1,168 research outputs found

    No Effect of Steady Rotation on Solid 4^4He in a Torsional Oscillator

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    We have measured the response of a torsional oscillator containing polycrystalline hcp solid 4^{4}He to applied steady rotation in an attempt to verify the observations of several other groups that were initially interpreted as evidence for macroscopic quantum effects. The geometry of the cell was that of a simple annulus, with a fill line of relatively narrow diameter in the centre of the torsion rod. Varying the angular velocity of rotation up to 2\,rad\,s1^{-1} showed that there were no step-like features in the resonant frequency or dissipation of the oscillator and no history dependence, even though we achieved the sensitivity required to detect the various effects seen in earlier experiments on other rotating cryostats. All small changes during rotation were consistent with those occurring with an empty cell. We thus observed no effects on the samples of solid 4^4He attributable to steady rotation.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, accepted in J. Low Temp. Phy

    Blurred Responsibilities of Disaster Governance: The American Red Cross in the US and Haiti

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    The influence of private actors, such as non-profit organizations (NPOs) and firms, has been increasing in disaster governance. Previous literature has interrogated the responsibilities of states towards citizens in disasters, but the roles of private actors have been insufficiently challenged. The article politicizes the entangled relations between NPOs, states, and disaster-affected people. It proposes the Rawlsian division of moral labor as a useful, normative framework for interrogating the justice of disaster governance arrangements in which ‘liberal’ states are involved. Liberal states have two types of responsibilities in disasters: humanitarian and political. The humanitarian responsibilities imply provision of basic resources needed for the capacity to make autonomous choices (domestically and abroad), while the political responsibilities imply provision of the institutions needed for the liberal democratic citizenship (domestically). Through this analytical lens and building on the wealth of existing scholarship, we illustrate the disaster governance role of the American Red Cross in the United States (a 2005 hurricane) and in Haiti (the 2010 earthquake). Where, in Rawlsian terms, United States is interpreted as a ‘liberal’ society, Haiti is framed as a ‘burdened’ society. The article proposes five points to consider in analyzing disaster governance arrangements under neoliberal regimes, structured around the division of humanitarian and political responsibilities. The article illustrates how NPOS are instrumental in blurring the boundaries between humanitarian and political responsibilities. This might result ultimately in actual vulnerabilities remaining unaddressed. While the Rawlsian approach challenges the privatization and lack of coordination in disaster governance, it is limited in analyzing the political construction of ‘burdened’ societies

    Suffix Tree of Alignment: An Efficient Index for Similar Data

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    We consider an index data structure for similar strings. The generalized suffix tree can be a solution for this. The generalized suffix tree of two strings AA and BB is a compacted trie representing all suffixes in AA and BB. It has A+B|A|+|B| leaves and can be constructed in O(A+B)O(|A|+|B|) time. However, if the two strings are similar, the generalized suffix tree is not efficient because it does not exploit the similarity which is usually represented as an alignment of AA and BB. In this paper we propose a space/time-efficient suffix tree of alignment which wisely exploits the similarity in an alignment. Our suffix tree for an alignment of AA and BB has A+ld+l1|A| + l_d + l_1 leaves where ldl_d is the sum of the lengths of all parts of BB different from AA and l1l_1 is the sum of the lengths of some common parts of AA and BB. We did not compromise the pattern search to reduce the space. Our suffix tree can be searched for a pattern PP in O(P+occ)O(|P|+occ) time where occocc is the number of occurrences of PP in AA and BB. We also present an efficient algorithm to construct the suffix tree of alignment. When the suffix tree is constructed from scratch, the algorithm requires O(A+ld+l1+l2)O(|A| + l_d + l_1 + l_2) time where l2l_2 is the sum of the lengths of other common substrings of AA and BB. When the suffix tree of AA is already given, it requires O(ld+l1+l2)O(l_d + l_1 + l_2) time.Comment: 12 page

    Blood Sampling from the Tail Vein, in Comparison with Two Other Techniques, Causes Less Stress to Mice

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    It is important to use the optimal method for repeated blood sampling to ensure minimal stress to mice,  and also to provide better pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic data. The aim of the present study was  to compare the impact of blood sampling methods on corticosterone and adrenocorticotropic hormone  (ACTH) levels in mice. Hsdwin:NMRI mice were divided into four sampling groups: control group (I), vena facialis (II), tail vein  (III) and saphenous vein (IV). The first blood samples, obtained from vena facialis, tail or saphenous vein  of conscious mice, were taken at time point 0. The second blood sample was taken by decapitation from  groups II-IV with isoflurane anaesthesia at time point 20 min. The control group animals were anesthetized  and decapitated at 20 min time point. Corticosterone levels in plasma were analyzed at time point 0 and 20  min, and ACTH at time point 20 min. Saphenous bled mice, in comparison with vena facialis and tail vein sampled mice, indicated statistically  significant greater (P < 0.05) level of corticosterone at sampling point (0 min). Rising levels of corticosterone  in all groups differed statistically (P < 0.05) from the control group level, indicating that all tested bleeding  methods were stressful to the experimental animals. However, the tail vein bleeding method stressed  statistically significantly (P < 0.05) less in comparison with vena facialis and saphenous vein bleeding.  At time point 20 min, only saphenous vein bled mice showed statistically significant greater (P < 0.05)  blood levels of ACTH compared to tail vein bled mice. Conditions in sampling and rising levels of corticosterone and/or ACTH level did not show direct correlation.  In conclusion the results suggest that the tail bleeding method accomplished least stress to mice and next  less vena facialis bleeding. Blood collection technique from the saphenous vein was the most stressful to  the experimental animals.

    On the calibration of a superconducting gravimeter using absolute gravity measurements

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    International audienceA 24 hr continuous parallel registration between an absolute free-fall gravimeter and a relative cryogenic gravimeter is analysed. Different adjustment procedures (L,, L2 norms) are applied to the sets of absolute and relative readings in order to estimate the value of the calibration factor of the superconducting meter, as well as its uncertainty. In addition, a sensitivity test is performed to investigate the influence of some parameters (like the laser frequency and its short-term drift) upon this factor. The precision in the calibration factor is found to be better than 1 per cent, but systematic effects related to the short time interval may add another one and half per cent uncertainty. From preliminary results, it appears that this calibration experiment leads to a close agreement between the values of the gravimetric factor for the reference tidal wave O1 observed with the superconducting meter and the theoretical value (Dehant-Wahr body tide + ocean loading)

    Developing LCA-based benchmarks for sustainable consumption - for and with users

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    This article presents the development process of a consumer-oriented, illustrative benchmarking tool enabling consumers to use the results of environmental life cycle assessment (LCA) to make informed decisions. Active and environmentally conscious consumers and environmental communicators were identified as key target groups for this type of information. A brochure presenting the benchmarking tool was developed as an participatory, iterative process involving consumer focus groups, stakeholder workshops and questionnaire-based feedback. In addition to learning what works and what does not, detailed suggestions on improved wording and figures were obtained, as well as a wealth of ideas for future applications

    Krooninen väsymysoireyhtymä : Etiologia, diagnostiikka, hoito sekä kuntoutusinterventiot

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    Tämän kroonisen väsymysoireyhtymän (KVO) diagnostiikkaa, etiologiaa ja hoitokeinojen vaikuttavuutta koskevan selvityksen menetelminä ovat systemaattinen kirjallisuuskatsaus ja kysely. Aiheen laajuuden vuoksi liikkeelle lähdettiin julkaistuista systemaattisista kirjallisuuskatsauksista, ja näistä saatavaa tietoa täydennettiin uusilla alkuperäistutkimuksilla. Katsausten ja hoitotutkimusten laatu arvioitiin ja näytönaste arvioitiin lopputulosmuuttujittain. Suomen hoitokäytännöistä haettiin lisätietoa KVO-potilaille sekä heitä hoitaville lääkäreille suunnatulla kyselyllä. Työ on tehty elokuun 2015 ja marraskuun 2016 välisenä aikana. Kroonisen väsymysoireyhtymän riskitekijöitä ovat traumaattiset kokemukset, aiempi masennus, yliaktiivinen elämäntapa ja täydellisyyden tavoittelu mutta toisaalta myös passiivisuus tai liikunnan välttely. Immuunijärjestelmä, neuroendokriininen järjestelmä ja autonominen hermosto ovat osallisia oireyhtymän patofysiologiassa. Pitkäkestoisella stressillä näyttää olevan tärkeä välittävä rooli. Kroonisen väsymysoireyhtymän diagnostiikassa oleellista on muiden väsymystä aiheuttavien, mahdollisesti henkeä uhkaavien, sairauksien poissulku. Erotusdiagnostiikkaa tehdään myös muiden väsymyksenä ilmenevien oireyhtymien tunnistamiseksi. Taudinmääritykseen on käytettävissä useita erilaisia kansainvälisiä diagnostisia kriteeristöjä. Kansallisia hoitosuosituksia tarvittaisiin yhdenmukaistamaan KVO-potilaiden nykyisellään kirjavaa diagnostiikkaa ja hoitoa Suomessa. Porrastettu fyysinen harjoittelu ja kognitiivis-behavioraalinen terapia ovat pitkään olleet ainoita hoitoja, joiden vaikuttavuudesta on kohtalaista näyttöä. Käytössä on myös lääkkeitä ja terapioita, joita on tutkittu vain hyvin vähän tai ei ollenkaan. Rintatolimodi ja rituksimabi ovat laskimonsisäisesti annosteltavia lääkeaineita, joilla näyttö KVO-potilaiden fyysisen toimintakyvyn parantajina on heikko. Sama pätee muun muassa suun kautta annosteltuun hydrokortisoniin, yrttilääkkeisiin ja ravintolisiin.peerReviewedVertaisarvioit

    Finnish and Swedish prehospital emergency care providers' knowledge and attitudes towards pressure ulcer prevention

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    Background: Despite the knowledge that transportation by emergency medical services may increase the risk of pressure ulcers (PU), there is still lack of knowledge about the possibility of prehospital emergency care providers to be a part of preventing and reducing the risk of PUs. Methods: A survey was carried out during 2017 in Finland and Sweden. Validated questionnaires were used. Results: A total of 179 (72.7%) Finnish and 188 (28.8%) Swedish prehospital emergency care providers participated in the study. The overall rate of correct answers and the mean total knowledge score was 58.8% (SD 21.8), 20/34, in the Finnish group and 70.5% (SD 15.7), 24/34, in the Swedish group (p < 0.000). The percent of the total and the mean attitude score was in the Finnish group 71.3% (SD 0.48), 37.1/52, and in the Swedish group 69.4% (SD 0.77), 36.1/52 (p < 0.813). Half of the Finnish and most of the Swedish participants felt they needed more education about PUs (Fin 50.2% & Swe: 76.0%). Conclusions: Prehospital emergency care providers don't see themselves as responsible for PU prevention. Therefore, there is a need for increasing the level of knowledge on PU prevention and classification among prehospital emergency care providers. They could play a key role in developing methods to improve PU prevention and identifying patients in risk of developing PUs.Peer reviewe