without destroying the original data set. Statistical quality control is based on chi-square and Poisson distribution of count rates around their mean in user defined energy regions as weil as time of arrival of pulses mode. TA analysis offers the user an early means for recognizing some types of system malfunction that otherwise might remain undetected for Jong periods of time. RT analysis is used to discriminate sample beta pulses from environmental radiation pulses, resulting in a low background with compact and relat ively inexpensive shielding. The automatic high voltage setting, PH, RT and TA electronics as weil as the liquid scintillation anticoincidence systems are applicable to all existing gas counting systems. Delivery of the gas multicounter to the Australian National University is to take place at the end of the year 1984

    Sopimusneuvottelut puutavaran kuljetusyritysten ja asiakkaiden välillä

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    Comparison of titanium and PEEK Medical plastic implant materials for their bacterial biofilm formation properties

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    Abstract This study investigated two of the most commonly used CAD–CAM materials for patient-specific reconstruction in craniomaxillofacial surgery. The aim of this study was to access the biofilm formation of Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus mutans, Enterococcus faecalis, and Escherichia coli on titanium and PEEK medical implant materials. Two titanium specimens (titanium grade 2 tooled with a Planmeca CAD–CAM milling device and titanium grade 5 tooled with a computer-aided design direct metal laser sintering device (CAD-DMLS)) and one PEEK specimen tooled with a Planmeca CAD–CAM milling device were studied. Bacterial adhesion on implants was evaluated in two groups (saliva-treated group and non-saliva-treated group) to imitate intraoral and extraoral surgical routes for implant placement. The PEEK medical implant material showed higher bacterial adhesion by S. aureus, S. mutans, and E. coli than titanium grade 2 and titanium grade 5, whereas E. faecalis showed higher adhesion to titanium as compared to PEEK. Saliva contamination of implants also effected bacterial attachment. Salivary coating enhanced biofilm formation by S. aureus, S. mutans, and E. faecalis. In conclusion, our findings imply that regardless of the implant material type or tooling techniques used, salivary coating plays a vital role in bacterial adhesion. In addition, the majority of the bacterial strains showed higher adhesion to PEEK than titanium

    Effect of surface tooling techniques of medical titanium implants on bacterial biofilm formation in vitro

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    Abstract The aim of this study was to assess the biofilm formation of Streptococcus mutans, Staphylococcus aureus, Enterococcus faecalis, and Escherichia coli on titanium implants with CAD-CAM tooling techniques. Twenty specimens of titanium were studied: Titanium grade 2 tooled with a Planmeca CAD-CAM milling device (TiGrade 2), Ti₆Al₄V grade 5 as it comes from CAD-DMLS device (computer aided design-direct metal laser sintering device) (TiGrade 5), Ti₆Al₄V grade 23 as it comes from a CAD-CAM milling device (TiGrade 23), and CAD-DMLS TiGrade 5 polished with an abrasive disc (TiGrade 5 polished). Bacterial adhesion on the implants was completed with and without saliva treatment to mimic both extraoral and intraoral surgical methods of implant placement. Five specimens/implant types were used in the bacterial adhesion experiments. Autoclaved implant specimens were placed in petri plates and immersed in saliva solution for 30 min at room temperature and then washed 3× with 1× PBS. Bacterial suspensions of each strain were made and added to the specimens after saliva treatment. Biofilm was allowed to form for 24 h at 37 °C and the adhered bacteria was calculated. Tooling techniques had an insignificant effect on the bacterial adhesion by all the bacterial strains studied. However, there was a significant difference in biofilm formation between the saliva-treated and non-saliva-treated implants. Saliva contamination enhanced S. mutans, S. aureus, and E. faecalis adhesion in all material types studied. S. aureus was found to be the most adherent strain in the saliva-treated group, whereas E. coli was the most adherent strain in the non-saliva-treated group. In conclusion, CAD-CAM tooling techniques have little effect on bacterial adhesion. Saliva coating enhances the biofilm formation; therefore, saliva contamination of the implant must be minimized during implant placement. Further extensive studies are needed to evaluate the effects of surface treatments of the titanium implant on soft tissue response and to prevent the factors causing implant infection and failure